What? Our king decided for himself to convert. No outside sat a foot in our land you uneducated 4 year old moron.
OP keeps advertising his video
It was a meme about neo pagans not the vikings you autistic retard.
Nobody is Christian wtf is wrong with your head?
How fucking complicated is it to understand a meme mocking a parties contradicting talking points?
Thanks niBBa
>the goy should fear the jew
"I shall never come to terms with the Christian lie.", "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.", "Kerrl, with the noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between National Socialism and Christianity. I don't believe the thing's possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself.", "What is important above all is that we should prevent a greater lie from replacing the lie that is disappearing. The world of Judeo-Bolshevism must collapse.",
"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance.",
"Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence, would have developed in the direction of world-domination, and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilisation at a single stroke."
- Adolf Hitler
*sips tea*
*brews more tea*
your savior is a Semite.
No wonder the Nazis failed. Thanks a Christian now the Shoah will have to start all over again.
It's hard to find an argument in there
Hitler wasnt a Christian. He was publically promoting Positive Christianity to destroy Christianity.
Its not clear what he was, he certainly admired the pre-Christian Romans and the Germans but he also said that reinstituting Paganism wouldn't be a viable solution in modern Germany.
I called myself a Christian in my early life but never with pure faith.
Could someone sum up OP's video, I'm not gonna spend 15 minutes watching Christcuckery.
Blah blah blah jesus blah blah blah bible blah blah blah i love jews
There are a litany of quotes that would suggest he had sort of a double-mindedness about Christianity, or maybe my chronology is flawed, but I never understood why the modern natsocialist would want to drive away what I'm sure is a tremendous number of people who identify with the Reich and NS but who have no intention of abandoning Christ... If anything, Hitler understood the logic of supporting Christian Germans and modern pagan/atheist natsocs are retards who don't care about winning the war but about purity spiraling into oblivion.
Or it's kikes d&c'ing us as always. Probably kikes.
Which war?
Nigga calm your tism
Just trolling Cuckstians
And please never put actual pagans in the same basket as atheists again. Dont disrespect your own forebears.
all neo pagans are all former euphoric faggots just taking their edgy bullshit to the new level.
I wasn't necessarily lumping them into the same basket just saying that they are both non-Christian natsoc
Christians on Sup Forums are so deluded. Countries like Estonia, the Scandinavian countries etc are all majority atheist, Christianity has long disappeared from their minds, it is an abomination that belongs not to the European people. The fact that it has so quickly deteriorated in all parts of the world outside the US flyover states (which, even today, are becoming less religious too) indicates that there is something "off" about it that the very blood in our veins is repelled by. The European man is spiritually lost, having been uprooted by the Christians and set adrift in the river of filth and hedonism vomited forth by the global jewry. Neopagans wish to return to the true origins of spirituality and civilization in Europe, spirituality which was tied directly to the European land AND the European bloodlines. Atheism is state of a soul who is lost and has no understanding of itself, Christianity is the state of a spirit in bondage.
I think also Christians and their apologists do not realize the rapid way in which change, spiritual and political, can take place. They claim that Christianity has ruled Europe for so long that there is no way to return, but is that really true? Scandinavia still had many pagans until around 600 years ago, the Baltics didn't fully convert until around 400 years ago, and today these very same regions have already abandoned Christianity, and there WILL be another spiritual revolution to fill this void. Will it be the spirituality of the Islamic invader or that of their European fore-bearers? For the sake of our future I sincerely hope it is the latter. As Evola observed, any attempts to revive the spirit of Europe without too reviving its spirituality will simply result in a farce destined to failure.
The war against international jewry, white genocide, degeneracy of all kinds, the massive child sex trafficking ring that owns all world leaders, against globalism, the lugenpresse, etc. ad nauseam. The Party needs a lot of members to take power and a lot of the world is Christian. It's tactical suicide to cannibalize ourselves so that our numbers continually dwindle while the brown slime increases exponentially, israel continues running the world into potential thermonuclear war, whites are aborting their children and/or breeding with niggers and other undesirables, etc.
