One of my friends from work just asked me if I like Trump. He is very VERY far left, borderline antifa-tier left, and despises Trump with bitter, burning passion.
What do you think would be the best way to respond in this situation? I would tell him yes but I don't want him putting fliers up around town saying i'm a nazi.
Mason Taylor
Tell the truth of course.
What are you, a pussy?
David Flores
Don't be a cuck OP if he's your friend he wont care
Justin Anderson
how about you just dont respond
Jayden Murphy
>"Yeah, why?"
Gabriel Robinson
Just say after looking into it you respect and agree with his policies and actions but are conflicted because hes an orange racist sexist pig
Eli Rogers
"None of your buisness." Keep it simple
Samuel Rogers
Elijah Gray
Say you liked him when the left wing media said he was literally Hitler, but now you don't because you found out he's not.
William Adams
but you are, why don't you just accept yourself?
Carter Powell
Julian Davis
Say you liked him more when he was boss on apprentice
Connor Hall
I have always liked Trump, as a kid I remembered his PizzaHut commericals. Seeing him on Fresh Prince was something I remembered, Trump always put himself in the spotlight to increase his business portfolio I bet. Good guy, I look forward to seeing how his term as president of the US turns out. But fuck that cunt, Hillary, she is evil.
Christopher Fisher
"Fuck no, he's clearly in bed with the kikes and way too soft on faggots."
Jacob Richardson
he has spoken
Ian Wood
Just don't answer, if you're sure he's a crazy leftard
Nathaniel Morgan
o-ok, Kek... i-if you say so...
Caleb Phillips
tell him that trump is a kikelover
Eli Lopez
Holy shit people take texts way too seriously.
Joshua Carter
Stand your ground lad or you''ll regret it
Tyler Gutierrez
Only correct response
Christopher Cruz
>"Not particularly, but I am conservative yes"
Samuel Robinson
>Do you like Trump?
This is middle school tier shit. Ask him if he likes Nancy from accounting.
Either way, Id be honest and in followup you may have to fall back to the "politics and work bla bla bla"....
If you think they may be borderline antifa (i.e. moderate liberal extremists) be careful. The antifa are retards...if something happens, make sure you know what you need for retaliation.
Zachary Butler
say you would like trump if I didnt like sucking cock so much.
Wyatt Rivera
Say this, faggot.
Dominic Collins
Send him pic related. No words needed.
Christian Cox
Say "I don't really know, I'm not really that much into politics, but I have mixed feelings"
Blake Ward
Thisss kek
Isaac Nelson
>being scared of telling truth Americucks LMAOOOO
Carter Torres
tell him you arent interested in discussing politics
Lucas Campbell
send him this picture and say how can you not
Cameron Rodriguez
Hell no, do you want to give me a blowjob while I drink a beer and read guns and ammo?
Jordan James
Tell him you hate Trump because he is owned by Jews.
Luke Hughes
say i'm not taking the political bait
Christian Garcia
>not realizing OP actually is a middle schooler, hence middle school tier shit
Asher Sanders
"Lol yeah man. I even donated to his campaign"
Juan Ward
Send him this and call him an anti-semite if he gives you left bullshit
Alexander Thomas
Answer his question with another question, the jq.
Thomas Cooper
Do this and post results OP
Joseph Smith
How strong your political convictions must be if you're unwilling to even identify with them. Do you even know why you believe what you believe? Just tell him that.
Logan Green
tell him you don't really keep up with politics.
you probably don't, at least compared to some people, so its the truth.
or just tell him you don't have an opinion either way.
or just tell him its too early to know if he will be/was a good president
or just tell him that he was democratically elected in accordance to the rules of this nation which have been respected (more or less) for over 200 years so you grant to him the respect that his office commands because you believe in and respect what america stands for.
or - and this is what i would do - stand up for your ideology so it is not so easily demonized or degraded by it's opposition! be blunt and offer to back up your opinions which you are willing to change if given a reason to.
James Rivera
>He is very VERY far left, borderline antifa-tier left, and despises Trump with bitter, burning passion.
Report him to the FBI and never talk to him again.
Daniel Howard
I'm 23 and I've had girls I've been talking to bring up politics and curse me out cause I said I like trump
Lincoln Martin
Do you want the lefty's head to start billowing smoke or what?? That's too much
Xavier Martin
:) Let's see how this plays out OP
Parker Wood
You have the Nazi flag as your location yet you're too scared to tell some liberal pansy that you like Trump? GTFO
Jose Lee
Fuck you faggots. You scared assholes are the reason the world is so fucked up. Leftists openly fly the hammer and sickle and you're afraid of telling someone your political beliefs. You equivocating faggots are pathetic.
Elijah Cooper
Brody Hernandez
>"Why are you asking?"
Hudson Foster
>"I don't really follow politics too closely"
Vote your beliefs. Stand up for your principals. However don't go beyond that, don't confirm a tag that some pleb will grab hold of and project an identity onto.
