British Gun Rights discussion

How long is it realistically before this place gets them back? How did people get disarmed so easily? of Gun Control/

Bump, this man would be considered a crazed terrorist in Bongistan :(

1946 they banned owning guns for self defense
The only reason I can think they went along with it was because people were SO reliant on the government during the war they trusted them with anything, including disarmament

I have noticed there is more and more call for citizens demanding the right to self defense, I encourage people to email their MPs and demand that right be returned to them

New New Model Army when.

No people gave them up because we had a 99.9% white civil society and crime was low, so we didn't need them.

Now we're importing third worlders we may need them back to defend ourselves, like the Yanks need them to defend themselves from 'urban youth'.

That's really weird though, when you consider the amount of people who were worried about the Germans invading during the war, and many who owned a gun must have been glad they did..

No matter how low crime gets people like the safety in knowing they can defend themselves, but yes you're right to a degree
Wouldn't surprise me if the government said "cant risk people owning guns cos the communists will use them" (If I remember correctly thats why they banned machine guns in 1917)

>How did people get disarmed so easily?
Same way in Australia and Canada.

The only cucks here are you.

You've effectively given up everything one would consider masculine in exchange for muh big boy toys.

I don't consider sipping tea masculine.

You're so ass backwards you can't even tell the difference between singular & plural.
>in b4 you tell me you're actually an American nigger

.44 or .500?

If Remington made a new new model army in current year it would be made of sintered steel and the parts would be poorly fitted.

Ruger Alaskan in .454 casull

Out snaring for rabbits?


The plural was the American people who worship guns and the you was obviously collective.

Still, even if you think my grammar was bad (and it wasn't) the point still remains, you all worship the actual item of the gun rather than what it represents.

This is why you lost in Vietnam, not because they had better tools than you but because the Vietnamese had developed a strong political consciousness and a will to see the conflict through to the absolute end, a will your people didn't have.

That is one nasty looking hollow point.

Can't tell if troll or stupid ib4 wadcutter you nigger.

not a chance unfortunately.

remember the fag at london bridge literally getting shot at and complaining about islamophobia? brainwashing is a hell uv a drug

It seems like it goes deeper than just the young generation of liberals though. Like some kind of verbal tick every time I bring this up someone has to pipe in with 'but then we'll turn into America!!'
As if America is the only country on earth with a lot of guns and usually this is based on that retarded statistic which includes self defense / suicides in 'gun deaths per year' too..

Not compared to these babies.

Deadliest bullets ever made. They balloon out to form multiple other bullets upon impact, and shred flesh like razorblades.
Surgeons say they are the nastiest things they ever saw, and when people roll into emergency rooms with gunshots, the first thing they ask is "Was it a RIP bullet? Because if it is, there's literally no chance of saving them."

>be American
>get shot
>bitch about other people not getting shot

>shilling a meme round on a Romanian spaceship BBS

>be brit
>get stabbed
>can't retailate

>be american
>nigger breaks in
>kill him
>you did nothing wrong

Magna Carta is a bitch. Y'all will never get them can't even speak against a death cult

Most of them do not even want them back because they genuinely believe their governments will protect them and they do not want the responsibility of protecting themselves from harm. Some elements of the government may genuinely want to protect the public, but the sheep forget that even the police state that is UK can't stop the attacks from happening and that there will be victims before the cops (with firearms) arrive. Our and the new generation will be much worse in this regard.

We're never getting guns back. To be honest I have no strong feelings on the issue - on the one hand, countries like Canada have guns without the insane amount of gun deaths America has, and if it was a system like Canada's where you need a licence, I think that could be okay. On the other hand, the amount of home-grown terrorists we have here, if they had legal access to guns we might see an uptick in gun attacks.

we would need to meme farrage into number 10

labour and the tories are socially liberal and are totatally subverted by kikes

>giving up your guns EVER
lmao dumbass bongs. Government exists to take away rights, not grant them.

How did we descend from such a cucked race of people???

>urban youth
The real redpill about American gun rights. It was never about high-minded idealism...

You need a creative way to keep guns out of halal hands. Maybe start by limiting it to people born on British clay?

There are more English with guns than let on, as the fuzzie wuzzie muzzie found out the hard way in recent London jihad.
Not all are cucked, just 999/1000 of you limpwristed tea sippin cock wankers. Thank god.

>Maybe start by limiting it to people born on British clay?
We've been inviting people from Pakistan since like the 1940s, plenty of muslims born here. That's the thing, there's no way really of doing it without the Guardian starting a middle-class riot about 'islamophobia'. We might just be better off without the guns.

>the Yanks need them to defend themselves from 'urban youth'
No, we need them for assassinating politicians. The second amendment wasn't created for hunting, it wasn't created for home defence, it was created so if the government became tyrannical you could pick up your rifle hanging over your fireplace and shoot the president or any tyrannical politician.

A nation without guns is not a nation at all. A nation with property taxes and without guns is literally just a slave class under the (((elites))).

>TFW US citizen
Feels so good to be better than everyone else

The government became tyrannical in 1954 and we didn't do shit. The bong is right. The only time we ever use guns now is to defend against niggers.

>A nation without guns is not a nation at all.
I don't give that much of a fuck though? Like I'm a Libertarian so in theory I want guns back, but I also don't want Abdul to shoot me.

We have more pressing rights being denied to us to be honest, I'm more focused on getting drugs legalised than getting guns.


>We have more pressing rights being denied to us > I'm more focused on getting drugs legalised than getting guns.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA this is what mental gymnastics look like!


Why do I even come on this board anymore?

