Why does (((Sup Forums))) support the biggest Baby-Boomer candidate in history?
Shillthread rating: -8 out of 10
>libertarian defending a neocon
But we didn't support Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders
Hillary was not? I wrote in Rand Paul.
also sage
Because we thought he was going to be somekind of saviour or something(I didn't by the way, always had my doubts)
Even if Hitler himself was elected in US he would do the same theres no escape. The president doesnt control anything but (((they))) do.
>Gadsden flag=libertardian
Assumption of the year award
Because the alternative was Hillary Clinton. We backed the less shit choice.
Thicc boi Trump.
No wonder he won. Blacks voted for him en masse.
Okay I guess I don't know what it is, I thought it was the libertarian symbol.
MAGA! Thanks for this opportunity to show my support to President Trump, the greatest President of the USA ever. Thanks, OP. MAGA MAGA MAGA!
its a sad day when ukcucks have to shill against the US because they are worried about the thought police arresting them.
Sick backswing.
because he is funny and pisses normalfags off
Crooked Hillary was literally a commie hippie in the 1960s
DJT was learning the development biz and actually working on job sites.
Who is the boomerfag?
They are brits
We just want to watch it burn.
Also saged
They can't defend themselves from fucking words, much less defend themselves from the nigger hoards.
Sup Forums news posted some Kanglet dry-humping a French girl no older than 7. Fuck that! Let the dogs of war run free.
>Bombs Syria
>Sells arms to the Saudis
>Supports Israeli foreign policy goals vis-a-vis Iran
>Migration ban doesn't cover Gulf monarchies
>Jewish son-in-law the real power behind the throne
>Won't deport illegals, won't even end DACA
>Has selected four nominees with Goldman Sachs ties for prominent posts in his administration
>Won't publish his tax records
>Won't cut spending
>Works from Mar-a-Lago at the cost of millions to the taxpayer (which go to his pockets)
Anyone who still supports Trump at this point is a dumb redditor or a kike shill
My milkshakes
Fat ugly old men should not be president.
>Anyone who still supports Trump at this point is a dumb redditor or a kike shill
OldQueefers and "Patriots" will kill Nationalists, because they are dyed-in-the-cloth JWO
lol what a gross old cunt