where were you when Lauren saved the world and outed the Jewish infiltrators?
Where were you when Lauren saved the world and outed the Jewish infiltrators?
Other urls found in this thread:
Right here reporting and sage ing your thread
Why are Canadian women such hateful Nazis?
Trudeau is rolling in his cuck shed.
kekking at your post nigger
>Alt Right
>Alt Light
>I'm not a Nazi I'm an Ethno Nationalist!!
>I'm not a Fascist I'm just against Communists!!
Am I the only one getting tired of this song and dance?
Lets stop fucking around and start promoting Fascism
Women would do anything for attention.
bumping a non-kike thread
Lauren is an incognito white nationalist.
She left the Rebel because her Jewish boss Ezra tried to force her into attacking Richard Spencer.
But was she your pure non-attention seeking waifu when she didn't criticize the alt-right?
>pretty single young girl saying things to sound "based" but always pushing back against anyone who wants to act instead of talk
>not a kike
Top fucking kek
a jew outed the jews?
oy vey, it is indeed a shoah...
underappreciated post, but this is old Sup Forums attitude
soon the trump tower-lauren connection is going to get leaked and thats the end for her
>Her grandparents ran away from the Nazis.
>ran away from the Nazis.
>ran away.
Dare I say it, but is she /our girl/?
She never was our anything
Fucking this, jesus christ.
Lauren Southern needs to hurry up and just say she's sympathetic to Spencer. She was caught with the Identitarian movement for fuck's sake.
>the Identitarian movemen
and? They have never said they wanted to deport all non-whites out of France.
She's an actress playing a role
Do americans really go to protests with memes in their posters?
I sometimes find it strange when the internet invades the real world.
when does she mention
i dont want to watch 10 minutes of this attention whore talk about stupid self aggrandizing shit
THIS. thank you, im sick of beating around the bush
You are the dumbest person i've ever seen.
She's a total attention-whore, what's the point of hating muslims but without morals? That's worthless..
She also has Jewish heritage so gas her.
spot on man, ex-fucking-actly.
>You are the dumbest person i've ever seen.
>She also has Jewish heritage so gas her.
Look in the mirror.