How did one of the most advanced western countries lose a war to a bunch of farmers equipped with ww2 rifles?
was it the libshits/hippies fault?
what happened?
serous answers only please
How did one of the most advanced western countries lose a war to a bunch of farmers equipped with ww2 rifles?
was it the libshits/hippies fault?
what happened?
serous answers only please
Serious answer is this "bunch of farmers" meme has to die. It was a political nightmare akin to the debacle of todays political climate. We were held back and hamstrung worse than we were in the middle east. I could go on but those are the main points.
1) China would have backed up the north had we crossed the line leading to Nuclear Holocaust
2) Guerilla war's are hard to fight and we weren't brutal enough (and still aren't). Kikes don't really have a preference with Communism vs Capitalism so they didn't make sure we were brutal.
We still need to nuke the shit out of the middle east, Israel included.
look at the death count, the US was wining the war but the retarded public wanted it to stop
And there's the fact that despite that you completely won, the tet offensive burned out every last resource they had. Then the jews made you surrender.
>looks at Vietnam
>looks at US
>"bunch of farmers" meme
is it really a meme? most of the viet cong came from an agricultural background
Because you can't fight for somebody else's freedom. If a group of people want freedom, they have to fight for it themselves. Same reason that the wars in th Middle East are unwinnable
The leftist back home really helped the communists. For example the Tet offensive was a major failure for North Vietnam and The US destroyed most of the NVA army but Jewish Communist Walter Cronkike reported it as a major Viet-Cong victory.
>1) China would have backed up the north had we crossed the line leading to Nuclear Holocaust
that was korea dude
>How did one of the most advanced western countries lose a war to a bunch of farmers equipped with ww2 rifles?
militarily speaking we didn't, we fucking smashed those charlies despite being massively outnumbered and had them pinned down to signing the Paris Peace Accords for another north-south split just like Korean (which was a arguably anti-communist success as much as what we could).
>was it the libshits/hippies fault?
yeah they got our troops to withdraw right when the vietnamese needed us most. After we left, charlies swarmed the country like we said they would rather than if we stayed a bit longer
>what happened?
commies at home cost us the war, not on the battlefield
Jews didnt let us win. Simple
Because you can't defeat a populace that doesn't give up unless you destroy all of them
Though here, the North did sign peace after the B-52 raids, it's just that they went back on their word and invaded the South when the US left. They figured the US wouldn't go back because of the hippies, and they were right.
because everyone wanted to be the good guy and no one wanted to be the bad guy so we surrendered
why did the american soldiers have such poor fighting spirit?
1.USSR aid
2.extreme incompetence and corruption of S.Vietnam
last and MOST important : enemies within
US lost not against Vietnamese farmers but against internal enemies, hippie, gay, anti war leftists, globalists, liberals.
it's american version of """Dolchstoßlegende"""
>that pic
why does the jew have tits
We were too puss'd to risk a fight with China, same as we were with Korea.
Should of marched straight to Hanoi, and ended the whole damned war. If the Chinese didn't like it, kill them too, until they gtfo of Vietnam and sign a peace treaty, or started dropping nukes.
The answer should of been "fuck you, drop 'em chink pussy outside us being in your own borders, and we Will kill you all. Communists need to die."
Instead the war just formed up into a slogfest of killing a hundred peasants the commies sent out, and losing a man per said asston of disposable zergs the Marxists were willing to front. Until eventually we'd lost tens of thousands.
We lost because oogah-boogah nukes.
Unrestricted media access. Television lost the war. They never made that mistake again.
>50k US dead
>1+ million Vietcong dead
We left Vietnam for political reasons, we didn't lose the military conflict.
and Vietnam. Do you really think we could have invaded the Communist North and the Soviets and Chinese would have just let us get away with?
why do americans find it so difficult to come to terms with?
You should watch the British movie Threads if you think two nuclear powers fighting is a good idea
Because it was a traumatic cucking that triggered the rest of our decline, ending with the ultimate cucking of 9-11. Every country has race traumas like it.
