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>Trump does something the MSM is bad that all of his supporters love...again!


Mr. President, I'm getting tired of winning.

>20 years

fuck em

Let's be honest though, Muslims don't like him, except for the rich ones

& if he hosted the Saudi's, it would be horrible PR

Seems like a decent form of protest.

If Muslims are going to use the fact they are blowing people up to get attention to push their cult then... who cares?


How long has this "tradition" been around?


Wtf are you talking about? A lot of Gulf Arabs love Trump. They even made memes embracing Trump.

They are seriously saying that muslim tradition is expected. How come americans not killing each of these commies. Call this on modi i bet nw building would burn to ashes.

That's 20 years too much. Who the fuck started this tradition?
>Bill Clinton
Of course.

>ramadan dinner

Thread theme:

>Muslims don't like him, except for the rich ones


Not Bill, Hillary. Chelsea had an Islamic Studies course and Hillary was interested so she suggested they do it.

Fuck islam

Love you pres!!!!!

>Ramadan dinner
I thought Ramadan is where a bunch of muzzies praise Allah by not eating. Isn't a Ramadan dinner a huge "fuck you!" to Muslims in that case?

Whatever pisses off the MSM is okay with me

I love this guy!

>20 year tradition of honoring a filthy foreign heretic holiday

i regret not voting for him. this is so awesome.

>Ever getting tired of winning

Who did you vote for then sport?

Who the fuck did you vote for then?

>"Tradition" that has only gone on since the Clinton Era
>every left wing publication immediately goes after him to try to rekindle their "muh islamophobia" narrative

Any objectivity and integrity in journalism is truly dead.

AND the absolute mad man is going to have two more SCOTUS nominees soon.

>Let's be honest though, Muslims don't like America or any sitting president except the rich ones who can suck this country dry and make a quick buck.


who did you vote for lmao

After reading the article, it was a 20 year 'tradition' to host a dinner after (not during) Ramadan to honor their religion and people. In that case I completely agree with his decision.

he probably was too shy to go vote.

YES! I love you pol! Love the Karate kid song reference since I was an 80s kid. Lol. And yeah, fuck islam!!! Love Trump!

Cobra Kai, never dies!! Lol

>mfw he has 2 scoops on Ramadan

Lets finally bring it in for the big win Mr. President!


>Freedom of religion
>Muzzies start getting uppity


Here is the official thread song:

Funny thing about that. Americans can be whatever religion they'd like to be, but we can still fuck up non-American muslims

You know what's interesting, lads and lasses? If it was a "20 year tradition" than that makes it something that was made a tradition when Bill Clinton was in office. They have continued ever since. Clinton and Bush jr were both Skull and Bones boys. Obama was groomed for office by the same people that backed Clinton and Bush jr. It is no coincidence that under these three past presidents the formal tradition was started and kept on.

And now it ends, haha! Still not tired of winning, Mr. President!

Post yfw the wall is lined with next gen solar panels and is the biggest renewable energy project and successful crime deterrent in the history of Civ.

fuck muslims and fuck democrats
black muslims are worse than Mormons


Dinner is fine. You only not eat from dawn till dusk, basically when the sun's out.
Why they haven't used daytime Ramadan to invade ISIS is beyond me.

So did GWB host a shitskin dinner too? Otherwise it's hardly a tradition is it, just something that Obongo did a couple of times.

Patrcian choice user

they should host no religious dinners


Apparently it started with Bubba. W was tongue kissing a lot of Saudi asshole before he even got elected and likely was compliant in this """tradition""".

I have my grievances with Trump,aside from the great things he's done. The Syria thing almost drove me crazy, but sometimes he just comes through on things he doesn't even have to, like this. Something as little as this, just not eating some shitty halal meat or w/e, saying we have our own legitimate Western traditions... Not bowing over to every fucking foreign person and tradition and everything that we're not. It's something that gives an user hope.

I hope he goes out of his way to have massive Christmas and Easter feasts and celebrations just cause you posted this m8.

>le based Trump xD

I love my president. Most so because he pisses off the fucking scumbag liberal retards.

Oh.. and I also LOVE winning.

What's with the sarcasm? You from /sg/ or leftypol?

Trump is the best thing americans have done in ages.