Final Solution needed - fire up the trains
e-celeb youtards DO NOT BELONG IN /POL
take this faggotry to Mods, quit being faggots and nuke every goddamn "Laci", "Anita", "Molyneaux", "Boogie", "Alaska", "Shapiro", "Lauren" keyword
Final Solution needed - fire up the trains
e-celeb youtards DO NOT BELONG IN /POL
take this faggotry to Mods, quit being faggots and nuke every goddamn "Laci", "Anita", "Molyneaux", "Boogie", "Alaska", "Shapiro", "Lauren" keyword
We had this post an hour ago
Bump fuck reddit "people"
Someone better post the top right image or this thread will be gayer than OP.
Thank you
> whoa, whoa....some faggot posting selfie-taking videos on youtard just made some uninformative statement
> surely THEY are directing political discourse for the masses
> duuuuurrrrr
> whoa, guys...this girl is soooooo hot
> she has ridiculously huge glasses that are cute because they take the focus off her disgustingly fat fucking cheeks
> its like I've never dumped cum in a real woman and I've got a crush on a photoshopped cunt on the Interwebzz
> I'm sooooo cool cuz , like, I listened to someone, y'know, talk about permatics for, like, longer than ummm 2 minutes, y'know
I appreciate good tits you fucking homo. Redeem this thread right now.
kill yourself ShareBlue faggot
I also wish that shit was over in /bant/ instead of here, it's just so much extra clutter to deal with on an already flooded-with-shit board. Most of the time there isn't even discussion, just shitflinging for or against. Move it elsewhere for the love of god.
Nice, very nice. Got any more?
sorry I do not
>muh eceleb CANCER
back to
Bumping. The absolute state of the catalog.
Can anything unironically be done though? The mods hate us and newfags will respond to anything.
no get right, faggot
We can still win. We must do what we have always done, redpill and persist in our goals. Bombard the shills with redpills until they either burn out and go home, change their point of view, or an hero.
If you get banned, simply go somewhere else and post the redpills there.
for the cause
> muhhhhh if they use youtube they dont countttt
shut up retard some posts about youtube is fine, just not spam or shilling
Redpill/bluepill isn't the issue here, it's the fanboys/marketers making console wars-tier threads constantly about irrelevant ''''celebrities''''
>is he /our guy/
>this is Sup Forums's hero
>X is a cuck because they said something mean about Y
>>is he /our guy/
>>this is Sup Forums's hero
>>X is a cuck because they said something mean about Y
It's been long enough that the sticky should really be updated. And actually enforced. And actually noticed by newfags.
I 100% agree
Leave the Laci threads here though
>implying the mods don't want this place to burn
No what's that mean?
Someone post more Laci
Omg I just remembered her
What's her name and what is she doing now? I miss her YouTube
agreed this e celeb shit is pure nu/pol cancer and pure leddit trash
>i'm a retard that cannot formulate an opinion of my own, so i must watch other people on youtube who provide all my thoughts and opinions on issues for me. since I'm a retard this is what i think constitutes discourse and i'm so intelligent and not really a pathetic fucking loser who should be gassed along with my e celeb idols
It's most likely shilling for their social content.
Kill yourself. Fuck that stupid cunt.