Who would win? Honnestly.
Russia vs America
America. It's not even close, they have more manpower as well as better everything.
america is just the most productive and most educated its a fact.
yea we are fat and stupid and mexican but u still wont beat us.
Nobody wins.
Our best are the best in the world in most departments of everything. We also have a lot of the most incompetent people in the world in our country. We just have everything imaginable basically
The answer is obvious.
America faggot
Russia honestly, American here, were the softest humans on earth biggest cucks, most sheltered bitches on the globe.
No one. They dont have the army to go against us in a real fight they would have to nuke. And then no one.
>Amerisharts think they can fight against superior beings and win.
Americans are honorary Spics at this point desu.
Russia could fuck up America any day of the week. the only reason they don't is because cowardly america hides behind NATO and Russia actually wants to save Europeans, not kill them.
Has that woman been holding that log above her head since 4 am?
America. But both countries would be fucked beyond repair, which I guess is a net positive for Russia because it's already a shithole.
I fucking hate ameritards as much as russians if not more, but america would singlehandedly annihilate russia. If this is not absolutely obvious to you than you know absolutely nothing about anything military.
No one really i mean nuclear devastation would destroy all. However without nukes it's the states by a lot. With allies near Russia it allows the states to gain an entry point and with both them and their many allies. The US also has a strong ass navy so Russia couldn't invade easily. Even if they managed to where would you invade American cities are so spread out it would be impossible to capitulate the country in a meaningful amount of time. Dixie and the mid west would be hell to go through because of the militia groups, not to mention how bad New England would be if it was winter. Also New England and the West coast have HUGE populations sparking up many militia groups that may be unarmed but still large. Overall there is no safe way to invade America you have to attrition her down and without too many allies in the CSTO Russia would have a hard time doing so.
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Isoroku Yamamoto Japanese WWII Admiral
how does america hide behind nato when nato is mostly american forces?
America is spiritually dead and will lose for it.
Many will run from their positions and would join Russia.
Whoever is on the defensive would win. It's effectively impossible to successfully invade Russia or America.
But in a completely equal fight with no nukes involved, Russia would win hands down. Americans are soft and have lost their ability to be patriotic. The number of Americans who would be willing to die for their country decreases by the day.
you are retarded
>the last emperor
>when you literally have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but you still have an internet connection so why not just write random bullshit and hope some retard like yourself buys it.
they will nuke each other. so humanity wins.
Neither. Neither force has the ability to successfully invade and occupy the enemy country.
If it were army forces with just guns and no other equipment? Probably Russia due to stronger morale, Russians don't just go into the army to reap special benefits they go into the army because they need to.
If it were an all out war WITHOUT NUKES? Definitely America. Our airforce is rivaled no one, it alone would completely overpower the Russian forces.
No, you are retarded. Americans fight for a paycheck, many kill themselves because the paycheck can not even pay for their broken family since they get cheated on when they leave since their supposed lovers are devoid of fear of God.
Russia would crush America, spiritually fortified fighters wouldn't fight Russia.
The US is geographically gifted by being a fortress in the ocean. Russia is geographically challenged, the only thing that ever stopped hostile forces from reaching Moscow is the depth of the buffer, which modern Russia doesn't possess, the terrain itself is indefensible. When it comes to the navy, Russian fleet has never been a priority cause all of them are pretty much contained in their bodies of water by NATO-controlled choke points.
That, and the US military is simply better.
It doesn't matter if we put 400 lbs trannies on the front line. We have enough meat and technology to throw at any army in the world and win effortlessly.
Russians confirmed for slave-mentality.
Russia wins.
American superiority is just a meme, like most things about them. They are not strong, their whole country is just a divided reality show. I would not be surprised if Kanye becomes next US president.
On the other hand, Russia is a silent enemy. They won't LARP around, if you want war, you'll just get killed and that's it.
russia for best gun.
Why do American soldiers always look like skinny fuccboi twinks?
Fucking thanks Obama
The Jews
This. America failed in nam korea and iraq but could take russia?
Everyone likes to talk about how strong the Russian bear is, but America will fucking destory Russia no matter how brown its military it is. They have better equipment, more people and if Russia gets invaded, and the Americans are at Moscow, and they decide to launch nukes as a last ditch effort, America has more
>thanks obama
God bless you.
Front line would be mostly good ole boys and spics
US, it's not even a question.
Russia isn't even a shadow of what the USSR was conventionally or from a nuclear standpoint.
Overall, the U.S is superior in every way except alcohol tolerance.
We couldn't even take on Vietnam.
If there was a draft we would fucking bolt as soon as we got the chance.
Because the ones that don't pass basic are jelly doughnut eating fatbodies?
I love America, I love what it stands for, I love freedom to own 25 firearms and carve out your life with fairly few restrictions from the government. I love what America used to do when it fought communism and supported right wing dictators. I love living here and I wouldn't live anywhere else.
