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This is our counter-attack you little cunt.

>mudslims thread


>ramadan dinner tradition.
>two decades.

I can't believe this shit is real.

Trump always makes the right decision.

Why the fuck should he?

Its america, not the fucking middle east.

Fuck off back to the desert if you care about your bullshit allah that much. Don't go to someone elses country and tell them to change it.

>two decades
oh no trump isn't emulating king nigger

America is a Christian Country.

Get the fuck out, if you can't join us. We will not bend at the knee to goat fuckers.

Good goy?


OMG nooooooo not Clinton's legacy.

please appease the intolerant, appease the violent usurpers

OMG. He's going to make more terrorists that have nothing to do with Islam.

>Hillary Clinton started it

>Two decades

Bitch I have shit in my fucking freezer older then that fucking tradition

>1997 was 2 decades ago

Where does the time go.

Damn son those are some good looking digits you got there

I know, weird isn't it

He should of hosted a Barbecue with nothing but pork products and invited Muslims.

What's it like being 12 years old?
>should of
and retarded?


good goy

emperor in chief sends messages without even posting on twitter

also seeing as islam bombed our world trade center I dont think it sends the right message to honor them (in any way)

fuck I thought this was a trol at first

AIDS Moo Barack everyone.

This is the correct decision, but too little too late, he already buddied up with the FUCKING saudis and touched their weird ass palantir looking thing

>What's it like being 12 years old?
What's it like being a pedophile and a shit-eating douche bag?

Cut him some slack, he just got the groid stink out of the White House, why would he ruin that?

it was a power play user. Look at that picture and look at the faces. the only one in that picture who looks smug and happy is Trump. What happened there served to benefit the US.

They will buy our weapons because they need them, and we will keep on fracking because we dont care for OPEC. The Gulf states will be dragged, kicking and screaming if need be, in line with the modern world. They will stop financing terrorist events, and backing efforts to destroy western culture via liberal groups.

Just glad this will trigger liberal faggots, desu

I don't know. Maybe you should ask that uncle who touched your pee-pee when your mom was too busy smoking crack to care for you.

I'll bet the people that read these articles also think a decade is 100 years instead of 10




Kill yourself

Can someone give me a quick gestalt on why the POTUS of the USA should take part in a muss lim tradition anyway? (unless it's obama who is a gay kenyan Muslim with a transgender 'wife').

And lol, a 20 year tradition.




>20-year-old tradition

Woah, what an impressive and important American tradition.


Breaking a 20 year old tradition?



Dog bless America

So who the fuck was going to eat at this dinner? Obviously they're not going to feed all the muslims in America. Does that mean they're asshurt that some super elite muslims didn't get to eat at the white house?

He's not a fucking muslim. Why should he have anything to do with Ramadan?

>Americans consider a few years as a tradition

you know thats what i call a mini tradition, were you taken something and repeated doing it in only your lifetime, if its not passed down within a 50 years then its not a tradition

my mini tradition thats 12 years old is when i play zelda 2 every Christmas day to see how far i get then save it and wait till next year to keep playing, it brings back memories of family and childhood.

the irony that mine is shorter in time than this and yet it means and has so much more value, i mean isn't that the point of traditions like what would be the point if you don't even care.

I hope it isn't anything edible.

>Liberals pretending to care about TRADITION
>Let alone a "TRADITION" that's only been around for 20 years

Oh I am laffin

It is hard not to skip stuff when all you do is play golf.

Hey! Two decades is an eternity for liberals. Think of all the trends that happend!

Now it's time to move on to a mudslime hanging dead from every light pole.