What is up with these right-wing guys mimicking each other and getting these lesbian haircuts? Are they trying to make our movement effeminate?
What is up with these right-wing guys mimicking each other and getting these lesbian haircuts...
They're just fucking fat. Spence needs to drop those bitch tits
You sound jealous.
It's a popular Alt Right body type. Who has the bigger titties -- Spencer or Enoch?
You'd think the FBI could pay him to get better haircut
You sound aroused.
Numale cucks like you just love the dadbod
says the kike
>calling out a kike makes me a kike
what did he mean by this?
>post pic of Ethan Klein
What does H3H3 have to do with Nazism?
It's a military haircut, you're too stupid to realize that we are at war right now.
Nothing says "I'M A PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL CUNT, GIRLS STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME AS YOU CAN" more than that haircut. I agree.
10/10 psyops
t shareblue
I think this is the new moe.
Another Spencer hate thread I see.
If we've need of it.
The haircut was actually very popular with chads a few years back
made me laugh
loo loo ive got some apples loo loo youve got some too
fucking nazis
i mean what the fuck is his endgame?
he kinda looks like bert from sesame street
Wow, that guy looks weird. I never noticed before.
Get lost you numale antifa cuck.
damn it
found the original
Note how not a single spencer image ITT isn't shopped.
>this is spencer's slav wife
even she's rocking it with weird mullet ponytail to boot