What's her endgame?
(More like 15/89 if you catch my drift)
Why is her latest video just dicksucking the altright fascist cunts?
Why is she doing this?
What do?
What's her endgame?
(More like 15/89 if you catch my drift)
Why is her latest video just dicksucking the altright fascist cunts?
Why is she doing this?
What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP you're spamming the same thread many times over, it's clear you're just in for it to give her views. You filthy little rat.
Pic related is her ancestry
> I'm not a white nationalist
That's all I need to know about her
You can't just take what she fucking says and believe it, that's what she WANTS you to think
Check the last thread for a detailed breakdown of this issue, she is lowkey pushing this fucked up agenda
BTW not leftwing just not extreeme right
I'm guessing she's an e-celeb for some of you faggots. So gay.
>calling someone "e celeb"
not an argument, she is an influential subversive extremist obviously working for some globalist effort, we need to be aware
Never pay attention to women who discuss politics. It's like listening to cats for investing advice.
okay so anyone "dropping out" because of an autistic "nazi" is obviously a kike
let me guess, the proud faggots and Gavlin are the ones that dropped out
Why does she sound like a dude?
Her end game is to try and stay relevant for as long as possible and bandwagon onto the rise of the right. She's a fucking parasite and a complete joke.
the better question is why isn't her ass sat on my face
She is a attention seeking whore
she's a qt though
>what's her endgame?
Saggy tits, a fat ass and no more attention from faggot neets. In 5 years or so, give or take. Depending on time of childbirth.
>that hairstyle
She didn't need to utter a word I could tell right away she was a Nazi.
>What do?
think for yourself
btw, it's obvious it's you Lauren. You're always posting here. Why don't you just admit it?
Hahaha man you guys crack me up. Yeah Lauren definitely has a globalist overlord who she meets with in secret to discuss her next stages. Do you people really believe this shit? I swear you're like that guy from the stern show who called in with his conspiracies. Hanzi that was him.
"I am not a white nationalist."
-Lauren Southern, literally 1 minute into the video
an Asian is her ancestry?
>evil whore comes out of nowhere
>slowly pushing a more and more fascist message
>hangs out with neo nazi clubs in Europe
You fucking moron, you're not using your brain
Yes, can't you see her fucking mongoloid subhuman skull?
>not a white nationalist
Of course she is. We're just trying to move the overton window here.
Lol. I don't find her qt. She is average at best, mr. white knight. Kinda looks like a failed hollywood star, who became a street hooker.
I think its fucked up shes going down a bad path. Like shes 22, what kind of a future does someone in the media have when they are full on white Nationalist? What's even more fucked is how someone can go from a nice libertarian to full on seig heil.
>mr. white knight
>calling someone cute is now white knighting
Didn't know Norway was this retarded
I know your tricks, extremist scum. Reminder that Fidel Castro denied being a Communist for over a year after taking over Cuba!
This is how these extremists operate, they make their sick ideology sound "nice" and "good". Lauren is herding her sheep followers into the fascist pen without them even realizing it.
Everyone should read Rules for Radicals, a book by a communist that explains how to do this. Except she is using it to push for the extreme right, instead of the extreme left.
she's not that hot
>During one of "The Triggering" events Southern posted on Twitter saying "#AltRightMeans I don't have to be ashamed of my heritage"
Stop making this retarded thread nigger
>Lauren Southern Goes Full 14/88
no, the exact opposite
she virtue signaled with her whole "I REALLY DONT LIKE SPENCER OR WHITE SUPREMACY GUYS PLS BELIEVE ME" schtick that all the other civ nat cucks spout
She's not a white nationalist. She says so in the video. She's cancer. Her beta orbiters are cancer. The e-celeb worship that the kekistani/redditors brought here is cancer.
To all Sup Forums autists: this image needs to be edited as "Nothing is beyond our reach" is demonstrably untrue. The #PissTosser remains unidentified, mostly due to the thread being overrun by Antifa shills. Another outing ala Eric Clanton would have finished them off.
You are protecting someone you will never fuck, touch or even see irl.
haha no she is signalling that the sane people like Cernovich are lame and retarded and "not really pro free speech" and that Neo Nazis are wrong but should be defended and unified with as allies against the left.
She's probably dating some fascist guy and has been brainwashed. Who knows.
she is a lying snake and we know sheis lying
>Ancap flag
>Calling people "altright fascist cunts"
Hahaha get back in my dungeon, leafmeat before I notify your cuck family that you've breached contract.
