Can we get a /pollit/ thread?
>pic related
>3rd time reading it
Can we get a /pollit/ thread?
>pic related
>3rd time reading it
Other urls found in this thread:
Not a terrible book; certainly not the evil ideas everyone makes them out to be.
>Trump's admiration for Sun Tzu goes way back. In his 2007 book, Trump 101: The Way to Success, the billionaire turned politician recommends Sun Tzu as one of the best writers on leadership. And in 2010's Think Like a Champion, Trump weighed up Machiavelli and Sun Tzu.
>"One book that I would suggest to you, because it is valuable for business and managerial strategies, is The Art of War by Sun Tzu. It may sound like an unusual business school recommendation, but believe me, it isn't. It's valuable and worth your time. By comparison, another famed book is Machiavelli's The Prince, which is more about political conflict and qualities necessary for leadership than war or business, but its emphasis on power becomes a negative factor. Ethics and integrity seem to get lost somewhere in the shuffle, and therefore the word Machiavellian has become a pejorative term. It's a better use of your time to read The Art of War."
>Members of his cabinet are disciples, too. Trump has nominated General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, a Sun Tzu quoting jarhead, to serve as his Defense Secretary. "The Marine Corps," said Mattis approvingly, "has always been more Eastern-oriented. I am much more comfortable with Sun Tzu and his approach to warfare."
fuck off racist
There’s so much truth in this book, socialism is twisted and evil by its own nature.
This thread is for people who read, not 17 year old ancaps.
fascist fucktard
fuck the prince
Vox Day's books SJWs Always Lie and Cuckservatives are both very good.
The Bell Curve is a must read.
I recently purchased None Dare Call It Treason which looks good but I haven't opened it yet as I work through the books I just mentioned. I can't fucking stand communists so I'm sure it'll be good ragefuel.
Have you ever even read it? Dafuq's wrong with you? You're making me look bad, fgt.
Can you make yourself less retarded please?
If you anclaps and ethno-masochists still don't believe the jews are behind everything bad read The Culture of Critique.
Next read
Sun Tzu is basic shit. Read Clausewitz if you want something actually good.
This book is lacking any sort of morality and it’s probably too pessimistic, but I found it interesting anyway as it describes how politics can be a ruthless game.
The “fear strategy” in which Macchiavelli describes how the “illegitimate” executioner is sent in order to spread fear was the most “shocking” part of the book for me, that was beyond brutal.
JIDF pls go
Better and more red pilled than the bell curve. This book is a must read.
Bump. A Sup Forumsack should be well read and I like the recs you guys give.
I like to read a number of books at the same time and switch after some chapters
Currently reading:
Mein Kampf Vol.2
Paradise Lost
War and Peace
Men Among the Ruin
Recently finished:
Road to Serfdom
The Turner Diaries
The Communist Manifesto
The Dialogues of Plato (Jowett)
Top of reading list:
Decline of the West
History of the Peloponnesian War
The Holy Bible
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Don't rely on anyone smarter than you.
There saves you 6 hours.
Great book, here's the guide i'm following atm
The Arthashastra (Sanskrit: अर्थशास्त्र, IAST: Arthaśāstra) is an ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy, written in Sanskrit.
You should also read harvey mansfields commentaries on it as well as leo strauss's thoughts on machiavelli. Hes a jew so watch out - but its worth reading
Guide for anyone
>reading satire
"Who are we" by samuel huntington is underrated and by the end of the book essentially predicts the current political climate precisely and does it 10 years before anyone and very deeply
>The Prince
Nice meme
fuck this neo nazi propaganda bullshit
the prince is about how to be an authoritarian fascist piece of shit, living in a nation with an evil fuck like the prince would be hell
i prefer the antimachiavel by frederick the great
Good book, explains some of the establishment plots and their eternal greed.
A prince will earn hatred if he steals the property and the women of his subjects.
Fuck taxes!
Also, read Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan. It's a book written by a Sup Forumsack for Sup Forumsacks. The guy is a frequenter of literature threads.
Man and Technics by Spengler is pretty good
what asshole
Clausewitz is why the West has essentially done nothing but destroy itself since Napoleon.
