Alright Sup Forums

Alright Sup Forums

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What the hell? Google is indexing Sup Forums as news sources now?

>Sup Forums

we controlled opposition now

What happened to the fake news narrative?

We're more reliable than the MSM.

its ogre, we are (((them))) now

No way. I don't believe it

>be 18
>need money
>fucking getting a job, I'll make my own money
>it works
>Jews find me

>tfw Pajeets algorithms red pill's the masses


>its real
oy vey

When I put his name or etherium into google it doesnt give me any news about his death

Maybe it's a US thing. OP's imagine is totally legitimate.

Explain? Give me a quick rundown who that is.

Ethereum creator. Likely a hit given all the money that he has at his whim.

Also a Sup Forums thread being used as a primary news source. I know we often have things before others, but for Google to do this is insane.

It's real to both.

Fake this has been done before.

Insane how?

Holy fuck its real. The memes are really becoming reality.

Also how do we get the jewish question trending?

it was Sup Forums. they had enough of the inflated gpu prices

No, that's an example what I don't like; that there is a loose ass, there's nothing more I hate than goddamn loose asses!

So are they dragging us in hoping to feed off our credibility? And there is 0% chance they would let an algorithm be the only border between Sup Forums and the live feed. This has to be a person doing it no? If we are just getting directly indexed someone fucked up.

check /biz, hes alive

google tho

That links to a current thread on bizz.

You mean how insane is it that an anime website with foureen years' reputation for child porn, nine for hacking, and two for being literal nazis is being indexed by search engine giant Google for news stories?

don't give them too much credit

what is this, memeing someone to fake death so people can sell off imaginary money?

How is that insane? The White House even uses this place.

I don't know. Like you said, I can't imagine that there's an algorithm just taking random threads as headline news, otherwise there would be "How do we solve the Jewish question?" or "Massive Sized Futa Cocks" as news stories.

>tfw someone from the white house read your shitposts
atleast its not my tax money

it's 2017.
this hellhole managed to install an ape as a president of US of fuckin' A let alone other shit. morning dew hitler pool? bieber in best korea? moot as person of the year? I can't even remember all. Of course Google will index it as a news source.

If only all taxes were spent on something so benign as lurking Sup Forums

and its real.... wtf man

>muh cia internet squads
fuck off nerd


vitalik is killz man

all of this recent eth shitposting on /biz/ is probably the most blatantly transparent shill job i've ever seen on this site

google indexes Sup Forums threads every once in a while when they get massive page hits. the fact that this is happening to a relatively slow board like /biz/ just shows how fucking blatant this is.

Go sleep on your peach vodka czeki, you're making too little sense for the kurdistani sandal counting forums tonight

>mfw I literally just unloaded all my ETH on the 18th

am I magic? can I tell the future?

did I kill Vitalik with my mind?


well, shit on me

I wouldn't think so:

Buy the dip, faggot. Going back to $400 next week

>I am the fake news now

Is the coin worth buying Sup Forums?

Google said this article went up 54 minutes ago, maybe someone else was posting to his twitter? Who knows.

Everyone get out. We are done.
Gadafi was killed for same reason. The smart ass chinese didn't show up after creating bitcoin so he couldn't be murdered but this faggot russian thought it would be awesome to say I made ethereum so murdered.
Glad these child prodigy with one side of brain with defects die like this.


Who and what.

Why all russians looks so autistic?

Just kidding guys, I've been looking around on the internet some more and I think this is fake news. People were talking about it as fake news many hours ago on this forum.

They lost over half their genetic pool between 1900-1945