What would happen if powergrids were attacked in major US cities
How long before the chimpout
How would the power grids fail
Who would chimp out first

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It would be chimpageddon from sea to oily sea in about three days max followed by balkanization, chaos and cannibal warlords from hell. The lights wouldn't come back on for decades.

God I want this to happen

t. nig

ITT: no one who remembers the 2003 blackout

No one chimped out and everyone was quite civil.

36 hours

I know.
>the jamalocaust

So the power goes out in major cities like detroit they riot because theys oppressed and neighboring cities have power, government cant fix power because chimpout, food cant get to stores because chimpout/cant stay on shelf. Why hasnt this haooened yet boys

Rural white people would obviously chimp out first. City people aren't as violent.


Random blackouts from weather or human error isn't quite the same as an intentional attack by a terrorist group or another country. The latter holds more weight to it and would easily cause more issues compounded with the lack of electricity.

Would isis need to sneak into some secret plant and carry a million lbs of thermite er what tho

Because we like our beer cold and for that we need refrigeration. Race war postponed until we figure this out guise.

yes, the rural areas are known for their chimpouts

it would be worse than the most gruesome depictions of a zombie apocolypse
a complete and utter chimpout-singularity that would burn accross all major cities like a great locust swarm

>How long before the chimpout

Looting within 90 minutes, food riots within 24 hrs.

Food and water completely gone from store shelves before the 48 hour mark.

Mass migration out of cities within 72 hours. Tens of millions. Decentralized bazaar of armed conflicts nationwide.

It just doesnt seem doable i feel like our shit is backed up 10 fold just incase, theres no switch for some madman to rush

if the power goes out just use rechargeable batteries moron

Rural preppers will be sitting ducks, unfortunately. Unless they are underground, their properties will stick out like a sore thumb. When millions flee the cities and look for food hoarders in the "countryside," preppers will be trampled over.

The best bet is to blend in. Never tell anyone you're preparing for SHTF, never disclose that you have emergency supplies. People will remember you when it happens, and they will take everything you have to feed their kids.

Lay low, keep your mouth shut, take on a starved appearance, blend in and pretend you also need food.

You stupid naive little shitstain

Hey man im just saying, how would you realistically do it.. my guess us find the power lines and thermite the base but even them theres more then one powerline

^ this

Buy guns, lots of guns.

Got ya user...
Memorize the construction details of an ammonia absorption refrigerator.

Examples: "icy ball", also check articles in hippie sustainable living magazines for larger units built of cast iron plumbing pipe.

The more guns you buy, the more you have to put in the hands of any random looter who should not have a gun in the first place.

Icecream will cease to exist within 1/5 to 24 hours depending on the refrigeration system being used.

Lets assume for a moment that everyone acts on their best behaviour and no one chimps out.

Cities are and will forever be a logistical nightmare.
Hospitals REQUIRE electrical power to operate. No real doctor is going to try and sterilize their surgical equipment with a butane lighter.

Firefighters and doctors REQUIRE food, water, and rest. Which even if everyone behaves, only ensures 1 of those 3 things are met in a serious electrical outage.

>How long before the chimpout
2-3 days tops. There would need to be a very fast national guard mobilization to keep shit square.
>Who would chimp out first
City folk. They have NOTHING to do when the power goes out. Rural and suburban retards will just go out side and open windows and complain about how warm it is.....meanwhile Baltimore is burning.....

I'd say it takes about a week for chimp outs to start, at that point things go from "just part and parcel of the average power outage" to "Okay famalam this taking a bit long here, maybe it's time to seriously start considering food and water reserves". The places to chimp out first will be the ones in the hottest and blackest areas.

Let's also consider that a very large part of the population is on psychiatric medications and other mind-altering and addictive drugs both legal and illegal and when the power goes out the spice will cease to flow and then...I can't even imagine it.

Pic just random

>What would happen if powergrids were attacked in major US cities
the power would go out

It would be extremely dark

>Rich people vote for people who will give rich people tax breaks.
What a surprise.

Just look at previous blackouts. Not ones that last an hour or two, but days. Just internet outages for a day on the coasts slowed business all day.

funny because if a city was populated by civilized whites and they lost power there would be no chimpout because whites would band together and ration food and organize until they got back. sure there would be a very small percentage of crime attempts but there would be no rioting or looting or violence or anarchy

>Icecream will cease to exist within 1/5 to 24 hours depending on the refrigeration system being used.
mfw the end of the world starts with an ice cream party

our powergid is outdated as fuck, texas will annex the US.

I remember a few years ago there were reports of marksmen shooting a step-up/step-down stations.Not sure whatever came of it. But yes, our grid is very vulnerable. Probably the greatest enemy though is it's age.

Could you just shoot enough of these?