Isn't it amazing to know that my ancetors beat the shit out of Christian subhumans and turned their rich countries into...

Isn't it amazing to know that my ancetors beat the shit out of Christian subhumans and turned their rich countries into 60th world shitholes? I mean, Greece used to be a centre of culture before we crushed their skulls, now they're desperate for EU money and they're stealing our superior Turko-Persian culture because we destroyed theirs

Then you have white subhumans, we literally killed white men and raped their daughters and wives. Hence, Balkans is pretty swarthy now (not counting the Gr**ks because they have always looked like Arabs)

Then i look at Middle East, those subhuman Arabs used to be poets and scientists, we turned their shiny countries into nothing but a warzone, they're still fighting against each other and has terror problems.

Imagine what we could have achieved if we didn't put rapebaby generals in charge of our army. We could descend your subhuman countries into dark ages and you'd hate us with your guts for that.

Other urls found in this thread:

Then you have Seljuks... Seljuks crushed both Shias and Orthodogs. Abbasid Caliphate itself descended into irrelevancy, massive Seljuk invasions triggered crusades and we just watched Crusaders and Ar*bs killing each other while we slowly destroyed Islamic golden age by putting an inbred Persian called Ghazali in charge of Islamic theology (he declared Maths haram XDDD)

Can Islam ever go back the way it was before the teachings of Al-Ghazali?


If that shit happens Great Padishah Erdogan will just invade every islamic country. We cannot let people around us become rich, developed and happy.

lol Turkey is irrelevant

Avg IQ = 90

Maybe in the past, but you all are shit tier roaches now.

nice job lil roach

>Ancap flag
That means you're an underage amerifat subhuman. Would love to kill you!
Now let's take a look at actual IQ research

Now, you're going to print my picture and wrap it, then stick it up your ass, if you don't do that i'll fly to your country and beat your father

>This bait
While you are shitposting in Izmir their are literally subhuman islamized çomar that believe such bullshit
Go out and do something instead of baiting, take your country back idiot

Literally none of those countries were worth shit even back then. Greece stopped being relevant after the last roman golden age, and the rest of the area was populated by some nobody """kingdoms""".

Nah i'm in Giresun
yallah ekşiye

>Literally none of those countries were worth shit even back then
Le snake flag indicates that you're an underage amerisubhuman

>Islamic golden age countries didn't matter, my frozen shithole mattered more!
>Eastern Roman Empire was irrelevant anyways, hey, Poland was more relevant!

Shut up, geek. The Arabs made your people their culturally bitch via Islam.

This is so true. It's the most confusing thing for me in History. How on earth did you manage to keep Turkey after WWI?
Fucking Greek cucks should have made sure you went back to the Shitistan you came from after you lost the war but here you are ..

>Le snake flag
underage amerisubhuman no 2
Turks converted to Islam via Persian
Islam also suits our ideals, had we converted to Christcuckery we would have been like "peace bro fuck my wife :)"

>This is so true. It's the most confusing thing for me in History. How on earth did you manage to keep Turkey after WWI?
Satan is with us



Nigger, all memes aside
You are posting on Sup Forums, you are either Kemalist or some kind of other nationalist
Why don't you fucker do something, this brainless niggers will hang every non-muslim in at least one decade

I wouldn't go that far..Turkey has an important role to play in the near future and you aint gonna like it but fear not.

>60th world shitholes
Try harder, moron.



Nuking you wouldn't be enough.

>you're posting on Sup Forums
aka a board filled with underage subhumans
do you think you're actually some kind of elite? Laughing my fucking ass off. do you think learning english is hard? Or perhaps you think some Turks here are self hater wannabe white subhumans and you want me to become one? Won't happen LOL
Now fuck off, faggot. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.

> le raepbabby meme

imagine having your empire fall apart because some farmers got angry

Wait i thought it was the Mongolians who fucked up the Middle East?

Most of the erdogan posters were are kemalist roleplayers, they brag how they baited/trolled Sup Forums on their turkish Sup Forums

Most erdogan online presence is paid ala putin style and stay on twitter

source: me, Secular roach
(bu ismi alarak ev zenciligi yapiyorum, tahtada gotunuzun yanmasını gormek hos :DDD)

Yeah, you are the ebin memer my friend
At least I hope you will not bring children in your world, them to see how their father was a cucked up epic baiter would be odd

Ya'll didn't even reach Italy


lol more like the Greeks are just a lost cause.

