Enough is fucking enough. This orange Nazi can't keep taking food stamps away from me and my family...

Enough is fucking enough. This orange Nazi can't keep taking food stamps away from me and my family. We are going to starve. It's time to take the resistance to the next level.

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Anything minorities get to they ruin

isnt..... this a good thing?


Not for black people

Praise Kek


Yeah let's see some source on this news OP

t. parasite nigger

so, yes, it is a good thing.


>I'd rather starve than work


Here's the real story
ATLANTA More than half of food stamp recipients who are required to participate in a work activity in 21 Georgia counties have been dropped from the program after the state instituted work requirements.

>State figures released this week revealed that 11,779 people considered able-bodied without children were required to find work by April 1 to continue receiving food stamps, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Sixty-two percent were dropped after the deadline, whittling the number of recipients to 4,528.

>State officials began enforcing the work mandate in 2016, and plan to expand work requirements to all 159 counties by 2019. About 1.6 million Georgia residents use food stamps, which are funded with federal dollars managed by the state Department of Family and Children Services. The number of food stamp recipients deemed able-bodied and without children in Georgia has dropped from 111,000 to 89,500 in a year, a drop that state officials believe is attributed to a statewide review of the population.

Y'all retarded, look at the OP again

For all the time you protest gibmedats, you could have been out working at a job like the people who pay taxes to feed your lazy fuck family.

>Georgia’s unemployment rate has bounced back to pre-recession levels; however, the decline in the state’s food stamp program has not dropped at the same rate.

>as a source

Nigger please.

Between what I get from food banks and dumpster dive, I haven't spent money on food in years. I make more than enough money, I just don't like to pay for things when I can get them free.


Get a fucking actual degree hippie

If you're white, get food stamps. Actually, get any Government benefit you can. Less white mans money going into the mouths of little Jamal and Juans.

Spend gasta
Get recibe

Is it comfy being a hobo in South? Good weather, free food. If it has access to the ocean it's paradise basically.

He said get. Not swindle.

This. Get food stamps and use them to get high quality protein and fresh veggies, while using the money you saved for lifting, training and weapons for the race war.

>We are going to starve.
Here's hoping, you parasitic piece of shit!

>the South
>good weather
And it's even worse by the coast where it's 90% humidity all year

>We are going to starve
maybe get a fucking job, nigger

I don't care. As long as its trending down.


I'm in georgia and have been getting food stamps for years, I make my money under the table so I just tell them I'm homeless and I get it, but it looks like I won't be getting them next month, I've called up to the office and gone up there, and they keep saying I should get them, but when I go on the actual site, they haven't actually renewed them. I don't really need them, I just got them just in case I ever stopped making money I would still have food, but other people really rely on them. I've known homeless people on it and I don't know what they're going to do.

They can volunteer for 20 hours a week.

You can work or volunteer. It won't hurt those bums to serve food at the same soup kitchens they eat from.

>ironically being posted on a website filled with able-bodied white men that refuse to work (NEETs) because they feel the system has failed them

Oh yea I forgot. You don't really need to do that though, just write up a fake document since you can volunteer anywhere. Some smelly homeless person without a car is not going to really be able to volunteer anywhere anyway.

Yes every one on pol has no job......

Central Georgia here.
I went with a buddy to check out a "job fair", just to see who was hiring.
Long story short- it was packed with niggers.
They had multiple copy machines setup.
Every single nigger wanted a copy of their application.
At first I couldn't understand why- then i realized it was because they needed proof that they applied for a job to keep their welfare benefits. So they went to this job fair where a single company was looking to hire 50~ people and prayed they didn't get called in (about 200 showed up).
I've worked in 2 large fab shops since I've lived here- both are constantly hiring but they can never get positions filled because nobody actually wants to work.

Can't wait until there's mandatory drug tests for welfare....

Deporting all those spics probably helped some too.

Another Georgian here:

Another reason they go around is because many have to look for work as condition of their parole, so they'll get people at the job fairs to sign the advertisement fliers for them as "proof" they were actively seeking employment.