>No matter how a particular war is conducted and what aspects of its conduct we subsequently recognize as being essential, the very concept of war will permit us to make the following unequivocal statements:
>1. Destruction of the enemy forces is the overriding principle of war, and, so far as positive action is concerned, the principal way to achieve our object.
>2. Such destruction of forces can usually be accomplished only by fighting.
>3. Only major engagements involving all forces lead to major success.
>4. The greatest successes are obtained where all engagements coalesce into one great battle.
>5. Only in a great battle does the commander in chief control operations in person; it is only natural that he should prefer to entrust the direction of the battle to himself.
Such direct approach can only be feasible if both sides are of roughly equal strength and use the same approach. This is why Clausewitz has completely fallen apart in the age of asymmetrical warfare, because the shrewdness of an enemy to avoid 'major engagements and great battle' leaves the Clausewitzian strategist hanging and unable to respond.
There are many examples of this, but even before Clausewitz died, Napolean's 'defeat and capture of Moscow' and his subsequent disastrous retreat showed the folly of concentrating forces into a single 'great' objective and how vulnerable that is to asymmetric warfare.
Clausewitz should be consigned to the trash heap of history for anyone actually observant. It's more an observation of idiotic European war traditions than actual philosophy. It's only applicable for a state which is already equal or greater to its enemy, in which case it's still an inefficient and attritionist way of using resources. Not to mention it's barely applicable for personal use. I'll take the word of the billionaire President over you, thank you very much.
Clausewitz was a genius. But I'd reccomend Erwin Rommel's guide to warfare that he wrote whilst before his fame of ww2.
Can confirm, I bought Rommel's book for my dad and he loved it. He's not even a Nazi.
>ctrl+f "bible"
>1 result
Your father is obviously a smart man, and such a rare genius as Rommel should be admired by everyone, regardless of ideology.
Oh look, this autismo again
Decent sperg.
I considered it for a second
I don't know if this link has been posted yet and I just realized I forgot to post it earlier.
Enjoy the books.
It's a wannabe namefag that starts his own threads about how cancerous nationalism/extremity on ANY side is(yet doesn't ever criticize the left and their pets)
Which book in particular are you talking about? Amazon has several books (I didn't realize he'd written any books, let alone several).
I'm soon to be required to read Clausewitz in order to promote so I'd love to be able to criticize him intelligently rather than just pretend to read him like my peers.
how is anything i said incorrect?
I am starting a blog soon and I'll be influencing people to be smarter. You are all just mentally enslaved to this globalist insanity. "The prince" is literally a globalist guide in how to be a fascist dictator and crush the little people like ants. Idiot.
>doesn't contain maps of meaning
do you even sort yourself out bro
This is his most famous.
1. What have you learned from it?
2. How have you applied what you learned to your own life?
It's not my account. But for those interested Maps of Meaning is freely available here:
I highly recommend the book, too, since it's exhaustive of what JBP teaches, at least as he understood it back in 1999. That plus his lecture series on youtube will set you up bigly for the future.
Thanks man.
The Confessions of St. Augustine
I just finished reading this and I'm pretty blown away. Very strange that there is nothing about the author online. He deserves some recognition.
See pic
Read ciceros afterwards, ad herrenium.
I wish I can have the divine inspiration to just sit down and read all this
>not the New American Bible
Turn in your Stars and Stripes, pal. This is an AMERICAN CHRISTIAN imageboard.
It only starts with one book user, I am grabbing the Orthodoxy Study Bible soon (I have been using a KJV) and hope to expand to The Living God Vols I and II. Best of luck.
>dictating what bible I read
Land of the free my friend
You should read:
Last exit to utopia - jean francois revel
The socialist phenomenon . Igor Shafarevich
You have to start with baby steps. Make a plan to read for 30 minutes every day and stick to it. Then maybe you could wake up to the fact that both of the two main political parties in America are corrupt as hell and change your damn flag to something less embarrassing and morally bankrupt like the JIDF or AnCom flag.
Not super Sup Forums related but currently reading this.
It's like 'Storm Of Steel' (war memoir by Ernst Junger, which I have read) but for 21st Americans. I'm sure vets will love it. I'm going to join the military in the near future so I picked it up to get some perspective. One of my favorite non-fictions, thus far -- incredible story and tragedy.