But our empire is failing, our people are diluted from their cause, and our image is tarnished. No longer do people look up to us wide-eyed and in respect. No longer are the things we do as a government entity worthy of admiration. We turned from a shining beacon of freedom into a dull buoy of corruption. We turned from a nation of men and patriots into a nation of cowards and narcissists. Nobody even knows one another here, nothing to keep us united. My neighbors are complete strangers to me, I wouldn't trust them in times of emergency.
Russia is an old bear, wounded through many wars, but with a promising future. Many an empire has its grave in Russia, like Napoleon's France and Hitler's Germany. The Russians are a people that Americans just don't have anything in common with. Russians may be more primitive and simpler in their outlook on life but they have unity, they have hardiness. Leningrad starved for 2 years. Russian botanists didn't even eat the seeds from the seed vault there, they rather starve to death. That's dedication.
Americans don't have that anymore. What we have are a bunch of fancy military tools and a bunch of mulattos, nigs and whites using them. But we don't have the stomach for a long war. We don't have the stomach to kill Russians for no reason like we kill Afghans. We don't have the heart of patriotism that fought off the British Empire and established this beautiful country.
The day we attack Russia and fail is the day America collapses. Then it becomes something else. The Disunited States of America.
no one
i wasnt too sure if you were retarded or just trolling
now i know that you have no idea what you are talking about
you are retarded my dude
>Promising future
It MIGHT have that if the entire government wasn't among the most corrupt on the planet. America has lobbyists that tend to fuck wtih the system but outright corruption is hard to come by.
In Russia, corruption is the norm. If Russian democracy looked ANYTHING like American democracy, they'd already be on the super-power list. As it stands, Russia themselves admitted that the USA is the only actual super-power on the planet right now.
>We don't have the stomach for a long war
Are you fucking retarded? We stomahced a 15 year war before we even started to draw troop strength down, and even THEN we still have a few thousand troops still over there.
I see this picture everytime I visit Sup Forums and I wonder who truly thinks this babushka is carrying a log greater than 150lbs vs the 400+lbs petrified log
>another mindless idiot spitting out lies he was told
We fucked up vietnam hard, and the libs made us pull out
It's a joke you autist
[This message has been approve by John McCain and George Soros]
We lost too many precious whites
Russia would win air + land war. Usa would win the navy section
The jooooos
Already won the air war with the Netherlands over Ukraine
We didn't fuck up Vietnam at all, we were winning. Tet Offensive was a military failure and their weakest point, Ho Chi Minh and Giap were considering capitulation. The media and libtards fucked us over but our military didn't.
Murica got fucked by rice farmers, goat herders and right now is being enriched by africans and tacos.
"disgusting Russia children bed shows a buk-rocket system that shot down MH-17" - Dutch media
>Russian on Sup Forums responds
>Winning an air war against the two largest and most advanced air forces in the world
>The U.S. has over 800 military bases outside of the U.S.
>Russia has 9.
>Russia has 1 commissioned aircraft carrier and 1 more planned.
>The U.S. has 19 commissioned and 15 more planned.
All Russia has going for them is the S-3/4/5 hundred missile defense systems and the f-35 has already proven capable against at least the 300. In the end we have the capability to surround and reach Russia. They don't even have the capability to reach us with many aircraft/troops.
On top of all that our civilian population is armed to the fucking teeth. A land invasion on the mainland United States would be suicide.
>Who would win? Honnestly.
You want to know? The jews win.
Can't forget that Russia would have huge problems projecting force all the way to the US.
Russia would win.. they would rape the US with their fake news and propganda machine, and the US would end up nuking itself.
>More powerful navy than the rest of the world combined
>Larger and more modern air force than Russia
>Larger and more modern army than Russia
>Larger population and potential manpower pool
>Better strategic positioning
>Has allies right up against Russia's border
>We couldn't even take on Vietnam
When will you folks learn?
Vietnam wasn't a conventional war. America sucks at fighting stuff like that.
Were we excel however, is at conventional war. America would win, but if it went nuclear, then it's hard to tell what would happen.
Where the fuck are all you commie fags coming from?
I'll let you get away with Nam but not the Korean War. We defended South Korea and even though our invasion of the North was repelled we managed to save South Korea from becoming a part of the pariah state nightmare that is North Korea now. About the opposite of what happened in Nam. Also, we won Iraq, Saddam and his military got BTFO. We are just bad at state-building, at least in regions populated with mudshits that chimp out and start insurgencies and counter-insurgencies against the other sect.
>Canadian military
You honestly can't say shit. The only things you're good at are JF2 snipers and Air Force commanders that moonlight as serial rapists/murderers.
Always been here, am Russian in America desu.