She's getting sexier as she moves further to the Right. Notice the German style braids.
Stop spamming this dyed haired gook
So are you employed by Southern directly or are you a promotional firm of some kind? This thread appears daily so obviously this is shill work. If you're a bot, please bleep twice.
>Except she is using it to push for the extreme right
I wish
truth is she is just an unprincipled woman that is slightly more perceptive than other alt lite cucks, so she hasn't completely lost her audience at this point, but it's clear she is trying to get hired by fox or another network with her appearances there and once she does she will forget all about this shit and only spout the opinions deemed acceptable
I'm not protecting anyone you dense mongoloid, I'm merely stating that I think she's cute.
I know a dog whistle when i hear one. She stubbly implys shes white Nationalist without outright saying it. She recantly did a video about how its cool for whites to engage in identity poltics.
she's cashing in while she can, she looks like she's going to hit the wall hard and earlier than most. now is the time to go all in to get those beta neetbux
Wheat fields
fuck off Chris Cantwell cocksucker AnCap is NOT fascism no matter how much the idea makes your dick hard. You are a traitor to the real fucking ideological principles of anarcho-capitalism.
Cantwell is NOT true AnCap or libertarian. BTW anyone far-left or far-right is shit, we need to basically be center-right. Non-center-right people are the problem in America today.
>She stubbly implys shes white Nationalist without outright saying it
exactly this
>She recantly did a video about how its cool for whites to engage in identity poltics.
also this, she subtle said all identity politics isn't bad, she's 100% shilling for these fascist retards like Generation identitare
Fuck that kike cunt.
You'll never convince these Sup Forums tards who actually think it's "the joos" and Hitler is their hero.
They can't tell that they've just been sold nationalistic totalitarianism over their own liberty because it's a pretty girl with blond hair. Right wingers aren't much smarter than degenerate lefties with brain damage, especially the modern autistic type.
Danish girls talk like that.
Stop posting shit about her until she show timestamped Sup Forums tits.
Sup Forums right now
I wish she was a Jew then maybe she would know better than to push for fucking racism. Fuck off.
Jews are a problem but it's because they are leftwing NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE JEWS.
All leftwingers and extreme rightwingers are the enemy of all good people!
I'm 1/8 Danish and 1/8 Jewish. How fucked am I haha?
go to bed Dr. Murdoch
I think she actually thinks shes changing shit. If she wanted money she'd be a globalist kike on cnn. She's goddam confused as far as I'm concerned, she used to be all libertarian and pro freedom. Now she's becoming the oppositem stupid thing is not even her alt right support respect her. She's going down a bad path.
Lauren is great. I came here thanks to /r/The_Donald and we're here to stay.
keep crying kike
speak for yourself cunt, just because you give a rats ass about this attention seeking whore and/or believe that she is "influential" on people who are grownups and have a brain, doesn't entitle you to speak for the rest of this shithole basket weaving board.
This. Generation identity did some brainwashing on her, or they're paying her, something is fishy. We need to watch because the globalist might be using her MKULTRA style to psyop a lot of folk right into the fascist camp.
We have to beware this insanity rising in our midst.
probably not
All of these ecelebs are simply profiting off of online betas. It's pretty sad.
>She stubbly implys shes white Nationalist without outright saying it
By *explicitly* saying she isn't one? That's extremely stubble.
stfu u stupid cuck. She just said she's not a white nationalist. Doesn't matter if she's "signaling"
I insulted her and said she is a attention seeking whore, and you respond with the classic whiteknight comment "she's a qt though" like a full-blown faggot. Yet you are trying to persuade your way out of it like a sjw cuck. Stfu faggot and kys retarded kwal.
She's lying though, you dumb lemming dipshit!
Idk why your implying i give much of a fuck. You Sup Forumsacks are so damm dramatic, like i like freedom and I think it sucks a young person would turn their back on that. For a authoritarian movement that is bound to fail (at least in North America). Shit is pointless my nigger.
>im not a white nationalist
only snowflakes deal in absolutes
When I hate fuck Lauren I'm gonna make sure her safe word is Jew.
Because she won't say it.
What's the transcript of the revelant parts, you shill?
abandon all identity politics!
