I am going to inform you that the JIDF is using the new flags which gook moot introduced to make it seem like Sup Forums is not predominantly a national socialist board. I realized this when i noticed that it was usually Ancaps, commies, lolbertarians or some other meme flags shitting on Sup Forums itself, the white race and most importantly the national socialist ideology, downright calling us, the nazis, which ruled this board forever, shills. They also incite the most D&C with religious topics or by defaming european countries. I am willing to believe that gook moot was in on this psyop. That is all.
It's just shitposters fucking with you Muhammad.
>he thinks this is a new feature
>expects anyone to not sage
Oh look its two meme flags damage controlling. This is a giant psyop to diminish the redpilling potential of Sup Forums simply by flooding it with garbage meme flags so that the national socialists appear as a minority.
Leave us to our own devices fuck-head. Either agree with the consensus or fucking LEAVE
>Kekistani Meme flag
You are the worst cancer of them all. Go suck off a based nigger with a Trump hat.
you have to go back
God you're so original you fucking neurotic shill. Acting like you're shit but you're not shit. Fuck off you noobly eye'd Keisen fuck-head. Go impale yourself on a migrant's goat dick you lederhosen wearing cock-sprout.
Of more interesting note, shitty threads always have at least 3, sometimes 4 posters with custom flags as the first posts. It's consistent, check yourself.
JIDF pls go
Kill yourself cancerous pest. I am the shill for pointing out shills? The mask is coming off, kike.
Yes i noticed that too,
This is exactly the kind of shit i am talking about. Sup Forums is and will always be a natsoc board, but these kikes obviously don´t like that.
>not filtering troll flags
>troll flag
>name fag
I unfiltered you just to tell you what a shit you are.
You can never step in the same river twice, grasshopper. Troll flags aren't new but the JIDF using them might be.
Cool historic revisionism, bro.
Race and the JQ was the beginning of Sup Forums. It was created as a containment board for the stormfags who were spamming all over Sup Forums.
I'm sure we've all noticed patterns in who's posting with what flags too, right? While "not all flags", I've noticed a consistent pattern of shitposters hiding behind EU, white nationalist, kekistani, rebel and especially democrat. Seems to me that shitposters wear the flag of someone they want to discredit or otherwise think of as "the bad guy".
Your ADF Party got cucked, your country is dying and you expect us to trust you? Germany is kill. Ever since Merkel green-lighted those mid-night raids how can we trust anyone between the Islamic Militants to the EU Utopian Dream Masturbators? You call me the shill? I've lived in Calais, my neighbor's kid got beaten like sobbing kid with an alchoholic father by those migrants. Moved to the U.S while I can before the Travel Ban includes everywhere. So while you sit there behind the computer screen, you tell ME why I'm for the Globalist Agenda.
>newfag thinks this is the first time flags have been used
Is this supposed to be derailment, kike? You think i am buying your ad homs bullshit? Hope you get raped by a pack of niggers and shot in 60% country. Again, kys.
Precisely my point: you were the original invading JIDF shitposters that fucked everything up.
Remember the /new/.
I just filter all namefags the moment I see them on principal, figured everybody worth talking to did the same.
>The JIDF was redpilling everyone on the JQ and race
Its like you aren´t even trying anymore, Shlomo
Yeah, all Kekistanis deserve the filter. They are either shills or just autists.
Because the pics and things said here don't matter its all about the flag right.
Tell you what get one of your not racist friends to look here and see how quickly they notice the number of natsoc running thru here.
I bet they will tell you its a fuck ton.
You are a meme. Your whole life is a meme. JIDF pls go.
>denying that Sup Forums is a natsoc board
>calling natsocs jews (i can´t even)
The proof for my assumptions is right here, its you, you dirty hook-nosed parasite.
Kill yourself Chaim.
>the JIDF pretending to expose the JIDF
fucking hilarious
Kek, nice damage control but you picked the wrong flag kike
Realistic question, how does my flag prove or disprove I am natsoc and what about VPN's?
fucking jews
A fucking Germ.
>non-commies don't like my crypto commie ideology
>must be JIDF
>Sup Forums is not predominantly a national socialist board.
It's not.
Just because you stormfriends ended up together here because nobody likes you, it does not mean we're all retarded like you.
>da j00s
>denying that Sup Forums is a natsoc board
I didn't do that. You're just saying that the history of Sup Forums has always been Nazi when it's not.
>>calling natsocs jews (i can´t even)
Your retarded ass plays right into their hands by outrageously exaggerating your case against them. So you're JIDF shills, yes.
>this guys manage to rule everything and everyone in the world
stormfriend's resistance to cognitive dissonance is fucking amazing
I'm literally Shaun King. And you all literally need to suck my 17" BBC.
>all these bluepilled meme flag cucks and jews calling the people who provide all the redpills JIDF
This board is truly going to shit.
Here is the next redpill thread which all of you should visit.
Its clear that only a fracture of replies is from people who actually took the redpill. Most of them are jews.