>It doesn't matter if we put 400 lbs trannies on the front line
You missing something. All those liberals and shitskins will be like hippies in 60s. Euro Americans will bleed while other half of the country protest the war and shit.
Same idea with the secession of my state, Texas. It's too late to bail, half of the population are already spics. They will cheer for annexation of the new state to Mexico, not defend it.
You're highly overestimating American militia and not even thinking about soviet history of militia.
>not defend it.
Like you and your border?
Texans are the worst meme-Americans in history.
>implying US could invade Russia
>implying Russia could invade US
>Greatest Navy on the planet
>Best geographic location for defence
the Russian army is a paper tiger, America would fuck them up mercilessly and send their military capability back into the stone age within 30 days in a conventional war. why do you think they resort to espionage and propaganda cuckery?
if it goes nuclear, everybody dies.
>the Russian army is a paper tiger, America would fuck them up mercilessly and send their military capability back into the stone age within 30 days in a conventional war
Exactly what Napoleon and Hitler thought
>america hides behind NATO
lulz, America IS NATO, dumbfuck.
Just threw up a little bit what the fuck
>The US is geographically gifted by being a fortress in the ocean. Russia is geographically challenged, the only thing that ever stopped hostile forces from reaching Moscow is the depth of the buffer, which modern Russia doesn't possess, the terrain itself is indefensible. When it comes to the navy, Russian fleet has never been a priority cause all of them are pretty much contained in their bodies of water by NATO-controlled choke points.
>That, and the US military is simply better.
based Russkie is based. we can be friends.
Is this even a serious question? As the grandchild of Russian immigrants to the US, it doesn't matter if America is cucked or not. We have the strongest military in the world, and any beta cuck can press a button that sends drones out to fuck shit up. We have plenty of savages that fight on the front line, blacks are useful when lead properly and kept in check. It's when you give them freedom that they fuck everything up with lesser morals and intelligence. There's no military on this planet that could even give us a halfway decent fight, let alone beat us.
No one could have known that the Russians were willing to destroy their own country.
Just imagine what we could do together, Ivan.
Everyone knows the Russians are fucked in the head.
The problem with this is both of those great men had time lines. They had other worries that made it so they needed a quick decisive victory so they could focus on other enemies elsewhere. America in this situation, it'd be one on one. We can just repeatedly bomb the shit out of their cities after defeating their army on the field. Doesn't matter if they surrender in 5 months or 5 years. Sooner or later the population will have enough and demand the government surrender.
So what do you think should stop them now?
With both Patriotic Wars as they call them, they fought an enemy they didn't care much about to be honest. In fact, being French was considered cool in Russia during Napoleon times.
This time is different. Several generations of Russians were raised on anti-US hate that sparked in 1950s, got in the shade during late 80s - early 90s and floated back since 2000s. Russian people actually HATE America and Americans in particular. They DREAM about war with America to finally prove how powerful Russia are and the US steals the world leadership from them.
I was born in USSR, lived in an ex-soviet country most of live, been many times in Russia and know the people.
>implying US could invade Russia
Russia has to defend both their eastern coast and their western border with the Baltic states as well as ensuring that their borders with Finland, Ukraine, and Belarus are defended as any of those states could be used as a route for a NATO invasion. The US could certainly invade Russia, the US could likely collapse the Russian government in a few months, however I will admit that actually occupying Russia is impossible and any actual destruction of the Russian state will do far more harm than good as nuclear weapons will certainly be lost during the collapse and could end up anywhere.
Put simply the US could invade and defeat Russia but even ignoring the casualties of such a war and the threat of a strategic nuclear exchange the US would still lose far more than they would gain as their other enemies could easily get their hands on nuclear weapons.
>Exactly what Napoleon and Hitler thought
Apples and oranges, friendo. Napoleon and Hitler didn't have the manpower, technology, and intelligence apparatus of the American state.
>America in this situation, it'd be one on one
How do you know? It's would be a huge geopolitical even, random shit that can't be accounted will start to pop immediately
>We can just repeatedly bomb the shit out of their cities
In case you didn't know, Soviets used to have the best Anti-Air systems and Russia improved it well. Your assurance about air superiority reminds me of Göring and his lesson
Hitler was even more fucked up than the Russians
pick one
I'm not particularly sure what I'm looking at it. Obviously it's a bomb being dropped, probably from a drone. An American bomb, I assume? Irrelevant though, I suppose. Rather that is an American video doesn't matter, because America does have that technology, in abundance, and isn't afraid of using it. Someone should post the glory that was the MOAB drops Trump recently did.
The female is resting the log on her shoulders
It has an entirely different effect than hoisting it above your head, which she could not do
Also different woods has different densities
>Russia has to defend both their eastern coast
Moscow would be toast with 10 minutes if we gave the order, and there's literally nothing they could do. They would not see it coming. Not that we ever would, of course, unless provoked. Like if someone tampered with our elections, for example.
* cough *