Midwest Reich General

Why not start the Fourth Reich in the midwest?

>germanic heritage
>family values
>90%+ white states
>high IQ
>tallest in the Union

IA, MN, SD, ND, NE, KS, MO, WI, IL, IN, OH, PA, and MI all allowed. (Manitoba, Sasketchewan, and Alberta also allowed)

What cities in your state/province need to be nuked? I'll start
>Des Moines

Other urls found in this thread:


Germany lost the war dude. Almost 100 years ago. Let it go.

:( no

Is Des Moines really that bad?

Nuke Council Bluffs and N Omaha please.

Dubuque is still salvageable if they start kicking all the Section 8 niggers out, but yeah Waterloo and especially Des Moines are lost causes at this point. I'd throw Iowa City and Cedar Rapids on as well.

British and English were considered Germanic by Hitler, so it could encompass the entire country.
But can I move there if I can prove I have enough German blood? I dont want to get stuck down here in the Black Belt

It's estimated at only 60% caucasian now and it's got a crime rate about 10 times that state average.

Fug, I went to UNI so I'll always have a hatred for Waterloo.

>Midwest Reich aka German draft dodger land

>tfw the midwest germans are still dodging the draft

It doesn't matter that Hitler considered them Germanic. The English are simply Germanic as a matter of factor.

Also fuck off we're full

Make room by kicking out all the Irish and Polish Untermensch in Chicago

Yes it's a shithole. All whites are moving to Urbandale and it's comfy as fuck

Yeah they're kicking them into my small town that used to be 95% white

Thanks fags

Your ancestors were german, you are not, you are american. Stop comparing yourselves to europeans when you are not.

They're not coming from Dubuque, they're coming from Chicago. They're ALL coming from Chicago. Feds turned the tap on when Obama was running things and it's just been a non-stop flood to the whole eastern half of the state for the last 5-6 years.

Ethnicity is German, Nationality is American.
Dont get mad at us because you dont understand the diference

West Iowa is Best Iowa

>your mostly agrarian ethnic-German communities with roughly the same population as Germany aren't comparable to Germany
Go eat a funnel web spider

hey, Cedar Rapids native here. We need to nuke the quad cities as well

Compared to Chicago it's heaven on earth. Compared to any other town in Iowa it's a ghetto.

Not for long - Sioux City is importing tons of arabs, I hear they're even building a halal meat plant.

wait are you serious? holy shit this needs to stop

I can't see Steve King allowing that to happen.


My hometown was nearly destroyed by a meat packing plant. They promised up to 100 jobs in the area, but after they got the go ahead from the city they started building barracks for the Mexicans they were preparing to import. Well, in the end they couldn't start up the meat-packing plant because they didn't plan enough freezer space to make a profit lol.

There's not much he can do to stop it - it's up to local government.

This is why it's so important that Sup Forumssters start focusing on getting involved in local politics - city councils, zoning commissions, that kind of shit. They're easier positions for regular joes to get seats on and they give you a LOT of control over local politics.

I'm planning on running for city council in my hometown once I finish grad school and move back, see what I can do to start pushing back against the Chiraqi horde.

I'm from montana and grew up speaking German as a second language since I could talk. My dad's side of the family has been here since the 1800's and my mom was born in west germany and moved here at a very young age. I can tell you now your 4th reich bullshit will never work, you fucking jew. Go divide some other nation. At least whites in Arizona and whites in New England are still part of the same country. Kys.

>Cuyahoga county
Ohio btw


A Greater Midwest will secede from the Union.

Then change our immigration act to favor white immigrants, Hans.

Jesus Christ is Ohio really that bad? I know I heard Anglin on some podcast saying that Somalians were horrid there. Is it like up in Minnesota?

Oh God yes. Minorities and libtards fucking everywhere.
Small town Iowa is where it's at.

Germans just came to ride on the coattails of the anglo's hard work. They never made a successful colony themselves.