Identity is a tool of the globalists, wake the FUCK UP you retards! Liberty dies when we divide up into tribes and fight !!
i go over a lot of it in this thread and the last, it's all here man
>im not a white nationalist but they have the right to free speech
She literally said she's not alt right or a white nationalist at the beginning and all the top comments are triggered alt righters lmao
>he honestly believes this
she distanced herself from the "Alt Light" which btw was always a term used by the far right extremos to INSULT the more moderate folks by implying "they are wattered down boring and light, not heavy and cool like us".
She's using the fascist terminology, hanging out with fascist groups in Europe and she even said identity politics is sometimes OK in a recent vid.
She is subtle lowkey trying to herd her stupid followers into the fascist pen. Wake up!
>believing everything a highly funded political operative tells you to think
No thank you.
The circumstantial evidence is building up, you idiot jackass! She has plausible deniability while slowly reeling her unsuspecting fans into extreme rightwing politics.
It starts out as "western chauvinism" ends up with "Aryan supremacy is the only way, guys, I still love good values, hehe"
Idk you bein crazy now. She's just got changing ideas, shes young and confused probably lacks principles or values. Some people are easily whipped up into shit.
Shes literally said identity poltics is good for whites. But like look at it like this, what makes more sense, to outright say your something. Or to subversively introduce ideas to an audience that wouldn't listen if you outright said shit. Hitler didn't mention the jews in a public speech between 1933 and 1942. It makes more sense to be sneeky.
Hey guys!
*Blink Blink*
Tee hee
Lets just be about Muslims and fighting Antifa. The whole Jewish thing and white pride is lame.
I'm not surprised an ancap is being this retarded
I even don't know who is it
No, really moarpheus. kys
>Shes literally said identity poltics is good for whites
link pls?
>She's just got changing ideas,
I think she got really impressed by gen identity and wants to push for White identity politics now, but is doing it in a very lowkey way.
She may be a good person under it all, not sure, but she has become a shill for fascism!
>More like 15/89 if you catch my drift
I don't get it and now i feel stupid
ignoring lauren southern i hope you stormkykes realize that this new divide signals your kind being seperated from Trump supporters and republicans
and the number of Right-wing people that aren't white nationalists far exceed those who are
meaning that you'll finally be sequestered back to the shadows where you belong and us intelligent people on the right will finally be freed of you losers
Kent Weatherbee, is this you? Be honest.
>being a white nationalist
All i need to know of you to know you are trash.
>She has plausible deniability while slowly reeling her unsuspecting fans into extreme rightwing politics.
m9 its more likely thats happening to her
her repeated mentions of how she isnt alt right like that nazi spencer is virtue signaling
Hey serious question. But how the fuck is White Nationalism meant to work in a racially diverse place like Canada? Like whose going to do shitty jobs? How's your economy going to work when you've expelled a thrid of your population.
Maybe she miscalculated, because she's a woman. Or maybe she's trying to narrow her niche, because she's a woman. Either way, she's a trash attention whore.
you're absolutely an idiot
because no one is a white nationalsit
Anyone else realize how much of a D&C shill this faggot is?
That or he's not white, so he's extremely assmad about white identity.
How do I make an argument when the evidence that she hates nazis is right there and you're like "hah, you believe that?! idiot!"
You're being a colossal faggot
>What do?
That fence she's been riding since she started with politics must reek of mutt pussy and black seamen
>goes full 14/88
>literally says 'i'm not a white nationalist' in the video
she makes some good points, and anyone blowing the fuck out of the alt light/kek is making a good start, but shes certainly not going 14/88
the fact of the matter is, the alt light just spends way too much time caring what leftists think about it
>kekistan flag
>white nationalism is bad ):
You fucking idiot, she and other so called "Alt Light" folks are BECOMING white nationalist because they have been essrntially conditioned into thinking it's somehow good/cool by the extremists they hang out with.
Wake up. We can stop them.
yes, to keep her dumb sheep audience asleep so she can reel them in to fascism with bait.
>she hates nazis
Literally no evidence of this at all! She is clearly buddy buddy with fascist orgs like generation identity, now, she is slowly reeling in her dumb audience to those extreme views while playing like she's a moderate libertarian. It's all a fucking lie.
>Shit is pointless
defeatist statement, you are either a non-white trying to neutralize support for pro-white thinking or a massive cuck
white identity politics are the only way forward for whites, failure to do so results in genocide, no kumbaya shit is going to happen, retard