weebs get in here
/ourgirl/ addresses the hapa question
Found Elliot's ex-wife in Indonesia
Can some explain to me where the term 'hapa' came from?
who else hapa here?
That's the same bitch who got completely and utterly BTFO by Vegan Gains
about veganism. In the political, BTFO'ing SJW snowflakes sphere she is quite literally /ourgirl/
Fuck why do women always win the genetic lottery being racemixed?
she is the result of AMWF not WMAF. ourguy elliot is a WMAF subhuman
Well anyone with an iq of at least 80 can btfo SJW logic. Most of these skeptics mistake veganism for another SJW topic, only to get BTFO.
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Piss off
race is politics
everywhere, especially in sweden
White men typically go for the cutest Asian woman they can find. If it's a wimpy white man, that's gonna be doubly bad for the kid and his genetics are gonna suck; for a girl, that's perfect. That's why wimpy white men should typically go for bigger, stronger white women to balance out their genetics. Hell, even a strong black woman would be preferential in the long run to the cute Asian. But wimpy white men would rather take the easy way out with the Asian woman.
Having followed Swedish politics for a long time I can safely say it isn't. Shit, even the pseudo-anti-immigration party kicks out any member caught saying raist shit.
as you have shown, race is highly relevant in your politics, you kick people out the moment they were not Politically Correct in relation to race
"anti-racism" is definitely race related
>not letting racism be politics makes racism politics
That's bullshit, and I don't buy it.
yeah people are so superficial and convenient. On the one hand we get told "EVERYONE EQUAL. NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEXES XD".
Then. Plenty of people can't even date within their own race because they're not stereotypical enough.
Also that girl is clearly not Eurasian but an Arabasian
in america you would have race politics. In Sweden you have reverse-race politics, and are just as furious about them. Everyone always questioning if someone has been racist. Pushing tolerance in artificial ways. It's interesting because the fake-race politics also deny their own existence.
The hapa question is an important political issue for Sup Forums.