Go to a fucking food bank or get a goddamned job.

I will never understand why society tolerates literal fucking leeches.

>I will never understand why society tolerates literal fucking leeches
christian mercy

pic related: washing the feet of beggars

No one gives a shit if you want to feed a leech out of your pocket.

Putting a gun to your neighbor's head so he has to do it isn't particularly christian.

this is why separation of church and state is important
now it's like trying to un-mix paint

Drug tests don't work. People know when they are coming and it's easy for them to get around the test.

Shockingly as people get jobs they are less reliant on supplemental income.

this. drug tests are a joke
and real drugs are water soluble so cocaine and heroin and meth are out of your system in 24-72 hours

Then it is good for everyone else.
Sorry black person. You should have used your food stamps for food, instead of internet. Or used internet to find a job. Or start a business.
You did this to yourself.
Whites have zero obligations to feed you ad vitam eternam.

The south is Hell on earth in regards to weather. It's either a swamp or a jungle.

Quit being a worthless nigger and stand on your own two feet.

>For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
Eat lead, dead weight.

Poor stupid cunt

Taxation is theft. Get a job or sell your smart phone

nigger i shitpost from work 90% of the time.

hey man im not a neet, I work at an ice cream shop after dropping out of college! (not even joking kill me). Atleast I dont take handouts while living in my parents basement

1 year of NEETdom isn't bad when you're sorting yourself.

That's what I'm doing, the system may have failed me, but I will not fail myself.
Hoping to go back to school in the spring, hoping to be working by fall (I know a few places that'll hire me, both physical labor which is a plus imo)

the problem is NEETs who fail themselves.

You're fucking retarded

10 lbs bag of rice=$5 10 lbs bag of beans=$5 5 lbs of bar s hot dogs for $5. thats 17,000 calories from rice 37,500 calories from beans 6000 calories of hotdogs thats over 60,000 calories altogether. so you can stay fed for around 20 bucks a month and thats not including 25 cent packs of ramen which will lower the cost further. your internet is probably 50 a month that means you can feed 2 adults and 1 small child for the price of your internet

How do you sort yourself out while NEET? Honestly?. I dropped out of school to get clean. I had shitty minimum wage job, but being out of school did nothing for me in "finding myself". It helped because I got clean, but thats it. It also helped because I matured a bit.

This was instituted by Obama, Your lil donkey flag is to blame.

>implying I can get government benefits
I make too much money. The best I got was a USDA mortgage with no down payment, and I don't even live all that rural.

Are you placing me in a stereotype you fucking Nazi?

sometimes it's just living life.
prior to this I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with school, there was nothing I was passionate about that I felt I could do.

But, this time away has led me experience some very very dark things, things that held me back from the one thing in life I actually am passionate about.

Also it helps to have a supportive family and people you can look to for guidance.

one BIG mistake I think a lot of people make is that when it comes to "sorting yourself out" they feel it's entirely on them. It isn't, others can help you, God will help you (or life or whatever you want to call it, but I believe it was God). You cannot do this alone, it doesn't mean you're weak it means you're human. Find help from those around you, find inspiration from what's around you, and never be afraid to humble yourself in the face of infinity.

But most of all, never stop learning, no matter what. I mainlined thousands of hours of youtube, thousands of pages of pdfs, and read dozens of books during this time. All of this helped me realize the path I need to take to accomplish that which I desire most. And even if it's unpleasant it is something I have to do.


This has nothing to do with Trump. This policy/legislation has long been a thing in our state. Too many sheboons using their dirty vags to secure welfare funding. Those that are able-bodied but refuse work now receive no welfare. Don't worry, I'm sure drug testing will be coming down the pike soon enough...

Welfare perpetuity is simply not sustainable. Find a place in our society or find a new society.

Hope instead of action, blame instead of admitting fault. Thanks for restoring my faith in humanity.

No, he is correct.

You need to do a hair test to check for anything besides weed. 3 days and anything besides weed is out of your system.

>We are going to starve

Sell your computer for food?

>hurr durr i dont kno u but u stupid cuz use wrong word lmao xD