How can we STOP our women becoming coal burners

How can we STOP our women becoming coal burners

that's a paki

Make them completely undesirable by throwing acid in their faces before the Muslims do.

Lols, you can't.
You could only control them when they were dependent upon their husbands.
But now whites have cucked themselves for blacks.

>tikka toaster

Black dick is larger. Nuff said.

Be the white men the women want. Then they won't burn coal. Alpha up, or recognize racemixing is a justified response to your betaness.

ya can't ya tinydick hhahaha witebois btfo

Actually race mixing is a result of multiculturalism and integration. If you put different groups of people together for long enough they will all eventually blend into once race.
The ONLY way to stop race mixing is segregation, Americans were right before the Jewish civil rights movement cucked them.

Retaking our white man's place in western world.
be proud of who we are and stop the treason


stop watching anime, get a job

Lol this
Nah it doesn't work like that white women need punishment for their transgressions, not more rewards

> our woman

Kek, do you even know what the inside of a woman feels like?

Don't let retarded boomers import them decades ago?

Excommunicate them from your community. Women are herd animals, they hate not being allowed be part of the group. One or two will be the example the rest of them choose not to follow.

"i'm waiting for my replies guys"

You can't, get a proper education/job.
Just remember to ignore them when they hit their late 20s-early 30s and are suddenly crawling back to you since they were/are traitors.

It's your transgression for being less of a man than your forefathers. Be a man, and you'll have a woman. Fail to be a man, and Tyrone will have your woman and deserve her.

They will never be yours

Stop watching jew hollywood propaganda and Disney movies

Most aren't. The weak filth are self-destructing and nature is weeding them out of our gene pool. Whole family lines are being wiped out, unworthy to continue in the white race.

Looks more like a poo burner.

>Actually race mixing is a result of multiculturalism

Is that the reason why British woman take vacations on African beaches literally hunting Negro cock

So she's burning poo?

we can't

coalburner are gonna coalburn
you can redpill your daughter(s) though as a father
but even then there is no guarantee

>Just remember to ignore them when they hit their late 20s-early 30s

So you want op die a virgin or what?

So what you're saying is that you shouldn't have to man up in order to be a desriable partner, instead the competition should be removed?


First of all, women are subhumans, don't treat them as humans, that's what allah told us
Second of all, whites are also subhuman so white women are double subhumans

Enjoy your fall faggot

U Mad? UK girls only want black or brown by the looks of it.

>instead the competition should be removed?

Not only that, he isn't even man enough to remove the competition himself he want others to remove it for him

Shun them
Nothing scares a woman like the real threat of being completely cut off from all friends and family
A woman's social circle and status within that circle are all that really matter to her

maybe try talking to them instead of expecting them to jump on your dick you incel retard

p.s try talking to a woman on your level of looks steven

Sup Forums and pol are filled with the most beta motherfuckers who probably can't even get laid themselves, let alone tell women who they can or can't sleep with.
What makes you think they can stop the browning of Europe and America?


You don't own women. No woman owes you anything. You are not entitled to white women. Youhave to deserve it.

>So you want op die a virgin or what?
Would rather say to look for women in the 20s if you are in your 30s. And I mean, if op is cucked enough that he still is a virgin at that point, then noone can help him.

Besides, all the coalburners I know about were way beyond redemption long before they burned the coal. Nothing was lost.

I don't think Sup Forums qualifies as being socially uh, prolific enough to freeze many women out of social circles.

Centuries of inbreading on a tiny shity island that left a whole generation full of protruding teeth, eyes separated, weak looking idiots with a soft almost homosexual manners.

Who can blame them to want an athlete looking guy that could become a rap star or sport pick whites btfo

This. It's a free market: offer her the best deal, or find a different buyer.

my wuite dck wouldn´t fall into those whales anyhow

Stop being less desirable than the competition.

Step 1) Spend less time on Sup Forums complaining you can't get a date and go lift something.

honour killings
we have to learn from our enemies

>If you put different groups of people together for long enough they will all eventually blend into once race.
Except gypsies in Eastern Europe prove you wrong. Stop blaming multiculti for your failures and stop being a beta.

literally a human toilet

get some women. then i tell you

Kick out the semites who promote shitskin degeneracy as a virtue to goyim on the lower end of the IQ spectrum.

Showcase blacks in their true light back in africa without nosebergs artificially elevating their status in the MSM.

Game is rigged
You can't shame men anymore to die for bullshit
Either surrender all your women privilege or die for all I care

>we have to become the enemy to defeat the enemy
Trudeau was right.

its trendy and hip and fashionable to fuck brown men. All the tabloids and hollyjew push this, most women like to be in style. if fucking niggers was not longer considered stylish or "progressive" then it would end fast. As long as jews push kardashians and shit that these white bitches worship, they will fuck niggers. this isn't science its psychology.
fitting in and looking cool is more important than heritage and your culture.