>will just invade every islamic country.
0/10 bait.

>m-muh haplogroups
Before Mongolians, we raped Middle East
Mongolians went full barbarian and burned everything

Also it was the Mongolians who forced the Ottoman family to move to Anatolia, before they came to Anatolia they used to live in Turkmenistan-Iran border.
I thank Mongols everyday for helping to create Ottoman Empire, without them, we would be an irrelevant sultanate in Anatolia.


The romans beat you in nearly every battle for 1 and a half fucking millenium

Shut the fuck up.
You got your shit kicked in so many times, but you breed like rats, and rome was falling from within

>inb4 1453

No support from any of Christendom, Byzantium fall was inevitable. still held you roaches off for nearly a fucking millennium of constant warfare.

only took 1000 years

b-ben beyazım diyip gavatlık yapan orospu çocuğu da sendin değil mi
amına koduğumun kılıç artığı bir de utanmadan bana hapa demiştin kek :DD

> m-muh no argument

>little Turkish manlet roach thinks he can beat anyone up
Get squashed, insect

Cuckroach BTFO

How can you be proud when your heritage is such a shitstain in humanity's history?
Is it actually a racial thing like Sup Forums usualy sugests?

Oh please, Genghis Khan was more civilized than you roaches.

yeah yeah
now fuck off
Wish all Turks were like me. Some here on this board are fucking cucks and wannabe wh*te subhumans.
Even in our anthem, we say "Recognize your innate strength, my friend! And think: how can this fiery faith ever be killed,
By that battered, single-fanged monster you call “civilization”?"

I love being a bully

Who the fuck is this bored Turkish kid ? Go shit post on your Turkish forums fag

Your whole culture exists because of the near infinite patience of the west. If we wanted to exterminate you its literally a few phone calls from the top of NATO and you're a pathetic chapter in a history book.

Being cancer is great till you get chemotherapied.

Enjoy your president for life dictator, I'm going to laugh my fucking head off when the next bomb goes off and kills a fuckload of you, or the next coup happens and kills of thousands of your army.

Sweet dreams turkroach.

>wh*te subhuman actually trying to speak up to his superior
Also, why would i actually try to be intellectual and civilized on this board? You're subhumans and i treat you as such. If you want me to not shitpost then improve yourself, or else fuck off.

>modern western society in one picture

lol strong? You got yourself some trash mountainous land trapped between the asshole of europe and the sinkhole of the world.
Ah, and the most retarded and impoverishing religion too. Enjoy your little corner of the earth fellow user.

Well well well
Do sharia patrols allow you to post on anti islamic websites? If yes why? If no then i guess i have to inform them about your sins.

Lol. You're actually a Turk. You have my condolences.

hahaha subhuman rural eastern anantolia turkish diaspora in Germany and Benelux made Erdogan as a dictator
western turks are mad haha
enjoy your stay in your fucked up country

won ww1 ww 2 and both balkan wars. u mad turkroach? :)

My country has never been affected by Turks but I hate them more than other arabs because of how scummy they are. I wouldn't care if we murdered everyone in turkey, even the little shithead children and the ugly women

Unfortunately true

Do you realise the Islamic world only exists because of some Jewish petroleum conspiracy right?
You were all suposed to be left to starve, and if it wasn't for the XX century and the oil economy you would have.

Nice flag you've got there!
We took entire Anatolia, Thrace from you, demolished your hellen culture, forced you to pay jizya for centuries, turned your churches into mosques, destroyed your ancestors' sites and you expect me to give a fuck about how many wars your pathetic army has indirectly won?
well well well

damn BROH balkan untermensch are indeed rape babies

yea we should send in Kurdish and Armenian death squads
they would show no mercy

You guys lost Cosntantinople to them you fucking excuse of a people!
>this squashes the turkroach


Another one of these threads i see, why do you feel the need to spam MUH SUPERIOR MELANIN threads all day on Sup Forums?

wtf are sharia patrols

Yeah, and Turks won't understand why Armenian death squads because they're so fucked up they think the genocide didn't happen

you do realize we still control Istanbul right?
>D-Drumpf will take i-
Say that shit in Istanbul, I wonder what you will look like with a broken face and your leg in your ass.

