We are all the same, goys.
We are all the same, goys
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck?
>We are all the same
are you implying we aren't?
what are the blue/green boxes representing ?
are they mating or what the fuck am I watching
just highlighting that there are more significant brain differences than even skin differences, i.e. there's a lot more going on than skin color
ooga booga bix nood muddafuggin get dis dickwet
these threads are always fucking depressing.
I think I understand it. Blue is the pigmentation differences, green is neural differences
nonetheless, people need to see reality
a true nigga moment. Did someone throw a chair?
I can't watch this shit. Not tonight senpai.
>in front of a child
Fucking niggers.
Here is one for you OP
This is so fucked up. This is in germany isnt it? This kind of stuff makes me want to see something huge go down. I want them fucking wiped out.
i can't wait for western Europe to fall. They've been laughing at the eastern parts of Europe as long as we have existed. The one who laughs last laughs the best.
Is it bad that my brain associated "nigger" with the skull on the left before even reading any text?
Slavs will be the only ethnic Europeans left in 50 years.
>Entering nigger zone unarmed
What did he mean by this?
Why didnt he just shoot the nigger?
Clearly he was being threatened.
wtf is this?
every other single one is just fucking horrible, disgusting, but what the fuck even is that
That was a trump supporter that was pulled out of his car IIRC
thought guns were illegal in frog land
That should be charged as child abuse
No, he never mentioned that he was a trump supporter, the guy was just a white guy after trump got elected and the chimpout happened. He ran into a particular group that blamed whites for their situation and had his car stolen and was assaulted.
>tfw I was facebook friends with her
>she unfriended me
Oh well, that's Crystal Thierry, aka Page 73 Girl.
I hope so. The Westerners are degenerates that have lost their ways of culture and tradition. I hope they all die out and become the next caliphate. Fuck 'em.
there must be a version of this video with sound
this got me nice and a hard.
white women are made for rape
Those animals were even yelling "you voted trump!"
ah shit thats right. forgot. It'd be funny if it was a clinton voter
Truth, they fucked with us for too long. But in order for us to survive we need unity, we cannot be divided and conquered anymore. We don't need to be united in the same borders, just united on our NO REFUGEES stance. We need to stand side by side croatbro.
Would almost certainly have received prison time if had, in that cuck hole.
fucking idiots
what the fuck is this man
what the fuck
There already is a union my dude. It's called V4. And in the future I only hope the number in it grows larger. If my dumbass MILF president joined V4 we would have a perfect closed border from the Baltic Seas to the Adriatic. But, she wanted more connection to Merkel and her Jew ways. All we have to do for now is sit down and enjoy the show.
I hate this one so much
The sheboon mother is teaching her male offspring how to perform a mating dance with the female sex. Otherwise known as "poundin' dat pink". An alien ritual to the civilized European
How much power does v4 hold? and what exactly does it do?
why did everyone ignore this?
am I seeing it right?
is that a video of 20 blacks attacking one lone white girl?
Of course Hungary/Baltics/Romania can be honorary members.
It's really so refreshing when you people are honest about your goals.
I'm somewhat encouraged that this kid held his own, but those are typical nigs all jumping in at once.
Don't blame the nigger, it's the result of decades of white oppression on the poor child which makes him act like that.
>this is his first time seeing nogs gang up on someone and beat them retarded
must be nice living in white suburbs
>because blacks are oppressed and its the reason they are acting out docha know!? Racist!
Seriously though its basically that and the media. It's fucking depressing.
Start masturbating goyim
yea that white boy is awesome
For now the power they hold is small, but it can only grow larger. They're a unity between Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic.They're doing jack shit for now except arming themselves.
What the fuck? what kind of fucking moron lets their little girl unsupervised around shitskins?
Also, wouldn't a little girl getting dry-humped count as CP?
hahah itz laik super funi coz like thi grl iz wait
Got anymore pics like this?
This is your only future white boi
We Slavs are a dysfunctional family, but a family none the less.
>except arming themselves
welp, you can't go wrong with that.
Goodluck eurobro
one of the best webms ever
Wouldn't this technically count as cp?
It's just disgusting
Thank you. I hope you remove all the niggers from your country. Pale white America!
These things aren't human. How could you do that to a baby FFS...
How can liberals think this through.
Poor whites don't act like this. They aren't perfect, but jesus they don't act like this. These niggers are abaolutely devoid of any prefrontal lobe function.
>muh disparities
>muh institutional racism
>muh slavery
The world would be better without them...
They just wrestling white boy! Stop being such a biggot!
He is a cop.
Nigger got his ass best even with his friends trying to help like a pack of hyenas
>that sadness and anger from the kid at the end
makes me want to stomp some decrepit niggers
>Wu Dong-Dong
>Ya Ping Zhang
I guess thats why they are pushing the "East Asian priviledge" meme so hard lately.
They cant white guilt and nazi card the Chingchongs.
Let's just kill all these sick fucks.