Don't say nigga if you're white faggot
Make me NIGGER
>Christians on Sup Forums are so deluded. Countries like Estonia, the Scandinavian countries etc are all majority atheist, Christianity has long disappeared from their minds, it is an abomination that belongs not to the European people.
Gee you mean when Europeans rejected Christianity for cultural marxist horseshit and became a bunch of effeminate, consumerist, cosmopolitan faggots who openly embrace people who want to destroy them?
Gee that doesn't sound anything like Deuteronomy 28: 30-31 or Romans 1: 25-27 AT ALL!
>posting mongol, heretic, orthodox asian christ
How are they National-Socialists if they can't let go of the Jewish Messiah?
Because Christianity paints a bigger picture that goes beyond the reasoning of muh identity literal nigger logic that neo pagans use.
Well enjoy your globalist religion then.
I will you heretical faggot
And when we are fighting the jewish antichrist feel free to stop acting like a nigger and join us sometime
Not really. Christianity paints a retarded and self-contradictory picture. Pagan metaphysics is far more expansive than Christian theology (which is kindergarten-tier philosophical garbage for low IQ retards).
>fighting Jews
Kek. That would be a first.
>who openly embrace people who want to destroy them?
That would be Christians. Based atheists like Czechs and Estonians kill those faggots.
>being this historically illiterate and just all around fucking retarded
Yea because worshiping daisies and cow shit is "metaphysical". (it's also kindergarten-tier philosophical garbage for low IQ retards).
I guess that is why it was wiped out in the dark ages by non other than Christianity.
and by WHITE christians
Brown sandniggers didn't invade Europe like with the muslims and force their religion
White pagans willfully converted and conquered.
>But muh race cucks muh identity
>not white
Rekt by mudslimes
>taking any of vargs nigger tier arguments against Christianity seriously
Pic related, stop posting that heresy
christ roulette
Oh look some Christians who just so happened to be of other races wanted to make a depiction of Jesus in their own racial likeness.
Guess that makes Christianity antiwhite huh?
I've yet to see a pagan actually engage by actual arguments outside of acting like an autistic fedora faggot trying to be edgy.
what christianity looks likes.
oy vey
you don't like the early depictions of christ. christ was a semite a desert dweller, not nordic
what paganism looks like
Nah, that's pretty much a cucktholic thing. Orthodox Christianity has declared a holy war on terrorism
>Gee you mean when Europeans rejected Christianity for cultural marxist horseshit
Christians have been the primary propagators of racial egalitarianism since time immemorial. Christian high schools have parent funded mission trips into Africa so christian children can help build churches in Africa. The Jews have the Christians so well conditioned that it's literally impossible to get elected in many flyover states without being at least ostensibly pro-Israel. If you look for any philanthropic organization, dedicated to aiding "refugees" from Africa or the middle East, you will find that 90% of them are operated by Christians. If you ask an average Christian whether they would rather have their daughter marry a white non-Christian or a black Christian the answer will universally be the latter. It is also a reality that Christianity and Islam, both spawned from Judaism, also happen to be the only two global religions in the world. All other religions are bound by blood or geography, and any spread is purely incidental as a result of culture spread. Islam and Christianity are the only religions to spread through the rapid need to proselytize and bring all people under one faith. You can defend Christianity all you want but there is one indisputable reality you need to understand if you want to have any credibility at all: Christianity and nationalism, especially ethnic nationalism, is completely and utterly incompatible. To make them compatible you would be attempting to change Christianity's core principles and make a square peg fit a round hole (Hitler's "Positive Christianity").
Christians have also been primary in the fight against it you fucking retard
Stop being such a thick skulled white nigger and stop pretending there isnt an obvious (((parallel))) going on here.
it's not Christ's fault that cuckstians ignore his teachings and warnings about taking the yeast of the pharisees.
Looks like a community of white people performing a traditional ceremony for their white gods until someone worshiping a nonwhite god interfered.
