How do we stop the long dicked black man from stealing our white women?
How do we stop the long dicked black man from stealing our white women?
By linking them to the big black dick hoax page on encyclopedia dramatica
Shitposting is life, right?
fuck i bet his cock is HUUUUUUUUUUGE
Stop watching porn.
Man up white boy
Stop watching porn, idiot. In the real world, only landwhales and wannabe ghetto whores are into black guys.
Give my regards to the mods at reddit
Stay Mad WhiteCuckBoy ;)
>using a throwaway to post that so u could post that on Sup Forums
Seen enough naked black men to know the BBC meme is a myth. Most are laughably small, Canadians are superior shitposters.
>t. mortician
Pretty simple really.
Just hack off their clits when they're babies. They won't be interested in BBC anymore.
That's why you never see Arab women getting blacked.
All the Jewish women want BBC. Let them have the niggers
Have fun with your plastic prosthetic fag
Black men don't have long dicks. This is American jewish propaganda. Tall guys have long dicks because there is a correlation between limb length and penis length. Nordic men have the longest members in the world for example.
Most black guys in porn are not tall, they have penis enlargements. You can tell an enlargement because the penis actually shrinks when it is erect. The shaft looks thicker than the head. The erect penis is very floppy and partially flacid. This is what you see in most so-called BBC porn. The exceptions are actual large penises which is usually due to being tall. In some cases they have even used fake plastic penises.
Stop posting this shit you fucking creep.
lmao wat would jane goodall do?
Angry white boi virgins detected
Beat your women and work your blacks
You can't whiteboi, and that's the beauty of it...
Even the correlation with height is like 0.23 so it's by no means a way to confirm
shill alert
k dicklet asian
Well most white women actually aren't interested in black guys. That's a meme pushed by porn, just like the whole BBC meme. On average black guys are no more endowed.
No, not really, the clit hacking thing just makes them not enjoy sex. Which really doesn't help anyone.
Unfortunately they will win in taking the stupid vain superficial white women - in reality are worthless, know not the value of family, character, etc.. and make shit tier quality humans let alone mother material, they'll die alone and sad when their looks fade their put out ratio is depleted. Same goes for those black men, people obsessed with looks will only enjoy an artificial high for so long.
>sees flag
Oy vey Poland is gay!
Get bigger dicks
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
white "men" just cant compare to BBC
Stay mad cucks and keep crying
Guys, you probably won't believe this, but pic related.
How about the white man getting a good paying job and property? That will solve it.
Create a wiki-type website;
Enter names and pics of all white female teachers, Facebook friends, strangers who have/are fucking outside their race.
Forever till the end of time, the world will know they did this, as long as the website keeps getting updated and goes viral.
For fun, include pics of white women who have paid the toll, too.
I'm not gay, just I know that the whitebois place is providing for his wife's black boyfriend and their children
Why do you even care?
Are you so fucking ugly that you can't get a white gf?
If you are, you don't deserve them anyway, you have no rights to complain
bro we need to gas the kik or not repost
>implying I'd want any white woman who'd betray her race for some coal
Stop with these fucking women threads, fuck them, let'em burn and get raped.
Waifus are the future.
>1 post by this ID