Riots break out in London after 25-year-old man dies in police custody


Is London officially surrendered to Islam. I hate everyone from Britain right now. You cuck piece of shit coward pussies

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I didn't know you could die from getting your dick sucked.

t. 60%

have to agree my guy, coward fucks took over half the world only to be raped by immigrants with outdated views based off the insane rantings of an arab

It's ok let London fall.
>popcorn ready
>food ready
Fuck Brits

He probably tripped over their wives and broke his neck as they threw them to him.

Don't feel sorry for them

detroit is full of niggers therefore all of america is doomed and fuck texans and fuck america!

calm the fuck down you knob ed.

Jesus Christ OP, what you playing at, don't invite the muslims, be respectful of their religion, or they might turn to terrorism. Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, but just show some respect in case you alienate someone and we get killed. Not by a real Muslim of course.

Did they lick his butthole to death?

Lmao no, you're country is shit.

kek you dumbass this is a nigger thing nothing to do with muslims.

Too many free handjobs can do this. Riots are of other angry Muslims who didn't get their free hand jobs.


lol fuck Americans

Pick one.
Don't worry, Sadiq will handle this by sucking dick en-mass again.

ive noticed that the media is really pushing that tower fire still...they know natives do not give a shit so they are manufacturing outrage and shilling it to not alienate the niggers lol

i dont give 2 shits about them.

>mfw i was wondering why the fuck there hasn't been a londanistan happening in over a week


Video of trash burning.


Kill yourself.

They literally blocked off a tiny roundabout


you wish, this is BLM btw not muslims.

thats a punchable face,


BLM are a joke here

we do need to keep them supresed though...its bad enough we have mudshits ranting at us every 5 mins we dont need another

>it's not the square mile so it's not London haha

>Burger education
London is shit. like many major cities in many countries. but keep basing your worldviews from Sup Forums threads

UK cucked itself really fast, with all the terrorist attacks. They're on the same level as Sweden to me, fuck these cucks.

Riots are just part and parcel of living in a major city.


Shart and sharcell

We are alot bigger then you friend. The cancers occupies much more of your body. It would be like if every one of our major cities was chicago.

london =/= uk

if only you americunts knew

This is tiny now, but niggers, Muslims and the like will use this as an excuse to riot.
That could easily blow up into something the size of the London riots.
Then Sadiq Khan would be pressured to stand down.

>capital niggers
colour me surprised


>fuck texans

god save your cunt whore queen, because we wont

>mfw I actually agree with this

they've been looking for an excuse to riot since that stupid tower burned down. Add to that the last real man in britain mowing down muzzies in his car and now this. London burns tonight. It was nice knowing ya, cucks

>mfw I have no face


pretty happy about not moving to london like every swede ever, from vikings to hipsters and weebs, you can keep your capital bongs

If it was a Muslim who died i don't give a fuck but if it was a white Londoner then fuck the cops i hope the rioters kill cops fuck the cops death to cops fuck the cops kill the cops fuck the cops. London whats up? what happened?

Allah is with him. He doesn't need to 'stand down' or subjugate to any of of your stupid worldly bullshit, m8.

May allah be with you, brother

its ok, london police will use their sticks to control the thugs


The tower, this, Jezza's attempts at radicalising people.

Fuck me I do live in London, and go to university in central London too. (though luckily it's over now)

Luckily I live in a very low Muslim area on the edge of London. I can hope to dodge all of this.

t. soon to b e 60% and proud

>mfw england has fallen and my country is probably next

what's the point anymore? we were sold out long before i was even born. The entire planet is controlled by people who hate us, we can't even seek refuge from our own country because there isn't going to be one that doesn't end up the same way. Human life has no value here, if you disagree with the status quo then it's worth even less.

Why move? It's not like Swedistan lacks diversity.

the 2011 riots started because it was a recession. People have jobs now, so everything is okay and there's basically no chance of a happening.

London =/= England

Why the fuck you lyin'?
Ohhhh my god, stop fuckin' lyin'


We do this everytime in Europe
Be proud of your black citizens USA, if your police do this violence shit in France, all France suburbs will burn

M8 we're 5% Muslim, by the time we hit 60% white you'll be Neo-Africa and we'll be taking you in as refugees.

Everything is ok?
Fuck me you know NOTHING about London.

Do you ever read what you type? Or listen to what you say?
Are you proud of that statement really?
>but what do i care anyway im a pirate

>Riots break out in London

Calm down faggots, bunch of people chimping out isn't a riot.


