Where in the Solar System will we find aliens?


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On earth.

right about here.

Texas, New Mexico, California, plenty of aliens there.

whoa really made me think

We truly are the alien.





found them this week, actually, in peru

Obvoius hoax

No, John. You are the aliens.

I heard aliens landed here already but they landed in Africa and found no signs of intelligent life.


the only 2 correct answers

carbon dated 245 ad
those damn ancient peruvian jokesters

Intelligent life, or just bacteria?

That's clearly a space squirrel.

Gobegli Tepi gets all the attention , but Puma Punku is seemingly ignored , why ?




Who knows? I hope we find life in my life time though, it's the one reason why I haven't necked myself yet. I like to think life is plentiful, the universe is so vast there just has to be something.

In Finland where the whole country is nothing but Greys.


You mean those people that make money by selling people "ancient secrets" and shit?

Yup, totally trust them.

I've seen some weird shit in NASA photos before but that my friend is just a rock.

>implying the solar system even exists
'Space' is a masonic psyop designed simply to make the population more easily controllable, if we ever come into contact with so called aliens, be wary

We'll find some new bacteria on mars for sure.

Other than that we'll probably have to wait for aliens to find us.

the wokest

Right here on earth, famalam. Do you really think that billions of years of evolution yielded only one sentient species?


shidd dey bound oud :DDD

Curiosity is a hoax, it was just an excuse for NASA to gobble up another $17B.

They just threw some rovers out in the desert and then put a red filter over the photos and cut the sky out.

dont's bread on me :DDDDD

On the moon. But they've been dead for thousands if not millions of years.

You people will never stop saying shit like that until you're literally taken to mars yourselves, will you?

That's far too low res to make a claim so bold.

He is right thought, mars rover is actually located in Devon islands. Look it up for yourself.

This post redpilled me on curiosity hoax. Ty based neckbeards.

>flesh and bone of aline preserved in a white powder
looks like sci fi fanastasy

Your mother's moist cunt

Report From Iron Mountain suggests many ideas to control society. Large expensive space program to eat up a nations GDP instead of improving quality of life, and as a ' substitute for war '.
" Raise the Titanic " was a cover story to explain a huge ships activity as it recovered parts and missiles from a sunken Russian submarine. Look up , Glomar Explorer.
1970's movie , Capricorn 1 , deals with a fake Moon landing and scandal when it is exposed.
( Hollywood never fictionalizes events to give plausabile deniability a boost do they ? )

Duh, the Earth is flat and the elites know we're stuck here.

There's 10,000,000 aliens in America

Probably in the caves of Mars near some place that has water next to whatever pole it was that had ice

We won't!
either because
1. you can't travel faster then the speed of light so it would take forever looking & we are not even close to speed of light travel, maybe if we killed all the niggers jews & shitskins so we could focus $ on science we would get there faster!

2. the earth is flat, the bible is real & we are it, the center of everything & the only life!

Even Tyler thinks it's fake.

we wuz aliens n sheit

It really suprised me that he stated that it could be a hoax

>Puma Punku
Because Pumapumku is dated to like 1500 years old and Gobekli Tepe is dated like 12,000 years old.

We probably won't. Our only hope for finding evidence of alien life in our solar system is either Mars (in which case we have to luck out and find fossilized remains of bacteria) or Europa (in which case we have to figure out a way to get a submersible probe below a couple kilometers of ice on an alien planet), neither of these is impossible, but they're much more involved than Door #3.

Most likely scenario is that once we get the James Webb Space Telescope up and can start doing high-res spectroscopy on a lot of these exoplants we've been finding, we'll discover a few with O2 in their atmospheres. The only natural process we know of that can produce enough O2 to make it detectable in a planet's atmosphere is photosynthesis so if we find O2 in an exoplanet's atmosphere, it's pretty much 99% certainty that there's life there.

I don't know, but they can fuck off if they come here looking for gibs like in District 9.


Lol, wtf?

probably not in our solar system
and if we did it'll be bacteria kind of shit


Nah, PumaPumkin stones were cut by alien laser, the stones are so locked together even modern methods would have a hard tome duplicating it.

Interesting... a frog on Mars.

What have you autists done?

What stones?

in the thread it literally states that this is a photoshop


Largest concentration of aliens on Earth are located underneath the fields of Texas.

There's a legit alien base there where the ayy lmaos land their ships and do their reconnaissance.

USA warned to BTFO or else.


It's not unlike Tyler. He's a clickbaiting faggot, but he usually airs his skepticism on supposed proof.


Each planet has it's own life forms. Though we are in separate dimensions. Through technology we can interact, though it's not in public domain yet.

They really are just using a red filter. The sky on Mars looks a lot like Earth's. Blue with clouds.

Also people that occasionally go in that area wind up never being seen from again. If you live in Texas and are now thinking about researching this and finding it, I'd suggest against it.

source? what area? texas is pretty fucking big, if you didn't know

I don't really want to say, but one clue I'll give away is that there is a fake farm out there. There's even a bunch of cows out in the fields grazing away, it looks legit, but there are no people there. Sorry if that's not specific enough, it's in north central Texas.

In the seas under the moon Europa.

texas has way too few UFO sightings to have a base right under it.

Most of Texas is empty.

on uranus

Fucking based. Glad someone else will say it.

* in

We are completely alone, or we are not. If we aren't the only ones, we better be fucking terrified. Any alien civilization that is capable of finding and traveling to our local system, has the capability to glass the planet.