In all honesty we can easily bully trudeau into giving us Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and The majority of Rural Ontario. I also want Alberta so the midwest can have a proper Great Plains monopoly. Ethnically, we come from the same stock, as evidenced by the Mennonite minorities that tailed Germanic expansion in the American province.

southern illinois shouldnt really count. the women there are nice but very desperate and loose. Also, too many spics and blacks in Chicago.

I mostly based it off the Pennsylvania Dutch and how they originated from the Midwest and Pennsylvania. In fact PA German is considered a second language in PA.

You lost the war big time, good goy

Shut up you stupid abo. Being German was always a question of blood and not of place of birth.

>putting a state with Philtadelphia in charge

New rule: if you've voted for a democrat presidential candidate more than once in the last 50 years (unfortunately no state can claim that they have voted dem zero times in that span), you are too cucked to be leader.

Oh, look at that! An actual redpilled Midwestern state to lead the new empire.

We might allow White immigration soon with the RAISE Act. We shall become the New Germany until we regain control of the old one by impeaching Merkel. Till then you can always come here.

>Implying we won't cleanse niggers and spics from our Germanic state

Have you forgotten about how only 84 white Rhodesians killed over 4,000 niggers.

It's a shame that Pennsylvania Dutch isn't taught in more schools. I always hear older people talking about it, but I've never actually heard anyone speak it

He probably thinks Ahmed from Berlin is German

Here in IA it is very common to meet PA Dutch Speakers.

I lived in the us for 10 years already, my family and I think about about leaving Germany but I would feel like a coward then. Either we win or Valhalla awaits me, that is hwo its.
Family history is documented for 800 years on this very soil, it is literally drenched with our blood. I just cant turn my back to this home


Im not disputing that, i am saying that they are not culturally german. They assimilated and the culture is american of some kind
>mostly germany socities

Yeah and you need Hoosiers to show you how. Unlike Penn, Michigan and Illinois, we didn't allow minorities to overrun our state. We will teach you.

CB is fine. Fuck you for speaking it's name in the same breath as North O. Fuck you.

It's pretty nice down here, Sorta like an Americanized Germany. Although Eastern PA is a mess since Jeresyniggers keep pouring in. Western PA still remains 90% white. As long as you aren't in Illinois you'll be fine down here.

PA is 82% white, The same as your state.

Fuck that is a blackpill gif.

>82% white
>still voted democrat for 20+ years prior to this election

Holy smokes you guys are even more dire than I thought, we need to get rid of your white liberals (those don't even exist in Indiana) pronto

Unfortunately our governments thinks that, they are slowly dismantling the ius sanguinis

What is American culture? It does not exist. American culture is maybe commercialized cartoons of the original culture but that does not change the stock of whom they stem.

The only genuine American culture is the frontier lifestyle

It's the niggers who usually vote, the whites almost always vote Conservative. It's just Pittsburgh and Filthdephia are the majority of voters. We might oust Tom Wolf next year though.

There's nothing cowardly about abandoning a sinking ship.

Godspeed then

Sure, the third generation rule still applies though. I believe that their culture becomes religious.

My father was recently in PA he told me it gets more non-white with each visit
But the same is happening here in the fatherland, I do not even go downtown anymore, drug additcs, bums, niggers. muslim and uncultured nu-Germans everywhere

>tfw when 94% white country surrounded by black

>Small town Iowa is where it's at.

That's still kind of true. However boat loads of niggers from Chicongo and detroit are being shipped into small Iowan towns like mad. You can thank king niggers policies for that.

Western PA still gets some European immigrants, The only time I usually see nonwhites is in Sharpsburg or in places like Walmart. I was at a Greek Festival today in my home town and it was almost completely white. If the RAISE act passes during the Trump Administration the flood will most likely stop.