>Be Vietnam
>Be French's bitch
>Ho Chi Minh wants that to end.
>Learns how great America is and copies them
>Copies declaration of independence word for word
>Plans to draft a Constitution
>FDR hears about this, and sends American troops to kill Ho Chi Minh
>He doesn't want American people to see a REAL America with freedom
>FDR laughs as Americans are tricked into burning the constitution
>He laughs harder watching the Vietnamese genocided in their own country
>Dies laughing as America permits Jews to declare war on peasant rice farmers who wanted to copy George Washington.
imagine constantly winning and then losing to a minor technicality bullshit that shifted the course of history forever, worst of all ruining your perfect record. Don't you brits feel the same way about some of your cricket or rugby teams or some shit? yeah Vietnam was bullshit, we were so close and then faggots ruined it
We were winning easily.
The kill ratios were massively in our favor.
The tet offensive was a major disaster for them and huge win for us.
Unfortunately the public doesn't like dying in some 3rd world country for reasons they don't understand or care about.
It was not a military defeat. It just wasn't.
Not being allowed to go after the north vietnamese on their own turf doomed us to an unwinnable war, no matter how many battles we won against the VC and NVA.
We don't. It's only Whiny bitches who complain
> Vietnam wanted to be friends with US before the war
> We go kill 1,000,000 farmers, including women and children.
>we go kill 1,000,000 farmers
What? Civillian casualties in south vietnam were 195,000-313,000, and most of that was due to the north vietnamese and south koreans.
They didn't "just let us get away with it" in Korea. But we fought, and we did go into current North Korean territory, all the way up to the Chinese border. No nuke exchange was involved.
I don't think it's just the most skippy idea ever, friend, but over a half million dead or wounded Chinese communists in the Korean War, proves that direct conflict between two nuclear armed powers on third party soil =/= automatic nuclear exchange.
I stand still by the position. We should of marched on Hanoi.
We didn't nuke the chinese when they became involved in Korea, They didn't nuke us when the west became involved in Korea nor the US heavily involved in Vietnam.
In short, Winning Vietnam = ergm'gerd M.A.D. holocaust, is a spook. -.-
Worst part? Even after the Agent orange, mass executions, and napalm, the Vietnamese STILL wanted to ally with the US. They even declared war on Cambodia AND China to kill Communists. The entire conflict was a war for independence from ((Them)).
No wonder they hate America.
We weren't in total war mode, we weren't even in semi-war mode like after 9/11. The US was deep in a hippy, r-selected, weak men phase and so was in no state to fight a war. Too many resources were going to welfare, too much government was hurting the economy, rampant inflation was fucking everything up as it always does.
What are you talking about? There is nothing to come to terms with. From a military point of view the US military was not defeated. It was the politicians who lost.
The fact you ask this question shows you have no idea about the difficulties of modern warfare
How do you discern civilians from enemy soldiers? Are you sure that woman gathering water 20 feet away isn't a VC in disguise? How do you stop your fellow soldiers from turning insane from the paranoia and PTSD within the first week whenever a viet walks past?
How do you drop off in the middle of a populated area without VC sentries causing you to get fucked from the front, rear and sides?
When is a situation severe enough to justify dropping bombs on potential innocents?
Given that the very purpose of the Vietnam war was to stop communism, and given the solution to these issues will only worsen their opinion of capitalism (massacres), there just wasn't a point of going on.
Most Vietcong were farmers who had to pick up arms to fight there, Charlie.
The Jews wanted the US to lose, so they did. They've controlled the world since AT LEAST the Persian Empire
People don't seem to understand that since WW2 the US military fights wars mostly for profit and for testing new weapons. It's the reason why we're still in Afghanistan, for example, when we could easily wipe out the enemy and go home.
The military occupies foreign lands and leaves when it gets bored or politicians are taking too much heat by the public.
