Hey, Sup Forums

"White" isn't an ethnicity; just thought I'd let you know before you say this somewhere else and you get called out for being an idiot. Outside of your echo-chamber, your pathetic ideas have been debunked and get mocked.

Other urls found in this thread:



Weak mentally.
Weak physically.

Word to the wise. If you aren't /fit/, you aren't redpilled.

remeber the great african global empire.
Only japan and the ottomans deserve somekind of praise


I should not have to listen to people who could be beaten up by a child.

It is incredibly frustrating that I am expected to.

Our pathetic ideas created the entire civilized world and all of the technology the pathetic niggers could not achieve without us.

Not an argument, kiddo.

Neither is "asians." The Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans never considered themselves as part of the same ethnicity until they came to the western world. I hope you countersignal "Asian Pride" clubs and such as loudly as you countersignal whites, Shlomo.

>free white persons of good character.
What did the founding father mean by this?

stop shilling literally whos

By the same logic neither is Asian or Black

How come NO ONE can beat him? Stream after stream, everyone here challenges him and its always the same.

>user starts full force
>gets countered HARD
>decides to "meme it up"
>ends up looking like a complete retard

Admit it Sup Forums, this is the one fight you CANT and will NEVER win.

I would destroy you physically and mentally.

The SJW "white"-denier's answer for this is that the "black" identity was forced on slave descendants since they don't know their country of origin. You're better served sticking to Asians whenever pointing out inconsistencies in anti-white rhetoric. Asians works great for conversations on privilege, too.

If you are going by that logic, "black" isn't an ethnicity either.

Where here have you read the sentence "White is an ethnicity"?
>Outside of your echo-chamber, your pathetic ideas have been debunked and get mocked.
>I base my opinions on what the most people think because I'm stupid and unable to think for myself
Only idiots use the word "debunked." Arguments are either refuted or not refuted.
You are embarrassing the deus vult flag.

Not a kiddo, argument.

Destiny looks like a human that's evolved to live in zero gravity. Zero calcium and 90% connective tissue.

We function like one

Yet he's more intelligent and successful than you.

Destiny is also a girl's name.

Because he only debates weak fucks in the alt right. He would be Dinesh D'Souza's or Ben Shapiro's little bitch. You get no points for debating hacks with zero debate skills. Let him try against some of these alt light debaters and he'll be an owned little bitch.


your post refutes that argument, stupid fuck

you're confusing us with your own shitty sites, like ribbit

Sup Forums is the 1st Amendment in action.

you mean a stripper

Wasn't he already made Sargon's bitch?

I dunno he might have been. But that dude Dinesh is fucking intelligent. Dinesh would wipe that left cumstain all over his nigger cum soaked floor.

You should watch his debates against atheists.

>NO ONE can beat him

I will not take the bait from this copypasta.

There's no such thing as blue, there's no such thing as purple, we know this because it's hard to point out exactly where one becomes the other, therefore we know that neither thing exists. There is only one colour, the human colour, anyone who disagrees is a bigot

You referring to Sargon or Dinesh?

If that is true then white guilt was created to opress the white man

I propose we use the term Aryan when referring to the White ethnicity. Just for OP.


where does white guilt exist?

The only thing close to white guilt is white privledge, another bs american idea.

What's up my fellow Aryan-Americans!

Fpbp. Also destiny likes anal plugs.

We have many names. White, Aryan, European, Caucasian, Scuttlemonkeys. You die!

There is no such thing as "race." The scientific term is "macro haplogroup." White is haplogroup N. Black is haplogroup L. Asian is haplogroup M.
Its science.


ya ill check it out

>You die!
I shall add this to my insult lexicon.

The white ethnicity idea came from the us and has nothiing to do with europeans

Look like heres one


Why don't we just call it race like it was before.

you don't seem that high and mighty when you're butthurt enough to come bitch about this shit on Sup Forums

So you're saying whites are called N-ggers?