I made that. The Shroud is legit, but Jesus wasn't white.
Anyone has the opposite pic?
Nice shop. The churches burned were built on pagan grounds.
Prove you sound any different than a nigger
oh hello le deus gevalt larper now we all know you're a filthy beaner
It's not Christ's fault that "Christian" "neo-nazis" ignore his teachings all people being equal in the eyes of the lord and his opposition to the use of violence in self defense. You worship a Jewish rebel-prophet and pacifist as the ideal of manhood. You worship a perpetually chaste Jewish woman as the ideal of womanhood (perhaps that's why the thoroughly Christianized white modern culture has such a low white birth rate in comparison to other races/cultures living in the same country? After all the true Europeans rejoiced in fertility, and made offerings to the relevant goddess to bestow it upon them). No matter where you go, an interracial marriage within Christianity is permissible, but an intraracial marriage outside Christianity is not. Funny that.
Yes, muh white skin. The most important thing you have is your people, your race.
How new are you to think that
>muh white skin
Is an argument?
Yeah just ignore the fact that all of the problems with Christianity you keep talking about didn't become an issue among whites until after WW2 and the (((communist))) civil rights infiltration throughout the west.
If it was inherently Christianity then the white race would have been long gone.
muh melanin muh melanin
shit skins could survive in pre-modern Scandinavia
race isn't just skin; environment made humans into sub-species.
why hold to christianity?
>if it was inherently Christian
It is inherently Christian, and Christian ideals makes one receptive to these ideas. That's why we are having this problem in the first place dipshit, can't you put two and two together? Roman explores noted the obstinate refusal of the Germanics to marry outside their own people (with the exception of diplomatic marriages)... Along comes Christianity and this tribal loyalty simple disappears into the ether.
The beaner has no identity, if you take away his cucktianity he is left with nothing
Catholics are traitorous faggots.
They fucked over other christians for long time and became absolute faggot during 15-16th century when they became literally crypto-kikes, they became so fucking decadent and degenerate they were selling tickets to heaven.
Things went even more downhill when they became anti-fascist faggots during 20th century and were saying "you can't be christian while anti-semite"
Only thing that can save catholics is some truly redpilled Pope or at least someone like Theodor Innitzer.
All you christcucks do is call each other cucks. How can you "unite Europe" or even white men if you can't pull your shit together?
Here's an upvote for the pic
But NSDAP was catholic. Makes you think.
>All you christcucks do is call each other cucks.
The irony of this post amuses me.
How exactly will pagans ever unify europeans?
>implying the Table Talks weren't a forgery
Pic related, checkmate atheists
Also, that """reconstruction""" was done by Israelis
Im not the one failing to put two and two together you fucking retard
You are not putting anything the fuck together whatsoever other than edgy talking points you heard from some black metal artist.
The shit you are spewing does not stick to Christianity in anyway outside of post sexual revolution infiltration in over 2000 years.
Everything you are bitching about is due to traditional western civilization collapsing after two world wars and the traditional Christian Europe being completely replaced by free masons and jewish Kabbals and (((communists))) who fomented the wars specifically to do just that.
You probably think the fascists were a bunch of pagan larpers too you fucking autistic idiot
You are so completely historically illiterate that it's literally embarrassing.
they don't go to church with colored and don't worship a jew.
"Pagans" a.k.a. non-Christians were fucking weak and retarded.
By not waging religious wars against each other. Also by realizing our pagan traditions have the same roots
How is that unifying in any way???
they started civilation. christianity is roughly 2000 years old. pagans have been around for thousands of years
Reminder that if you have brown hair you're a nigger
pagan hold to homogeneity; christians take who ever they can swindle into their cult
Oh, same way pagan romans genocides 30% celts in Galia during their conquest?
Same way romans banned and destroyed Druidism because it was constantly religiously revolting against Roman Imperial cult?
Same way during Imperial Rule every temple of every religion had to put statue of Caesar in there and worship Emperor as in Devine?
>inb4 it w-wasn't about r-religion