>Muslim raped your girl?
>Jew fucked up your currency?
>Liberal self-righteousness exhausting?
>Feminist onslaught never ending?
>Communist Bullshit turning to conditioning?


Let's fix that shall we?

Other urls found in this thread:


I really wish Reddit would leave.

...What self-respecting man would enjoy MLP!?

>kekistani flag
>momiji with maga hat
go back to your echo chamber in r/pt_d



As opposed to Clinton? Also, don't even have a Reddit, nor do I intend to go there. I'm not here for an Echo Chamber. Either provide me good material for me to debate or just enjoy the ride. It's just a prank bru.

Please stop tripfagging

>this piece of shit smells slightly worse than this other piece of shit
Great rationalization, not sure if that justifies the cult worship mentality you fags suffer from though.

Anti-Trump fags go back to AltRight.com and keep your anti-social views that you only share over the internet over there with your other faggot shit