Have all firearms slathered in pork.

Joke all you want, my weed chills me out, my speed makes me sociable. These things have an actual positive effect on my life of course I prioritise them, what the fuck are guns gonna do for me?

sort yourself out man.

theyre not all cucked, keeping in mind that Brexit actually happened

still, brits have had several wake up calls, but theyre still snoozing it seems


We've assassinated 4 presidents and attempted to assassinate 14 more, plus had an autistic bong try to assassinate him during the election and the recent shooting of a Republican congressman. Meanwhile Britain has had only a single prime minister who was assassinated.

>sort yourself out
Sort what out? I work, I have mates, I look after my nan when she needs help. Fuck yourself for saying I need to change anything, I'll keep having fun thanks Yankie cuck.

>muh weed
>muh speed
You filthy degenerate. And this is coming from someone who thinks there needs to be a reform on illegal drugs. But you fucking junkies make me wanna take it all back.

>And this is coming from someone who thinks there needs to be a reform on illegal drugs. But you fucking junkies make me wanna take it all back.
kek you want to reform drug policy, but people might take them so you don't? Fucking retard. I work hard, why the fuck shouldn't I have fun on my days off?

Cool your jets, Huxley.

allowing a bunch of third worlders, communists, and international bankers "enrich" your country is a form of tyranny

urban youth are part of that tyranny. they are the armed wing of the powers behind the undeclared war on our republic. public schools, universities and colleges are their training grounds

What a man.

Shit man I wish I was that talented, sober or high.

White cuckoldry


Only reason I want to switch to 7.62 is the cool ammo cans

>doesn't know how pressure waves work

If you hate it so much why haven't you tried to kill Obama or liberal members of congress or king Jew George Soros? You have the means. FFS you can buy a semi-automatic rifle chambered in .338 Lapua.

Not recreational reform, but judicial reform so that rehabilitation becomes a medical necessity rather than treated with the wrong tools. It's your junky mentality, attitude and smugness that puts me off.

>See things through to the end

>junky mentality
hahaa fuck yourself, I like to do speed every few months and weed like every two weeks, why is that anyone else's fucking business?

Disgusting, open your brass up before you shove a bullet in and leave lube and lead shavings on the case mouth.


The UK has always been outdoing the rest of Europe at gun grabbing and surveillance.

In fact, just before Brexit, they pushed through an antique-scrapping gun ban as a parting shot.

>disgracefully uses a meme flag instead of Old Glory

you're fooling NO ONE. fucking show yourself, leaf

>not having both

>why is that anyone else's fucking business?
Because you're telling us all about it retard. that Portage?

What the fuck are you on about? God you're a huge faggot.

You know what I mean pedant, why should the government regulate what I put in my own body? As long as I work why is it anyone's business?

I dunno dude if they're just gonna plow through estates with semi trucks full of explosives then yeah you might want to just fucking cough up a plane ticket leave your shithole country instead.

>size 8

Nah only 7.62 NATO aka .308 nigga

Those Russian ammo cans are a pain to open. Even with tin snips it takes 5-10 minutes. The Chinese ones have a little key and open like a spam can at least.

>How long is it realistically before this place gets them back?

Never. They don't want them.

Eh I don't care too much to be honest, if I get killed by Abdul driving a semi then I'll be dead, what do I care?

Don't they guarantee to last 100 years or something?

>Not wanting to go down guns blazing shooting ACHMED the truck driver in the face before he runs you over
Tenno heika banzai

Brits don't have gun rights. As a matter of fact they have barely any real rights at all.

Hide behind a confederate flag all you want, you limey faggot, but you gave your rights away and you're not getting them back.

more like 40 seconds at most.

>a will your people didn't have.

Nor should they, because nothing of value to the US was actually at stake in Viet Nam, amply demonstrated by our friendly relations with the winners today. Ignorant hick Lyndon Baines Johnson buried us in SEA for no intelligent reason.

The Left had a slogan, "two, three, many Viet Nams!" They knew the real score in that respect.

It's pretty nice owning funs user.

Haha that does sound bad-ass. What's more likely to happen however is Akbar comes into my local pub and shoots me dead. Like I said I'm not against bringing guns back, I don't have strong feelings either way. If I'm honest, if they did bring guns back I'd probably pull a Cobain.

Brits with gun rights?
Don't get hot, bin that thought!

RIP bullets are the "transgender" faggotry of the gun world.

No one asked for it, it claims its the best of both, and there are two camps of: hate them, and its not gay...

I seen this pic being posted before, you also posted a pic of your obese fingers you greasy lard

Literally kill yourself you larper

> 58,000 men dying is 'nothing of value'.

I knew it was worth ducking my head back in here.


any Bong who doesn't at least get a shotgun certificate deserves to be culturally enriched, it's better than nothing against mahmood

Just build a slingshot or something. Come on get crafty. Carry an object like a pen, or grip a lighter when throwing punches.

Water pipe slam fire shotguns are found all over the UK
A non with no gun would outlive you when SHTF you obese faggot

It was a small one


I really like these even though they are $1.50 each...

Dude's a total bro

theyre legitimately good, albeit, expensive. the ballistics gel supports itself. its just considered a "meme" or scam because it's not a common round/design, and really only one company makes it.

i personally use critical defense, but thats mostly because ive shot a couple boxes and know they work for my mags

Or you can hit them with a regular hollow point and liquefy all soft tissue.
>Literally bird-shot for your handgun

This is the gayest paid shill post I've seen all week

He is not our guy, he smoked pot and posts it on youtube like its sooo cool