The US "lost" because there was no war to win. Troops had no idea who was on what side, it would be like the US sent its troops to London today and just ordered their troops to "kill d commes :DDDD"
Stop saying "the us LOST to vietnamese farmers lol", it makes you look dumb.
Saying that they lost implies the vietnamese were able to beat off the us troops through military might, and that couldn't be further from the truth. The US dominated the battlefield in every respect. The reason everyone says the us lost was because the North invaded the South after the US left, but then again, the south was a corrupt piece of shit that couldn't even support itself, so there's only so much babysitting the US can be bothered to do
VN war was one of our greatest shames. war money and politics rules america.
I'd personally say that we did not lose the Vietnam war, but the Cold War. Both sides lost in that conflict, but the USSR was able to influence our nation so much, and create so much communist sympathy and influence in the US that it caused us to by technicality lose.
>Stop saying "the us LOST to vietnamese farmers lol", it makes you look dumb
No, saying the US won that war makes you delusional, and they were a bunch of farmers.
The US has no influence there right now. That's not winning. Vietnam is not Japan.
Vietnam was able to flex its muscle on the battlefield more than the Ameriboos give them credit for. There were plenty of skirmishes that the US lost outright, google NVA or VC victories.
We didn't lose to farmers though, we lost to the polling booth.
because america is morally bankrupt and every single american despite being functionally a retard still knows full well that his empire is evil and stands for evil and darkness yet still supports it for mere monetary gain to his elite hoping some crumbs will fall his way
reminds me of iraq war
for months after it you'd see americans commenting online about why hasn't the price of oil dropped yet
the fucking retards thought they could just take the oil
This meme is retarded and you should feel bad.
Now listen to Blood Charm on Red Flag.
yes, and iraq isn't
also americans aren't retards, compare American IQ to Iraqi IQ and tell me what you see
America is the kid that sucker punches someone, runsaway before they can retaliate and then claims they won.
why pussy out if you "won"
Vo Nguyen Giap, the general of North Vietnam was a very strong believer in Sun Tsu's The Art of War. There is a section in that book that explains if you do not have the support of your people, you will never win whatever war you are fighting. Leader of north Vietnam took this to heart, and used that against the Americans. Without the support of the people back home, the war very quickly petered out and the Americans had to admit defeat.
Pretty much ended as summary is pretty accurate. Politically, the Americans lost on the home front and were forced to pull out. The shooting at Kent State can be argued as one of the major turning points in this fiasco that lead to it all failing.
Did you read the post you stupid britbottle?
We didn't lose to the Viet Cong we lost to our own politicians and leftists
Numerically it was a fucking blowout
yes, a TV show about the lowest of America is representative of the whole population
>There is a section in that book that explains if you do not have the support of your people, you will never win whatever war you are fighting.
Spot on. The simple reason why America has lost every war since is that the military no longer has the support of the people.
take the jews out of usa
take the kurds out of iraq
and you get same iq in both countries
It wasn't a bunch of farmers, it was a clusterfuck of civilians, communists government loyalists, communist government soldiers, anti-communist soldiers, foreign communist soldiers. You could not be sure of who was and enemy and who was an ally. It would be akin to being a white Christian in the middle east, you don't know who you can trust.
Loss of political favor
Loss in support
Weak Casis Belle
Political lefties not wanting to finish what they started with LBJ (1 of the top 3 worse US Presidents)
Unable to escalate the war and push into northern Vietnam
Unable to block shipping and support to north Vietnam
Fought with hands tied behind back
you got any facts to back that up
lmao, smart jews are like 0.1% of America's population
>make peace deal with nv
>pull out our troops cause its over
>they attack when we are down to saigon
>decide kek this and take a whole bunch of civies by chopper to carrier
>push planes into water to make room
>go home
Lolol you lost because we attacked you and broke the treaty and pulled your troops out
Vietnamization, peace with honor, and an unchecked media. The war was also unpopular and had a draft. Killing more bad guys was seen as more important than controlling more territory. I could go on but I would mostly attribute it's problems to having politicians run the show over generals.
