What is up with these right-wing guys mimicking each other and getting these lesbian haircuts...

What is up with these right-wing guys mimicking each other and getting these lesbian haircuts? Are they trying to make our movement effeminate?

They're just fucking fat. Spence needs to drop those bitch tits

You sound jealous.

It's a popular Alt Right body type. Who has the bigger titties -- Spencer or Enoch?

You'd think the FBI could pay him to get better haircut

You sound aroused.
Numale cucks like you just love the dadbod

says the kike

>calling out a kike makes me a kike
what did he mean by this?

>post pic of Ethan Klein
What does H3H3 have to do with Nazism?

It's a military haircut, you're too stupid to realize that we are at war right now.

Nothing says "I'M A PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL CUNT, GIRLS STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME AS YOU CAN" more than that haircut. I agree.

10/10 psyops

t shareblue

I think this is the new moe.



Another Spencer hate thread I see.


If we've need of it.

The haircut was actually very popular with chads a few years back

made me laugh


loo loo ive got some apples loo loo youve got some too

fucking nazis

i mean what the fuck is his endgame?

he kinda looks like bert from sesame street

Wow, that guy looks weird. I never noticed before.


Get lost you numale antifa cuck.

damn it

found the original


Note how not a single spencer image ITT isn't shopped.

>this is spencer's slav wife
even she's rocking it with weird mullet ponytail to boot