we literally raped your entire nation at mohacs, we had no war with your in 1515, we were raping arabs in that year.

good roach post

Get fucked roach

>get fucked
that's your duty

>all of you are falling for shit shity attentionwhoring thread

Romania was never occupied LUL

after half a century under your control, we occupy your capital city without you cucks firing so much as a shot in its direct defence. get fucked subhuman

This board is filled with underage subhumans
They'll fall for every thread, bait or not, i'll make, that's because they're inferior and have low IQ
I love bullying retards on that board, it's almost like Arnold Schwarzenegger beating up thousands of 5 year old downie kids

>When a white guy collapses your whole empire with sand niggers

>After the battle the Grand Vizier forged bulletins in the Sultan's name, proclaiming victory.
>These announced that the Sultan regretted that his current state of health prevented him from continuing with the successful campaign.
>His body was returned to Constantinople while the inner circle of officials pretended to keep up communication with him.
>Turkish sources state that the illusion was maintained for three weeks and that even the Sultan's personal physician was strangled as a precaution.

Buthurt much Turkroach

don't forget that he was probably gay as well


>thinking that conquering the balkins and dune coon land is worth bragging about
Map is still autistic tho.

catholicucks burned Constantinople in the 4th Crusade and left it ready for roach razing. also, don't you have a huge forest fire to put out, moortugal?

Yes, yes. Well done roach, well done.


>collapses your empire

Empire was already dead when we let rapebaby subhumans control our armies

Well, at least we still managed to turn the countries that we ruled into shit, i love seeing them suffer and sucking dicks for money, next time we will genocide them

>It's an another amerisubhuman
damn, your inbred kind is really retarded
We buried thousands of crusaders in both anatolia and balkans, we fought against various enemies from HRE to Commonwealth (poland and lithuania), yet we won

also who the hell are you to talk about war, amerisubhuman? Didn't you fucking get rekt by fucking rice farmers and taliban? Your army is even below K*rd army.

However what, inbred faggot?

Chechens beat the shit out of inbred slavs, there are more muslims in Moscow than R*ssians

>Empire was already dead
proof that your people were and are inferior

exactly, we were vassals but they didn't occupy us.

You guys are literally inbreed, you marry your first cousins.

>turned their rich countries into 60th world shitholes

Turkey is the actual shithole now. Those countries are very nice by comparison.

what are some other roaches btfo kino?

I love how the most retarded posters itt are Americans

Why are Americans so fucking retarded? Tell me amerisubhumans, why are your heads so fucking small? I wonder how many of you will get shot tomorrow.
yeah rapebaby yeah.
now fuck off and live in your own delusion, you're both a rapebaby and a fucking roma.

>Empire is collapsing
>We let rapebaby subhumans control our armies
Looks like your empire was already a pile of dogshit roach

How does it feel to be from a country absolutely EVERYBODY hates?

You are a filthy roach subhuman and you will never amount to anything. Your people have spent the last century living off the accomplishments and cities that Christians built and adding nothing of value to the march of human progress.

You are not even good enough to fertilize the land you are standing in.

So was Mohammad what is your pointÉ

>Let me change the numbers a bit
>3082340873 soldiers on Ottoman side, 6100 soldiers on our side :)

Also what the fuck is Malta? Aren't you literally Arabs? If you're Arab then you're even lower than the dirt on my shoe.

try harder, aint getting mad over a cockroach yelling at me :)

You mean how T*rks will be outbred by Kurds by the end of the century? And that is according to your very own Georgian master Erdogan.

>implying turks aren't inbred

also 2 of your tanks were fucking captured by ISIS when you invaded northern syria a year ago

>How does it feel to be from a country absolutely EVERYBODY hates?
How does it feel to know that you're a 4channer subhuman? :)
Now you resort to Kurdish fertility rates?

Do you think we're as pussy as you white subhumans?
Kurds will be deported to their aryan homelands, aka europe
Enjoy them =)

Just keep sending your turkish whores over to america for university muhammed.

yeah thanks alot for the broken walls , the looted town and the raped women you fucking backstabbing traitors. OH DONT WORRY WE ARE JUST GOING TO MUH HOLY LANDS ITS JUST A LITTLE STOP

Yep, you are the undisputed masters of turning gold into shit. We'd give you a medal but, you know.

lmao how did this turkroach saying literally the same shit over and over get so many replies