This. Iowa City,Cedar Rapids,Dubuque,Davenport are compromised. West des Moines is swippley but the rest is fucked . Iowa is God's Country though. We thrive on the " oh it's boring, there's nothing but corn and cows lol" meme to keep you the fuck out. In the DNC videos that can me out during the elections that DNC organizer knew that outside of the liberal nig hives, Iowans are racist as fuck.

All hail the German American Reich!
Cedar Rapids user here, the coon invasion was devastating but we are still holding strong around 90%

I like the idea, but we are going to have to migrate our families outta here with spics coming from the west and south, and dindus spreading themselves in the south eastern part of the country.

I have stated this here before, but I believe we as white preservationists, should be gathering in New England (to gain numbers to squeeze out the lefty lunes in those states, maybe even Nova Scotia and parts of Canada on the Labrador Sea to southern Greenland and Iceland.

Tell me more about the RAISE act


Cotton sometimes hits at the fact he perfers more White/European immigration over the third world. I can see that especially after one of his Interns went on a rant about Mexicans and the British.

Blessing from God ,user

Detroit, Flint, some portion of Kalamazoo

>The racial makeup of the county was 96.0% White, 0.5% Black or African American, 0.1% American Indian, 0.6% Asian, 2.0% from other races, and 0.8% from two or more races

It does feel good to live in a county where I see maybe one nigger a month. And that nignog is just traveling through. I just hope it stays that way.

Go for it, mang. Do some irl organizing. Clearly the sentiment is there, you just need a leader.

It won't, it'll get gradually worse over time until something drastic happens, just like everywhere else.

Where can I buy a white supremacist flag?

Maybe someone will invent an even more successful crack of AIDS. We can only hope.

We need a new party for a new midwest bundesland

Stop it


I live in Northern Central Ohio

This user knows what's up. Germany BTFO by glorious American legions.

How likely is it that this wll go through?

Trade blockade from both ends

Trump supports the Bill so it might go through, If Nehlen beats Paul Ryan in the midterm elections it will possibly go through the courts.





The Krauts asked for it.

Knew this vid, pretty sad that there ste still kike slaves like him around

Dunno what they odds are, but it's something Sup Forums desperately needs to start advocating through letters to congress and prop pushes.

The RAISE Act would cut legal immigration by nearly a third, remove many of the loopholes used by permanent residents to bring in boatloads of low-skill or no-skill relatives, and shift the emphasis of American immigration towards middle and upper class, high skill workers (which will be much more beneficial to would-be European immigrants than third-worlders)

Bay City
Battle Creek
Grand Rapids

You forgot Canton.

I say this year the massillon/McKinley is played to the death, with the winner absorbing the losers city and deciding the fate of America

>If Canton wins, so do the blacks. Gibmedats for everybody 20 more years of LeBron

>If Massillon wins white is right again, go pick something cotton nigger. America is great again.

>What cities in your state/province need to be nuked?

once we're in the war I fully support the US over DE (not the genocidal bombing campagins however)
but the real issue is the damn kikes creating the war in the first place

Iowa is cucked as hell and Des Moines will be the next caliphate. Too many fucking Somali niggers and other mudslimes are moving in.

Look at it this way. Nobody ever knows the future, but if another country declares war against yours and sinks several of your merchant ships you're better dick them down so they will never do it again.

Germany has been getting blacked for the past decade. The true kike here is you.

Fucking niggers and mudslimes are ruining the pristine white man's state of Iowa.

My sister is American born and hence a citizen, would this increase my chances?

You should never support a war that is against your own existence in the long run even if it means betraying your country. The current Germany I would stab in the back at any time

Yea man I feel you. Things could've been different but Hitler did fuck up with declaring war on our glorious homeland.

>tfw your flyover state is explicitly allowed in a thread for once

America has been blacked since 1865. Air head boomers like you are what got America the bad stereotypes in the first place.

>My sister is American born and hence a citizen, would this increase my chances?
Yes. It already should, technically speaking.

The 23 percent German myth has been disproved time and again

I don't support it retroactively, only hypothetically if it was happening in real time