ROBERT is the hero Chiraq needs but doesn't deserve; His nemesis is MALE BLACK, a notorious thief, murderer, and general rapscallion. By night they battle for the fate of the city.


>>CPD Dispatch Stream:

>>Same feed with ambient music:

>>For Ambiance:

Zone-6 (isolated scanner of worst area)

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>>Get Behind the Vest donation drive:
>Chicago cops aren't even issued fucking armor by their shithole city.

>>The Chicago Police Department Memorial Fund (ALSO GET SOME SWEET SWEET MERCH):

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>>Shootings ScoreboardS:

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

>>Chicago Racial Demographics:

>>Chiraq Gangland Map:

>>Police Codes:

>>Chicago Police Dept. Directives:

>>Related twitter

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/pD418Eky

Other urls found in this thread:


Any happenings happening?

bout an hour ago, a 7 year old armed with a knife tried to rob somebody. All streets are now in the process of being re-opened after the gay-ass pride parade

>Belmont st. re-opened
>immediately people start fighting in the middle of the street

Never change, Chiraq

keys checked.

What are the bad neighborhoods in Chicago? I have to go to crestwood on business & you guys are really scaring me here.

Don't drink from a tap, but you don't need to worry about crime. I wouldn't drive due East, though.

>shots fired from a tan Cadillac that fled

What happens if I drink from the tap? Lead poisoning? Jardia? Some third thing?

The mayor was saving money by drawing water from a well that was known to be contaminated with some kinda toxic runoff.

>The mayor was saving money by drawing water from a well that was known to be contaminated with some kinda toxic runoff.

I drank hose water a couple time this year too in chicago, still kicking dont worry.


Evening Roberts

Pretty much like what actually happened with Flint's water then? And I'm calling it now, when people inevitably start getting sick from it, it's going to be whitey's fault.

Crestwood is like 92% white.

Still, its different. Flint tried to save money by using good water from a different source, but because the Ph was radically different it killed the biofilm that kept lead from leeching out of the pipes. Crestwood was criminal.

As a person who lives in chicago. Going west from the loop at night is asking to be shot.

Going below the Museum of Science & Industry at night is asking to be shot.

Don't go near englewood past 6 pm, and if a nieghborhood looks sketchy, it probably is.

>five teens that were on the property
>he's detaining three of them

so people ask why is Chicongo such a shit hole in these threads, here is why. And oh by the way, things are about to get real fun in all of Illinois on the 1st of next month, because that is when the new state budget is due, and they haven't had one in 3 years. Want to bet they won't have one for a 4th year?


>bald male hispanic with a gun pushing a child's bicycle

>Wife is traveling for work
>Flight gets delayed, then canceled
>Work buys her another ticket
>Flight arrives at 10:30pm
>At fucking Midway
>Bad accident on the Kennedy
>Fuck it, I'll make my way to Ogden
>Get pulled over in Lawndale
>Carrying a gun
>Surprisingly, everything goes fine
>Don't even get a ticket

Its not that bad. I mean, it would suck to walk, but if you pay attention to your surroundings and aren't shy about shooting someone if something happens its manageable.

>jaw was spit open

been waitin for this to come through :)

Not many murders these days, eh?

>five black teens with a basketball throwing rocks at cars
>17 year old female hit by 42 year old male

It is a bit chilly here today. Feeling more like Chiberia than Chiraq

Templar Robert back again. Is our nemesis male black still dealing crack and throwing kids in the sewer?

I love getting high and listening to this

Five so far this weekend.

How hot is it in chicongo tonight

Homeless male white neets


>boyfriend refusing to turn kids over
The fuck, you leave your kids with a boyfriend...of-course there no fathers.

Body snatcher called when


>missing 6 year old

>6yo girl missing
>was asleep an hour ago, mom just discovered her gone.


Robert checking in
> industrial alarm
> atomic transportation


Crestwood is a suburb, it isn't bad. It's by no means nice, but it isn't too much of a shithole. I live a couple suburbs over.

1915 robert 10-4

That's a crime in and of itself

>trayana wayborn
>The fucking names never end.
Chanting profit was by far the best name so far

>male black last seen wearing crocks.

shots fired, shots fired

walking dog without leash

Stop the train because somebody passed out on the tracks

is this live?

Maybe, we rights should just give up?



Illegal cig sales

time to chokehold him


>pic related

>male black name buttler mcgee (last name?)

God damn it, we need to have someone approve this shit before we end up with "Honda slurpee"

Butler McGee isnt bad.

I actually had a student named syphilis

These name are no longer capable of surprising me.

>man shot in front of the house

>male in his underwear passed out on the grass

Robert is currently charging. Will be ready soon.

Chicongo is hell on earth

>male hispanic got kneecapped


>male white on the ground intoxicated
>at 10:43 on a Sunday

Caller is a snitch

If you've ever watched the show "Shameless" it's actually a pretty accurate depiction of some areas of Chicago.


>person shot at 5-2 and Western

>person on a bike was hit by a car

The south-south Chicago is bad, but not bad as Englewood or the West Side. Crestwood is a town with a moderate amount of crime, but as others pointed out, 92% white.

>gf is high and just took off in the caller's impala

Kid I used to hang out with a bit in high school with got arrested for armed robbery for sticking up the crestwood gamestop with his cousins, shit was great when I heard about that.

But really, Crestwood isn't bad at all, it's Robbins right next to it that's the problem. All black city, it was founded because one of the cities didn't want niggers in it.

Another kid I grew up with and used to be over at my house all the time burned down 6 buildings in pilsen, one with a guy still in it.

>gang fighting outside
>now hearing shots

jungle fever going on?

>there's a lot of guys out here
>something about observing them

>5 shots



Just sat back down who bought it?


dindu nuffin got dispatched ...

also dindus being dindus, also screaming

>guy shot in the hand at holy cross
>being help along with the two people who brought him in related to the DOA

Crestwood isn't really bad at all. Even Robbins is quiet. Plus, there's Dwayne Wade's house right there on Pulaski

>caller was punched in the face at a restaurant
>refused EMS

>punched in face
>refused ems
>teens fighting

>threatening suicide, intoxicated
>not wanting to ride with her

>intoxicated daughter threatening to kill herself
what's new?

>lupe is in a minivan with her drunk suicidal daughter
>doesn't feel safe driving with her


Chicago's EMS services aren't very popular.
Praise KEK.

>swerving into oncoming traffic

no one (or barely anyone) worth saving

>male on the ground having a seizure, they requested police

>someone fell on the ground, having a seizure

>male hispanic attacking people with a bat

>take a look at the fireworks
must be quite a sight

also shot fired

>person shot in the hand

>aggressive male black panhandler punched caller's car after they refused to give him money

>the crowd is now growing from three people to ten people
>still unknown weapons

>alarm goes off in computer room at school

>someone being held hostage

>gang of 10 throwing rocks at passing cars