Jayden Martin
"I don't know. He's better than Obama at least."
Aiden Gray
>caring what a woman thinks
They don't have any opinions of their own, they just regurgitate whatever opinion they believe is popular.
Cooper Cooper
OP you're a faggot
Luis Torres
Who is we?
Sebastian Morgan
>Hey guys should I disclose my political leanings to this leftist coworker who's on the verge of joining Antifa and might physically accost me or spread libel and slander if he knows I oppose him
Jackson Brown
this is a power game u need to reclaim the power send him a pic of a bullet and with it ask, do u like Trump?
Lincoln Baker
>we're just curious this is a setup by the bogdanoffs op be careful of what you answer
Mason Moore
Tell him you voted for Trump but regret it now that he's exposed himself as a member of the international cabal.
Ryan Russell
>we He's trying to intimidate you. Your answer depends on how good friends you are if you are >work colleagues just say that it's not related to work and you don't really want to talk politics >friends Just say you aren't really into politics >good friends lie
However, if you don't like him that much tell him you like trump. You're an American, baby.
Ethan Green
Nicholas Fisher
Tell him "mom always said not to talk about politics or religion. It's the quickest way to lose friends"
Evan Lewis
Don't you use that flag if you're scared to tell your stupid fucking friend you like the God Emperor.
Ryan Myers
"I like him, but I'm not in love with him. Is he single?"
Asher Morris
who the fuck is "we"?
Nathan Jackson
(((we're))) do you want to keep him as a friend or not user?
Lucas Evans
If someone asked me about politics right out of the blue like that, I'd tell them to fuck off.
Joshua King
But user. I haven't sucked on a pair of tits in like 8 months. I'm struggling. I might need to blue pill myself
Chase Flores
If you started a thread over this you damn well better go full 14/88 [ Or be labeled a faggot.
Luis Long
Based af
Easton Kelly
You're cornered user. Time to stand up for what you believe in.
>Yeah he can be a good president
Jayden Kelly
>we It's a trap.
Ryder Hall
Adrian Powell
Wait OP do you work at a movie theater or something?
Carter Ramirez
You are so afraid it's ridiculous.
The real question isn't: do you like Trump? The real question is: why do you bother with this kind of people?
One of my left-wing friends was dumped by his girlfriend because he said to her that one of his friends is hardcore racist/holocaust denier, and she couldn't stand that he had a conversation with such a person.
Feels good.
Lincoln Hughes
Just tell him. This is the best way of finding out someone else's true colors. Unless it's against the rules to discuss politics at work, then report him for asking.
Henry Adams
Don't be a bitch fagot tell them
Julian Morris
Logan Taylor
No wonder the muds are raping your women.
Jack Thomas
>he's trying to intimidate you >you better hide your beliefs, that'll show him
These leftists only thrive because they've created a false concensus by making right wing politics taboo. You're only helping them by hiding your beliefs.
Kayden King
if you live in a liberal city you will be fired for supporting trump most likely. Its like 1930's germany right now.
Adam White
We're? Sweet, one of you can tongue my ass any lick my taint while I face fuck the other
Xavier Stewart
Just tell him you wrote in Bernie and get it over with already
Aaron James
This thread has potential kek. Be a man you fucking fairy, if you love Trump sing it form the heavens.
Jackson Wilson
Now it's a "we"? LOL... This faggot is stirring shit up.
You god damn millennials are faggots with you faggoty text drama bullshit since you're all cowards. You should know by now that this is all bullshit since you know the person and already talked shit about them and now they try to start shit over politics.Tell them to fuck off.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Tell him "Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes."
Nathaniel Brown
Your weak resolve and lack of courage has caused your current dry spell. Sort yourself out and the women will follow.
Landon Turner
I just went through this with my grandparents. I just said "I don't really follow politics", "I'd consider myself an independent".
Luis Evans
Ask him who the fuck "we" is?
Isaac Adams
Parker Rivera
tell the truth and don't be a pussy op
Oliver Murphy
Do you have a gun? These people are dangerous. Stay safe.
Angel Wood
get ready to get lynched by antifa
Dominic Myers
Tell him to fuck off.
Robert Garcia
>mfw reading this in Venom's voice >mfw it's the Topher Grace movie version
Nicholas Morris
Elijah James
>being friends with a far left faggot
Aaron Gonzalez
If you like any politician, then there is 99% that you are truly retarded. Voting for and liking are two different things. Nevertheless tell him the truth. He can blab about far left bullshit, why should you hide your own beliefs because of some low test fag. Grow some m8
Ryan Flores
In all seriousness, ask who the fuck "we" is.
Jordan Rivera
If you have friend who likes antifas, you do not have a friend
John Powell
ask yourself this
>what will i gain from telling him i support trump?
if the answer is
>nothing positive for my career or >shitstorm with coworker
then don't do it, only do things that bring good things into your life.