We rule the world. Think how many cocks English women have before they go on holiday or turn 18?

Said by an hippie...WTF

>No dating/mating/breeding/sex/relationship/mixing threads
These threads belong on and and are merely used to spam Sup Forums


Don't forget /r9k/, which is the real source.

>change lifestyle to increase T
>become attractive
>women (including white ones) approach you more

it's quite simple actually. change your diet, work out, and drop porn.

> Britbong flag

Nothing. Your whole country is fucked. Better get used to be a cuckold to mustafah

Best answer itt to be honest.

If you can't defeat them join them

because decent looking white guys don't fuck muffin top slags.. 10/10 would not touch any of those whores.

>if you let the poo in you, go to the loo

I see this shit pushed online, but it's so rare to see white female+black male couples.

When I was dating one thing I would figure out is if they've ever been with a back guy. Every girl was like "ew no wtf"

>they were lying, all women are whores

Maybe some, but a lot of girls I've dated have subtly implied blacks disgust them.

u mad whiteboy? xD

Why is it always a canadian person?

Depends on the girl
Dated this beaner and told her I hated niggers
Break up and now she burns coal and gets abused
She's a bean so idc

Another meme stealed, congrats!

Our women on average race mix less than any other race. Even with all the forced programming from the kike media and society, they are still royal.

Fat ass mud sharks are the least of our troubles.


>girl with dark brown hair
Not white.


>Alpha up, or recognize racemixing is a justified response to your betaness.

Stormfags don't think it be like this, but it do.

Darwin is the ultimate equalizer.

love is love

fuck them into submission you moron

Leave them to it.
No white man wants to touch a girl after she's been blacked. They'll just end up lonely and off themselves.

As long he has a brown or black dick. Is interracial fucking not subsidised in Sweden?

The only way to stop them is to dominate them so that they OBEY white men. If women were burned at the stake for fucking niggers they would stop fucking niggers.

imagine how much big black dick dey got dat night
witebois cant compete

time travel and kill whatever neanderthal or whatever started africa

If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.


>if fucking niggers was not longer considered stylish

And how do you do that?
Only hokey is dominated by whites as sport and that's cuss is the most retarded sport that no one wants to play or watch.

Every song has a Negro cameo at some point
Every movie has a Negro and in Briatanistan now it when features muslims

How do you stop blacks and browns from achieving their potential, Stephen curry can throw a three pointer with out even trying, your either born with it or not, stop blaming others for being less desirable, being white doesn't automatically qualify you as top most desirable as it used to you got to bring something to the table now and is only going to get worst for you whitey.

I suggest you start learning a new trade and sucking dick seems to be in vogue in your community

Both women and niggers don't understand love, so what do you mean?

This nigger thought he could fuck with whites too

stop being beta, anime watching, vidya playing man-children

You know what I'm actually gonna start posting as a hippie for the lulz
All race traitors get the rope

White men need a stronger group identity. Back in the day I was good friends with this hammer skin dude. He was a fairly good looking dude, but he got (non-Nazi) chicks at a caliber and frequency beyond his appearance simply because he was confident in something.

It does little good to pride ourselves on past victories when we are facing our extermination playing out right before our eyes.


Make them not a taboo or interesting to date.
Some women are drawn to what will piss off daddy the most or what is considered foreign and interesting.

If they know Jamal will not phase their dad and scratches his nuts just like every other man, and isn't actually intersting, they will at least stop dating them for attention.

lol that bitch drew in her eyebrows

ur going extint mayne
wite girls cum with 3 thrusts of my bbc, dey just dun wanna ur tiny wite noodle u virgin fatass

Women racemix out of desperation. If society hadn' t developed it' s males into these beta cucks, none of this would' ve happend.

Women want masculine men. Simple as that.

yall still have slaves in uk?

You really didn't have sustainable argument against him.

It sounds like you have deep emotional trouble against white people.

You date and fuck 25-30 year old single white moms to build game confidence and skills

Just write on your tinder/OKcupid/whatever that you will date single moms. They will flock to you.

After reaching level find date impregnate and marry a 20-25 year old white woman.

This shit is not complicated.

>calls people subhumans

ITT: skinnyfat forever alone betas who have trouble with eye contact and no chance with any girl talk about what they can do to "save" girls who would laugh at them irl

You could stop being a basement dwelling faggot on a tibetan basket weaving forum, for starters.


let your weak race die out as you shout nigger online and jerk off to porn lol.

>simply because he was confident in something

If you don't ask you don't eat
Most people who frequent this board are underage so they can play the ew that's gross game for a time, once you hit your old years you realize time is of the essence here and you stick anything with a Fucking pulse.

If your life of sorted out (a minority) by your 30th congratulations don't fuck it up and cruise the line

If you're like the rest of us, working shity endless jobs for scraps you got nothing to lose, I'll fuck just about anything with a pulse and the pulse is for legal reasons and I am not kidding if I can get away with it I might over look the pulse thing all together