I feel like this is the best reply to any leftist or shitskin that wants to try to say that whites don't exist. You know we exist when it's time to attack us.

k, you can call us aryan

Maybe, but the idea of whites only exist in america

well legal documents used in courts and by governments have white as a race. and generally speaking ethnicity = race . the 2 terms are interchangeable .

you can say irish is a ethnic group but thats not a option on american police reports

Nah, I'm sure the Abos see you as a white man, regardless of if you're ethnically English, Scottish, Greek, or whatever. Hell, the White Australia immigration policy existed until the '70s.

Consult the Mainstream Media. (ha ha don't).

I'm saying there is between 90 and 130 thousand years of geographic isolation between macro haplogroup L (black) and groups M and N (white and Asian). "New research showing slower than expected genetic mutations in human DNA was published in 2012, indicating a revised dating for the migration to between 90,000 and 130,000 years ago.[35]" .


It only stokes /pol's/ fire knowing we are being mocked for advocating the preservation European ancestry...it's a large part of why dimocrats are losing elections, after dogging-out working class white democrat voters...keep it coming.

The white australia policy was anglo-protestant policy. I don't care how others see me, i can't rationalize that all europeans are the same. Even hitler believe this shit.

*Even hitler didn't believe this shit

yep. every time sargon made a point, destiny would nitpick some point that didn't even matter and try to drag that up to derail the argument.

Did your Marxist professor tell you this?

Haplogroups M and N (white, asian) have neanderthal dna but haplogroup L (black) does not, suggesting no backward migration, and between 90,000 and 130,000 years of separate evolution. In perspective, the first agriculture was 10,000 years ago and dogs diverged from wolves 30,000 years ago.

" Neanderthal-derived DNA accounts for an estimated 1–4% of the Eurasian genome, but it is significantly absent or uncommon in the genome of most Sub-Saharan African people. "


We're definitely not all the same, but we're more similar to each other than any other outgroup...and you better believe that those outgroups collectively hate us, making white solidarity necessary and noble.

Yes, Comrade.

From this this day forward, we shall now refer to Whites as Non-Whites. Because we are not White.

What are you trying to slide schlock? As soon as the last worthless thread closes you quote it in this one. Israel bombing something? Or is more dnc info leaking? Or are you just fucking retarded and need attention from strangers like the little faggot you are?

I am in the Non-White ethnicity. Is this good enough, OP?

Don't call it White.

I realize that. The origins of race prejudice comes from the jews who thought they were the chosen people and the messiah would accept anyone else than their race.

You're right, whites aren't an ethnicity. Being white, or Aryan, is a race.

That's why White Nationalism is hyper-retarded and Fascists/NatSocs have always opposed it. It goes against truth

A retarded ideology like White Nationalism can only come out of countries like the United States and Canada, where the "white" population really doesn't have an actual organic nation and culture

>your ideas are failing

who is the president you fucking cuck?

No no no. I don't think you get it.

in that case, i think we can both agree that white privilege doesn't exist

If this were an echo-chamber you would have been banned for making a post like this.

What is it, then? A race?

Yes. You now have no white privilege because white isn't an ethnicity.

What a fucking retard. Makes claims he can't owe up to without any proof or anything.


But I bet we can both agree that black privilege does. When people with lower IQ's, scores, and skills get positions ahead of you because their skin is black, that's black privilege. Not saying you don't agree with this. Just stating in general.

Hitler wins again.

That depend on what the meaning of "is" is.

The irony of a leftist calling pol an echo-chamber. This place is filled with Commies, shills and niggs.

I don't get this meme either, leftwing parasites and their masters stonewalled some reason to call this place an echo chamber when we get countless b8 threads per hour constantly threads with opposing narratives and opinions

white isnt an ethnicity though its literally a color

It's literally just "no u." It's the same reason they've tried to call us "snowflakes."

you're right it's a race. glad to see you know the difference

It's a stripper's name.