Does anybody here still take Alex Jones seriously?
Reminder that he's a self-admitted "performance artist"
Does anybody here still take Alex Jones seriously?
Reminder that he's a self-admitted "performance artist"
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What is your opinion on cops with mustaches?
Jones has always been a laughing stock here and not really well liked. It's only in more recent years that some anons have started to like him for basically being a living meme and the fact that he's hated in the media. Personally I think he's funny and has had good interviews in his shows with everyone from respected thinkers to fringe crackpots. Weather he is a shill or controlled opposition its a harder question but I really doubt it, his heart seems in the right place.
his entire career depends on him catering to lunatics and autistic right wing retard nerd virgins
he also lurks
Only libturds do. We know he's pure bants and spoopy talk. And sometimes he's right and it's even funnier then. Libs have no sense of humor anymore though so they foam at the mouth at someone like Alex Jones who is obviously hilarious and lovable.
Shill thread. Character assassination in an attempt to divide and conquer. Always remember to sage shill threads. Sage goes in all fields.
Alex Jones has been redpilling masses for 20 years and hasnt been proven wrong even once, never aired fake news either
Infowars is honestly the best news source there is
Alex Jones is the greatest living journalist. Suck my dick, Shareblue.
Guess he's in the the thread already. And he brought friends too:
his paid staff anyways
Yeah oh course faggot. Fuck the Jews and their media. Far right zionism without the kike refugee resettlement is an obvious ally against communism.
I like his show's Deus Ex aesthetic and the humor aspect.
>a self-admitted "performance artist"
Oh, during the attack trial over his kids, when his Greenpeace/PETA activist plant ex-wife tried to use footage of him during a skit to 'prove' he was 'unhinged'?
That was leaked by the ex-wife's lawyer's team to smear him?
And then his ex-wife's lawyer tried to silence him from clarifying that using the court's privacy agreement?
Wow, wonder if THIS is a shill thread
His association with Cernovich should wake up anyone still listening to this zionist pied piper
>self-admitted "performance artist"
no shit retard. his wife accused him of being a maniac since he dressed up as lizard people and the joker, and he claimed it was an act. Furthermore, everyone knows he's not a raving maniac in real life, it's just part of his radio personality. He says quite a lot of valid things and is more trustworthy than msm for anyone who can think critically.
>starts associating with a jew
logic isn't one of your strengths, is it?
Hi Buckley
Alex Jones is a character, but he also is 95%+ accurate.
Idk why anyone would listen every vidya is filled with "buy muh pills goyim or you'll become a cuck."
>Defending an actual kike by implying I'm a kike for calling out a kike
this is some next level jewery right here
>contains 5% jew
He's actually really good at what he does in the sense that by completely exaggerating and also just fabricating a load of bullshit, he often highlights different, much bigger issues. Plus he pisses off the left really well which is great.
i wasn't aware that alex jones made video games
POTUS does
he doesn't fabricate. he raises issues and talks about inconsistencies and unusual things with as much evidence as possible.
Jesus OP your shilling is pathetic, take some time off and come back to us. The "performance artist" bit was word from jones they twisted regarding dressing up as a lizard or other random characters through rare "performances". He's just a radio host.
>Only libturds do
and NuPol
Daily reminder that Alex Jones is a Zionist shill
>tfw he realized globalists was code for (((them)))
I absolutely adore the guy. He just never backs down, never shuts up. He's loud and obnoxious. Always 100% energy. How could you dislike a guy like that? Whether or not any of his news makes sense whatsoever is a different story, but I kinda always assumed most of his audience are just in it for the action.
>code for (((them)))
>this video again
i will believe it when i see the full version including what he says after that. It cuts off for a reason.
Zionist gatekeeper, happily deceiving his fellow gentiles for his kosher masters. GoyWars shills infest Sup Forums like a plague.
fuck off niggers
Bump know that guy