All communism and totalitarianism sucks, and its pretty simple to understand why:

All communism and totalitarianism sucks, and its pretty simple to understand why:

When you dont own what you produce, or when you live in doubt as to whether or not what you produce will remain yours under the law of the state, there is no incentive for you to produce & innovate.

The soviet union collapsed because, even though focusing 100% of the population on industrial production was initially effective, over 40 years there was little to no innovation whatsoever, because why would any individual try anything new? If you fail, you get shot in the head. If you succeed, you get nothing.

Only by giving people financial incentives to produce their own wealth can states maintain economic success. They need to be inclusive in every aspect, and there needs to be equality under the law. Every state (in history) that has done differently has failed.

For this reason, China will continue to grow for a little while, and then inevitably fail

>The soviet union collapsed because
Because you could bust your ass all day long and some lazy shit down the road got the same goods and services you did. There is no incentive in communism. That's why capitalism is superior. The only thing stopping you from succeeding is basically you. (regardless of what niggers think).


its why fucking rome collapsed (after augustus, suddenly the state owns everything)

its why south america sucks (spanish colonies existed to steal wealth from majority of population, who they didnt want to evolve & adapt technologies that might threaten supremacy, and after independence, spain was just replaced with some other dictator) while north america rocks (brits tried doing the same as the spaniards, but it failed, so they realized that if they insentivized the colonists to create their own wealth, they could then just tax it and atleast make SOME profit)

i cant believe there are actual communists on this board

Good post user. Too bad it will die because majority of /pol is into bait threads. Or whatever other topics appeal to 14 year old basement dwellers.

Wise man from Norway
>You can have some fish.

thanks. but yea... after the media started demonizing right-wingers & they all fled here, the quality of threads has decreased noticeably

I think most people know that China will fail. I think even China's leaders know that they will fail, they're just trying to keep that gravy train rolling as long as they can. Their bubble is a lot worse than what the U.S. was and when it bursts....going to be some interesting happening threads on Sup Forums, to say the least.

theres this intrinsic balance, between enabling economic prosperity, and between maintaining your monopoly on power. you cant have both

all these poor-ass nigger states in africa... the leaders arent stupid. pretty much the opposite. Mr. Random Dictator knows that only by keeping his people poor & underdeveloped will he be able to maintain his grasp on them, and to be able to extract as much wealth as possible from them. If he starts giving people ownership rights, they will produce & grow, and his position will be threatened. This is how england lost its monarchy & most of its colonies, and this is the dilemma that china is currently facing. Even though, after Mao died, they started incentivizing economic growth by being economically pretty liberal, the political system does not reflect their economic policies. You still have a specific elite in china doing their best to maintain their monopoly on power, and this is fundamentally incompatible with a inclusive economic policy, which they dont have. and so it will inevitably fail

Chinese economy has to create 10 million new jobs every year to keep their economy afloat. Not sure how long they can do that.

The housing bubble there is what I'm most concerned about. Not only that, but there are bubbles forming in other aspects of their economy. This very well could end up being one of the worst economic collapses in history when it happens.

>The housing bubble there
Not sure if a housing bubble in africa is a real thing.

Exactly, which is why they invest so heavily in infrastructure. Making roads, bridges, highways, houses, etc. that no one will ever use or buy but they do it for the sole purpose of trying to create jobs. Their impending economic collapse is going to be absolutely devastating.

We're talking about China, user.

Bellybutton jewelry is denial of life, nature, and God. Guaranteed she is not a Christian.

Irregardless of where the world is one connected economy and when it goes we're all screwed. In 2008 I only worked 2 or 3 days a week. It fucked me up for a few months. Banks and tax collectors still want theirs. Bubbles break all the time, we need a major burst to reset things. It won't be pretty. Better find or buy some farm land.

the main problem is how intrinsically corrupt the chinese government is. theres no giving patents to anyone who has an idea. theres a constant push for those with power to maintain it through corruption, thereby making it pretty much impossible for actual innovators to gain an edge in the chinese market.

a lot of chinas recent growth has come from actual internal spending, as china spends billions and billions on internal infastructure. once these developments culminate (they cant continue forever), a lot of jobs will simply disappear. and the entire infastructure is mostly financed through clever loans that hide how much fucking debt there truly is. they are fuuuucked

Indeed, I can see the riots in the streets already. But will the UN have the balls to step up to China and make them stop killing their own people? I'm guessing no. It'll be a big, big mess.


>the UN
The girl scouts could kick their ass.

>China and make them stop killing their own people?
If revolts start, you'll see USA-financed "freedom fighters" everywhere.

Oh yes, the CIA will be all up in that shit deeper than Tyrone in a liberal's girlfriend.
Indeed, without the U.S. the UN would be as effective as the League of Nations was.