I met Richard Spencer today, and asked him (on video) if traps were gay.
You now have your answer from the man himself. No need to thank me, Sup Forums
I met Richard Spencer today, and asked him (on video) if traps were gay.
You now have your answer from the man himself. No need to thank me, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
dave is gay
typical Sup Forums user, ugly as shit
did he give you the yayo?
Hes an average looking guy you cunt. Looks better than most redditors
He could probably kick your ass, faggot.
wtf I love open borders now?
Saw some kekistani flags today as well. Additionally, didn't get a pic, but there was one dofus in a kekistani military uniform
This is a wide shot of the whole demonstration. Note the two guys in the foreground with the proudboys shields
Hey, can you Autists identify this rare flag? The one the the left of the kekistani one
Americans look like they are all 1 meter tall
What is this faggot wearing?
>election era
>think kekistan is cringy but still kind of fun
>lol shadilay haha hillary named pepe
jesus fucking christ get your lives together you fucking degenerates.
You must've been at the back of the line when chins were handed out.
this was a little funny, ignore the kike shills
>no jaw
>completely dark hair
So this is the power of amerimutts, what a joke
you look like a little cuck bitch faggot just like him. good job. now fuck off and kill yourself, retard.
Are you a mutt? You really look like one. And that's not a compliment
What gay fucking gathering is this
Why yous be playing dungeons n dragons role play shit
I'm not a racialist, nor am I a particular fan of Spencer, but like, I *had* to ask him, ya'know?
Would you fuck a trap? Like your fellow civic nationalist "based" stickman
How is he speaking then?
This is more your speed.
> LARPing about Sup Forumsitics in public
This 'right-wing revolution' is fucking gay.
a meme question for a meme man, very good
I was just there to observe, and wish/hope for some fighting
>pic related: it's what I was doing at the protest
>Projecting this Hard
You kikes are not even trying anymore.
why the FUCK do you have a tripcode? don't forget to sahgeh, kids
pic related
whyd you shave the beard?
its not you nigger name faggot
who the fuck is Richard spencer and why should anyonecare
At least I've got a (half asian, half jewish) gf, boiyo
>pic related, it's gf
You fit the flag.
Richard's answered this question like 5 times already faggots. Stop asking him you meme-loving fucks
Also, fyi I'm Spanish (from SPAIN spain, not latinoamerica), from the North (the part that was NEVER Moeslem).
If ya ain't got a brown qt gf, then what else is there?
He looks very Scottish to me.
We've got the answer guys now stop falling for the trap meme
...so you do not believe that race exists?
Looks like a bargain basement flip to me.
Most of us are between 1m and 2m.
>Spanish racemixer
>Ancap with jew/oriental gf
Wow, this really reinforces my preconceived notions.
That guy nodded so hard wtf
It wouldn't be called a trap if it weren't gay, you dumb faggots.
>the part that was NEVER Moeslem
Every single part of Spain was muslim at one point, you know that right?
its a serious issue
Puto gilipollas, seguro que luego le mamaste la polla a (((Spencer))), ojala te metan en prisión allí y te violen docenas de negros hijo de puta
Not Asturias or Navarre. Lrn2history, sweetie.
>finally get to talk to the intellectual leader of our movement
>only thing you can think to ask is if traps are gay
That's how we are going to win the culture war?
Were you hoping he'd be cuter?
the better question would have been to ask if he was
Navarre was and parts of Asturias were.
>throwing stone in glass house
He totally has the squat faced Scots scowl.
This thread is proof that the JIDF is using the flag feature to make it appear as if half of the users here aren´t nazis. That is not true, every genuine Sup Forumsack is.
You see, the real reason why I asked him this question (on camera), is because it was the only question whose answer has the potential to divide the alt-right forever
Ugly dumb drumpf scum xD
You aren't clever try hard.
>Subvert Cock worshiper
kill self
Super homo looking internet celebrity, faux leader of some meaningless "movement" that unironically answers a Sup Forums users question of "are traps gay".
What's worse is that people unironically attended this gay shit.
What flag are you hiding, jew? Its always meme flags trying to shit on Spencer.
fucking kike
Why is Richard wearing a Miami Cice 1980's style suit?
ur pretty ugly m8
white nationalism will be funded with yayo
>What's worse is that people unironically attended this gay shit.
that faggots like you sit on their ass and do nothing?
It *was* just 50 or 60 LARPing Sup Forumsacks at first...with kekistan flags and meme signs......then the Identity Evropa and American Vanguard people showed up in their buses (see pic: that's them marching in)
wow, you really impress us with a chinkike
He looks better then the antifa in portland
Miami Vice
Ha!! I guess so
Lol your a spic
Why else do you think I wear sunglasses, ¿güero?
Who is Europa and Vanguard?
Also what flag is that?
you have a very nice voice.
Because richard spencer is the don johnson of the alt-right.
He wears his sunglasses at night.
Forgot I was using that flag.
Never been there.
Nah. I actually participate in my local government and attend town hall meetings. I actually know who the Mayor of my town is and I've actually asked a Senator a question before. I don't go to LARP events and take selfies with narcissistic weirdos.
The counter-protest by the socialists was pretty lame. Like 30 people, tops.
When some antifa came down the steps to try to take the stand/microphobe, the whole crowd began chanting "TAKE A SHOWER", then park policy physically removed them
Lincoln Memorial rally image dump
Ignore the haters. If I was a trap I'd let you rape all my holes. No homo.
Fags and Hags the whole lot of them
I was only at the demonstration for meme purposes. I live nearby in Bethesda (yes, *that* Bethesda), so it was just a matter of taking the metro to Federal Triangle.
To give you an idea of my irl politics, see pic related
>inb4 ugly : yeah, I know, that's why I compensate by lifting