Wise words pal

Muh sides

Americunt don't know anything about Europe
They see some chimpout, they act like it's civil war

look at these niggers




Which kind of makes you laugh since they're 60% white and huge chimpouts are a daily occurrence for them.

It's almost as if they're projecting or something.

Still, we need to sort our shit out. We shouldn't hold ourselves to septic standards.


Our declining demographic problem has never really been due to niggers though. Thanks to them aborting most of their kids, their share of population has remained pretty stable in spite of everything. The demographic replacement is coming entirely from Spics.

That is footage from 2011 for fucks sake. I remember it.

This. Yanks are so fucking thick they've already forgotten they had a nignog running the country for 8 YEARS.


Yeah yeah stop lying
Your black population fucking increase, now get fucked

This is blacks rather than muzz. Most of our blacks are useless and criminal, the only reason that we ignore it is because the muzz are more organised. But we basically have two enemy armies living in our country, just one is so fucking useless it's just a background nuisance.

Don't blame me. Blame the asshole who tweeted it. You expect to remember every piece of footage of niggers acting up I've ever seen?

>Officer throws tear gas
>tiny explosion
>French "man" faints
kek that looks like a french civil war to me.

M8e we have far more room to retreat to then you lot. They are already putting pakis in your little villages. We still have areas the size of Germany that are 90% White. Our situation is shit, but it's going to take a long time for it to become unfixable. You guys are a couple of decades away from having nowhere to run to.

>Riot breaks out when some refugee criminal dies
>Celebration breaks out when Brits are murdered in droves by criminals

No matter how vigorous ones mental gymnastics are, that graph cannot be interpreted as anything other than bad.

he end up in coma with actually .. but ... well, shit happens

>'y-yeah, it's j-just the capital city and whatnot! "

Are you actually retarded

I clearly said share of the population, and who the fuck are you to talk about this

Bro. I'm being serious when I say you're our homeland. Where anglos all started. It's one thing if your colonies (especially one that has a racially open borders policy that we have had). Please stop being Cucks. Btw when you make fun of the US losing white numbers you're basically laughing at yourselves. We're an extension of you.

You let a black man become your president. You have nothing left to say.

you are literally talking complete rubbish.
some people, especially americans, are truly retarded on this board. i can and simply live outside of London or Bradford in a comfy, white town/village.

Also, literally 0 of your major cities are 90% white. not a single one.

Of course it is, and I never said otherwise. Just pointed out that it's spics, and not niggers, that are primarily replacing whites.


> Burgers don't know anything about my cunt! Ignorant fatasses- you've never even been here!
> Now let me tell you what the monolithic burgers think and how they're wrong.

They shut City Airport not long ago, fucking protesters glued their arms together. All white people. Fucking cucks

I'm afraid it is already irreparable because they have now completely assimilated into your nation.

It's not about geographic size, it's about who controls the machinery of state and in the urban centres it's them.

You can retreat to your little 80% flyover town but there's nothing you can do to stop them moving in after you and making you pay towards their gibs.

>M8e we have far more room to retreat to then you lot.
No you don't. Places have to be a functional space with... jobs. Lets not pretend that the left does not help create "no-go zones" to make voting plantations. Either way people should not be trying to just one-up each other over how shit things are.

The only city you even have on par with our major cities is London, and it's ~60% white and dropping.

Lay off the acid

Sober up

Then by that logic by calling us cucks you're calling yourself cucks.

The race war is coming.

We've never had a black person leading our country and our niggers aren't still angry about segregation because we didn't have it officially.

Please go after the rich full of money parasites that leech on society and hold the progress of humakind

No major city in the entire world is 90% White. So what? My point is that you are fooling yourself thinking you are in less danger, you have nowhere to retreat. Euroanons are always using the % to excuse their situation, but you are every bit as fucked as we are.
Service jobs are not a necessity for survival, no matter what the Jews say. And White Flight creates whole new cities in a matter of a decade or so, we can string this out for a long time. On the plus side for you that means your people are going to feel cornered before ours will, and may fight back sooner.

Digits and this riot will speed nationwide
>this seems to be the trend due to social media and (((msm))) fanning the flames

>t. Paki President

LSD doesn't cause mania

They will reap what they sow! Now they send their faggot police unarmed! Pathetic

People die in police custody all the time in America. It's become common place.

The media are pushing for a summer of love here too. I hope the powder keg blows. You have to really push whites in a corner before we chimp out, but when we chimp out, you can call the fight.