I'm joking (mostly). I'm not big on bible scholarship but when I did my research into which bible version is best a few years ago I found that the NAB had the most recent and top quality translation at that time. I don't recall the Orthodox Study Bible from that time at all. What's so good about it?
>21s century**
Do you really need the OSB though? Seems kind of redundant, even Brother Nathaniel (red pilled orthodox priest) on youtube says his bible of choice is KJV. You can get that on ebook FREE
I know user, no offense taken at all. The big push for the Orthodoxy Bible is that it contains the Greek Septuagint (considered the entire OT) as opposed to the Hebrew OT which had about 7 books removed. Additionally, (some) theologians argue that the Orthodox Church is part of the original Church of Christ as started in acts that later broke away from the corrupted Catholic Church. I would really only recommend it if you were considering Orthodoxy and an Orthodox church for worship.
Here is what I am reading over the summer.
>The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
>Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche
>War and Peace [currently] by Tolstoy
This should keep me pretty occupied.
I really enjoyed reading works by J.S. Mill, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and good classical philosophy. I've read many of the classics that I only read in in piece. I'm an avid reader of history, and really looking to see what people on Sup Forums are reading. Historical literature I am interested in is:
>17th and 18th century political upheavals
>History surrounding the fall of Constantinople
>Post-WWII political historiography
Will post a few of the reading graphics I have from /his/
I am only recently getting into studying Orthodoxy history and that church. I love my KJV and think it's a beautiful translation but I like to be able to read from multiple sources so I would recommend both. I apologize but my biblical/spiritual knowledge is extremely limited right now(hence why I am looking to read/study more).
I appreciate the recommendations user.
Much appreciated
What are everyone's thoughts on Julius Evola? He seems rather taboo
I read this book in grade school; it changed my life.
Should add Brideshead Revisited (Evelyn Waugh) to the fine list of fiction there, user.
Any opinions on pic related?
Currently reading and love it. Reads like a highly detailed political thriller and makes me respect Hitler even more for the highly intelligent, autistic conqueror/warlord that he was.
I read some of the works by Ptolemy in a Map History class I took, and the stuff these guys were writing about floors me.
Hard to comprehend how one person can work so brilliantly and diligently on something.
>That flag
>That book
gr8 b8 m8 1488/1488
I've read bits and pieces when looking for some first person accounts. The absolute madman went to a lot of lengths to compile this much information. It's crazy how some [me at least] take fascism to be a sort of reasonable reaction to economic upheaval of the late 1920's, and part of a broader issue within Germany. Shirer was writing about things like this in a time where there was just name-calling and lowball arguments being made.
Good list.
I add The Anabasis
>I don't know if this link has been posted yet and I just realized I forgot to post it earlier.
>Enjoy the books.
Thank you!
How buttblasted does someone need to be in order to use mspaint for 9000 hours to draw such fallacious bullshit?
Thucydides is excellent. It's a pity that few know his name.
bump on this
Its not /pollit/ but it will help us get people to our side.
HEY thanks for the audio book.
I got time to kill
I hate you Sup Forums
I already have a 5 page long booklist, and that's just books
this isn't counting things like the different busts I want to get, or flags, or the general personal-study-dressings
I don't have money for this, I read too much to be able to afford all of these books
that said, I am currently reading pic related and Siddhartha.
One day, after I move and get my study set up I'll do a whole thread about it, but it'll take me a couple years or so to get put together, mostly because I'm building the book shelves myself, likely also my desk and table.
On and it's a "Living Study" meaning it is both a library and a pet room in one. It'll also serve as a game room but that's just once a week or so, not constant.
Point is, fuck you Sup Forums, I've added so many books to my list recently and it's all your fault.
This is fluff with no substance.
>not taking the anarchpill
Good one
Is there a collection of sort-yourself-out variety? I'm talking self improvement, be it financial or anything motivating you to succeed. More like pic related.
Why haven't I heard of this before? This book is exactly what I've been looking for
Reading is for losers. Donald Trump doesn't read books and he's a winner.
Utterly persuaded.
This explains why Muslims are so retarded