I don't get it, why do you guys hate muslim mudslimes when you like all of their beliefs?

I don't get it, why do you guys hate muslim mudslimes when you like all of their beliefs?

They hate dogs.

>like all of their beliefs?
sharia law is a no no

Because they're not white.

I don't hate or dislike them. I just don't want them in my country

>interbreeding encouraged, takes off on average 8 IQ points
>average IQ around 85
>fundamentalist beliefs, no philisophical advances
>soldiers trained by US, some of them can't even comprehend left side versus right side

etc etc etc they are fucking shit.

But do they eat them?

>fuck your cousins
>fuck 6 year olds
>kneel down, stick your ass in the air and worship a 1400 year old pedo 5 times a day
>hate dogs
>science is the work of the devil
>mutilate your childrens genitals

yeah real great


>when you like all of their beliefs

Please don't project what I do and don't like upon me and please don't tell me weather or not I can or cannot be offended by something and further note you FUCKING NORMIE please don't tell me what I can't and cannot do.

Thank You Standard of Living

Not true I fuckin love bacon

>implying it's about their beliefs

They aren't white people. Blaming "Islam" is just convenient, but I want white countries for white people not violent sandniggers. You think we're cool with African christians invading our homelands?

they're like feral animals.

Better question is why does the left defend them when they disagree with all of their beliefs?

Lol what? These sandmonkeys worship a pedofe who married a 6! Yt old girl. He had 13 wife's (11 at the same time)

They blow up little white girls. What the tuck is their problem,and how can we solve it?

Man are you sure you should ask them that?

They might shit all over themselves and smoke come out their ears if you ask them that one.

They're consanguineous, ie they practice cousin marriage, and it lowers their IQ. You can still find positives in their patriarchy while still realizing that they're a bunch of inbred goatfucking savages. Even a clock is right twice a day.

Me too. Its the only part of the pig I will eat. When I choose to eat it.

>you think we're cool with African
yeah? Sup Forums has "is he /ournigger/" threads every other day

I want to exterminate all the goat fuckers,Where do I sign up?