Why are all school shooters white?
Why are all school shooters white?
because they're all betas
Because the east Asians are too busy becoming doctors and all others aren't capable of learning at that age.
cuz they weren't kingz an sheit man
Because niggers are too dumb to smuggle guns past the metal detectors
There was a dindu couple that was going to blow up an all white elementary school a while ago, but got busted.
nonwhites would just drop out of school
anytime they attempt multiple shootings its just considered gang violence or drug trade, not bullied autist.
>What is virginia tech
And they would miss.
The record is held by an Asian , Virginia tech
Because they are all beta manlets and people in schools dont bully blacks and sheeeeeit because that would be raycis
They're not, in fact majority of school shooters are black. But you wouldn't know that because you live in a bubble. Africa has the most school shootings to date.
Isn't it odd that the majority of school shooters reflects the majority of the demographic of the country?
Because blacks dont go to school
Very odd indeed.
Because nigs can't stomach going anywhere near a school.
Blacks are gonna shooting-spree around in the streets or if anything against the police, Whities are the only ones going for children or students.
Excluding Elliot and Cho btw
>Looking for patterns in "man bites dog" stories
Also, Cho
Because black and brown men have higher testosterone - they are braver so target indivduals who can put up a fight, for example black men targeting police officers or muslim men targeting military personel.
White "men" are betas who cannot fight on an equal level, so conduct school shootings in the USA or do Breivik style attacks in Europe against innocent unarmed kids.
This goes back to the time of colonializm when white men used guns to attack unarmed africans and asians and steal their land and resources
Whites are fucking pathetic and its genetically ingrained in their tiny brains
Because niggers don't go to school.
They're the most repressed in our society, white people current culture is so suffocating, so many rules and standards you have to be confined to, you can't be a human. Suburban high expectation fake culture, like the Chinese [muh noble chinaman lineage], why you see them loosing their shit stabbing babies. So with no outlet they snap harder then usual, while black who have no standards so to speak and can literally act like animals, have not pent up shit.
TL;DR: because culture not race.
I'm gonna try to give an actual answer.
Now, this is a generalization, and not always the case but I think there might be some truth to it.
I think people of different races handle bullying differently. Black and mexican kids (often) grow up in shit-tier schools where they have to deal with a lot of bad kids. They learn to toughen up. Most white kids don't experience this - some of them are bullied from a young age, but not always. But some white kids get blindsided and they don't know how to handle it.
Also, non white students are more likely to just fight a bully if they get fed up with them. But when you have kids that just do nothing, and let that hatred build up inside them, and fester..
They lash out.
What percentage are on "meds" ?
>white school shooters aren't even good at shooting up their classmates
Gang related shooting happen at school and youth center all the time
It just doesn't make national news and you know why
>all school shooters white
Randy Stair couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun.
> Tfw the order of racial supremacy matches perfectly with who has the most kills in school shootings.
Once in a blue moon a white person will shoot a bunch of people. It is rare so it makes the news.
Black schools have more security
because black people dont go to school
yeah he also said he will do a best of three coin flip (to decide whre to kill himself) but ended up doing a best of 5 without mentioning any changes
that guy was the most sloppy faggot ever
shootings in black neighborhoods are just like a buzz surrounding them
They aren't.
These are very sensible answers here.
That's cuz Randy "Tranny Phantom" Stair was fucking retarded. 59 shots and only 3 people killed. Didn't he dual wield his shotguns as he was doing it?