It's over, this confirms it. We was kings 'n shit.
It's over, this confirms it. We was kings 'n shit.
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looks like barbara streisand with a bad wig
So Jews were the Egyptians?
But then why exodus?
>jews false flagging
WOW, that's never happened before!
That's supposed to be a load of bollocks anyway.
Let's play guess the race.
pic related
european, asian nigger and abbo
bottom left is for sure a jew, look at that fucking nasal cavity
Pretty interesting.
So modern egypt is like 10% negro. And that happend after the 5th century.
No wonder Islam is gong so well down there.
Top-Left: Asian
Top-Right: European
Bottom-Left: African
Bottom-Right: Bong
Jews were outsiders who did the same thing in Egypt, old middle east, rome and now the west in whole.
Egypt had a north and south empire. North was caucasian/semetic the south was way more African. The jew came and said everyone welcome, the kingdoms merged and then the triba nigger horde was able to take over both ingdoms because ethnicity didnt hold the society together anymore.
Same reason old middle east fell, Rome
There aren't any actual historic proofs that the Jews were cast out of Egypt at any point in time.
It might as well be anudda shoa
The "science" of facial reconstruction is on the level of phrenology. You can't take statistical averages from a population and apply it to an individual. If you can't tell me that, since I'm a man and the average height of men is 5'10, that therefore I am 5'10, you cannot say that, since the average ratio of proportions given certain markers (nasal width to nose length, for instance) for the population, that therefore this person's face must have had x, y, or z attributes since this particular skull has some given measurements. It's not just that you don't get it perfect, but that you do not get even a rough estimate better than guessing.
Well, you may not be able to say how the soft parts looked like but the root of the nose and the eyesockets, chin and so on give you a pretty good idea, no?
You was not kings, you dumb fuck. The area of origin that they concluded was essentially Northern Turkey which is not white by Sup Forums standards.
So all the skulls in
are identical? Phrenology is literally just looking at those skulls and seeing differences. The 'two dots' shit in Django Unchained is complete fiction. Those are real pics of different races' skulls. Those impressions are consistent across thousands of known examples.
You're basically saying all of science is wrong because you can't take statistical averages as representative of anything.
If so, then I guess T Rex as a species does not exist, because we only have specific examples that don't show a consistent whole. According to your logic....
They made it all up, they've been our overlords from the start
Why the fuck do black people or anybody worry about what race the ancient Egyptians were anyways? It's a fucking dead civilization from ancient times. Who cares? What the fuck is that information going to do for you anyways? Completely useless.
There is no historical or archaeological evidence that the Jews were EVER in Egypt. The pyramids weren't even built by slaves.
Because that answers the questions that all humans ask themselves: Who am I? Where am I coming from?
>Who cares? What the fuck is that information going to do for you anyways? Completely useless.
They don't know from which part of Africa they came from so they even prefer to make shit up to feel better about it.
>The pyramids weren't even built by slaves.
That's long known. But pretty interesting anyways. If they WUZ KANGZ it either means they were slave owners or again slaves.
What were they built by?
Genesis 6:4
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
King James Version (KJV)
looks like this chick.
article doesn't say they were europeans you know
much reading comprehension ?
and Egypt was and is a genetic cluster fuck
how can they judge the empire's population based on one town
and what did they compare to in modern times
what is the modern egyptian
an alexandrian with green eyes
or a nubian blacker than african americans
Nice post, leaf. Pro-tip: Read the fucking article.
I thought you were serious for a second.
Moses was Egyptian, and people he took out of Egypt were egyptians, just a small bunch of them were israelites. In Zohar there is a discussion, that those egyptians were causing problems during the Exodus
You're wrong. Phrenology isn't the study of skulls, it's the study of purported connections between skull shape and character traits. Which Django Unchained depicts.
What you might be referring to would be (forensic) craniology.
I need to know more about the slav milf and her daughter showing off their tities on the internet.
we wuz anjelika huston and sheeit
>It's a fucking dead civilization from ancient times
no it's not, are you a retard?
They were built by free laborers who were actually quite well-paid for the day. They received a large portion of grain and a better burial plot for their work.
IT makes even more sense now, if you take in account that lost tribes of Israel went to British Isles, and because these "israelites" were composed of renegade egyptians, many brits now share DNA with tutankhamun. Orange Order was always right - brits are real lost tribes and are the original jews
They're just jealous that whites and asians have made contributions to civilization and they haven't.
>IT makes even more sense now, if you take in account that lost tribes of Israel went to British Isles, and because these "israelites" were composed of renegade egyptians, many brits now share DNA with tutankhamun. Orange Order was always right - brits are real lost tribes and are the original jews
Correct. I might be wrong, but I believe the two on the left are female and the other two are male (but who can even tell with abbos).
>Sup Forumsthread/736935737
posted uncensored here
did egyptians live in the fucking desert for many generations? Yes, so they were black. This isn't some big mystery, who even fucking cares
I would agree with WEWUZKANGS thing if blacks would be able to to into Egyptian mysteries and demonstrate melanin-related superpowers, but they can't, unfortunately. So their claim of being related to KANGZ is nothing more, than a cargo-cult, because they say white men doing some magical freemasonic mumbo-jumbo with egyptian stuff.
*smacks small white lips*
1 Chronicles 11:23 King James Version (KJV)
23 And he slew an Egyptian, a man of great stature, five cubits high; and in the Egyptian's hand was a spear like a weaver's beam; and he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear.
Thanks bro.
about 6 more if you want em.
She looks Irish wtf. Looks like my aunt.
>did egyptians live in the fucking desert for many generations? Yes, so they were black
how about semites?
all non christians will be exterminated when the Day comes
>>Sup Forumsthread/736935737
why do you even read CNN?
Thanks, kinda forgot how to link.
The only reason that area isn't considered white is because of muslim turk invasions in the past millenium, that has nothing to do with its ancient populations which would've been white.
KEK underrated
Holy shit bros, Rome was actually pretty spot on with their Cleopatra
>pic related
The Ptolemys were Greek and hardly representative of the other dynasties.
>The Ptolemys were Greek and hardly representative of the other dynasties.
I realize that, but still, the resemblance is pretty spot on
"Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies"
last i checked only the nobles got to be mummies
the research cannot speak for all of egypt
Source: CNN
Top left, Caucasian
Top right, Asian
Bottom left, African
Bottom right, Aboriginal Australian
wrong, they mummified just about everyone.
My theory is they worshiped Aten (slaves to other gods).
nice sauce
nice proxy
how is it possible to know what the nose eyes and lips look like on a skull? the rest is understandable to me
they're a curious bunch