When did you grow out of """"""""""freethinking"""""""""" YouTubers?

When did you grow out of """"""""""freethinking"""""""""" YouTubers?

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When they all started begging for patreon money, and shaming those who weren't begging for money.

When that one guy shoved a banana up his ass

pretty much this


I never watched you tubers in the first place because I am literate.

when they started playing the same victimhood politics as those they claim to distinguish themselves from

Let it be. You want to encourage early movers.

I never grew into them because I'm not a low iq pleb that has to have CIA niggers tell me how to think.

Pic related is the final nail in the coffin for me.

I have never watched any of them. Not one.
I read.


Not yet, I still think about things.

When I moved further to the right

>Tfw you managed to kill Kek for good.

I'll give them that

"Skeptics" are worse than kikes
Throw them in the ovens

most all of them are iether just plain stupid, have really bad arguments and or behave like children. especially the sargon "group" is full of manchildren with there memes and kekistan bullshit. these faggots will be the death of the critics community.

when picking easy and irrelevant targets became repetitive.

When they started reviewing and picking apart each other's videos with an upset voice.

>moving right


Murdoch Murdoch is our savior though

Once he stops the libertarian meme he will be

When going after SJW's became a repetitive low hanging fruit without a lot of real philosophical substance.

What is it?

It all makes sense now

As soon as sarcuck ruined pepe and kek. We just got him back god damn it.

Also for failing to name the jew.

I never was that into Sargon, so maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong, but from the few videos I have seen all he does is point out the logical inconsistencies, irrationality, and stupidity of radical leftsits.

>"thats jus so stew-ped..."

And to me, pointing out the liberals are philosophically or logically consistent is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I never saw Sargon actually prescribe or suggest ideas of his own on what should be done. Most likely because it would open himself up to the same kind of critiques he gives leftists on his videos. So I never really had much respect for him. I appreciate that he is able to reach a wide amount of people and have them spot leftist double think. But that is only needed for non-critically thinking normies, which is why Sup Forums make fun of Sargon because his content is edge-free and easily digestible mush for politically babby normies.

>And to me, pointing out the liberals are philosophically or logically in*consistent is like shooting fish in a barrel.

>amazing atheist
>free thinking

>not forming your own opinons
>unironically listening to e-celebs

When I listened to one of Sargons livestreams with 6 people who all had the same opinions on just about everything. Very related

Given that YouTube is not profitable, how can they continue to pay out ad money to youtubers? This ponzi scheme is going to collapse, and soon, I hope.