Ok Ahmed, what social strata do you think most of any population resides in? low to low-mid income is in most countries the largest.
The fact is you don't see this kind of shit from plebs in other countries; over here they just get drunk and beat their wives
numbers don't mean shit
the viet cong died fighting a war for their motherland against invaders who inflicted every kind of misery on their people, and millions left ready to keep the fight
americans died invading and inflicting misery on the Vietnamese , and no american was willing to fight anymore
you are morally bankrupt
fire bombing the jungle from the air to kill 1,000,000 farmers, women and children included, because we were getting wrecked and ambushed on the ground.
yep... we sure beat the heck out of those gooks. makes me very proud. 1,000,000 kills, baby!
>lmao, smart jews are like 0.1% of America's population
and despite being so few they raise the national american iq by 10 points
>WW2 rifles
They were backed with Soviet equipment actually
meanwhile, 14% aspiring rappers
Let's do a little math here, which is going to affect the average IQ the most: the 14% of the population with an average IQ of 85, or the 0.1% with an average of 115?
the blacks actually also raise the average american iq
with whites having 63
blacks 85
jews over 9000
do the math i don't need to spoon feed you everything
(((They))) tricked you into fighting harmles peasants because "much gommunism is ebil!!!1!1!!"
Stop sucking dick user
>It wasn't a bunch of farmers
>it was a clusterfuck of civilians, communists government loyalists
civilians, government loyalists... what do you think they all did in that country? My bad, they were also fisherman. 90% of that country is made of famers and fisherman there, masterchief.
Ok you public school educated tards want a redpill on Vietnam? The US did not want to "win" and never even waged an actual war in Vietnam in the first place. American advisers were sent in to assist the South Vietnamese army ( ARVN ) in their effort to repel northern forces such as the NVA and Viet Cong. The South Vietnamese army was proving to be too weak to repel the north on their own so US Marine's boots hit the ground in 1965. US troops and military hardware remained in Vietnam for the duration of the conflict, but diplomatic policy hindered American troops ability to preform to the point where they were simply not allowed to "win". US troops were forbidden to enter Laos or Cambodia, the source of nearly all arms flooding into the North. US troops were forbidden to fire unless they could confirm they were under attack by enemy forces. US troops were expected to fight a defensive war of body count instead of advancing and destroying the enemy. The US military took no meaningful efforts to cripple the Norths ability to wage war and instead spent the duration of the war dumping billions of US dollars into jungle. The US never intended to wage a real war because the consequences of actually taking the North would be worse than simply abandoning the south. If US presence could be sustained in the South like in Korea, The US could avoid creating a larger conflict with the Soviet Union and China while keeping it's influence in south east Asia. The US was never going to "win" this war because there was no victory. They desired only to sustain their presence in the south as long as possible on a gamble that the tides in the cold war would turn and they would no longer be facing a larger confrontation with the USSR of China. Vietnam was abandoned because this gamble didn't play out. In the end the war was useless.
The Soviet Union collapsed and the US has more than enough influence in SE Asia today. US troops were being asked to die for a war their own government would not allow them to win, and in the end achieved nothing for the US besides sustain the military industrial complex.
We didn't lose. We quit. The US was adapting new technology to counter the ho chi minh trail that would of won the war.
go back to cambodia boat nigger
You were hamstrung by China and Russia.
>massively outnumbered
Because most of the troops on the south side were South Vietnamese.
I don't know, how does a country that colonized half of the work lost all of them?
>We didn't lose. We quit.
A forfeit counts as a loss.
Posting commie chink gfs
Thats it.
>it's american version of """Dolchstoßlegende"""
Yes. In other words
It's no wonder you're still in Afghanistan after what, almost 20 years now? Damn. I'm fucking impressed. Seventeen years and still fighting. But you won't learn from the past so of course you'll keep making the same errors over and over. Which I'm sure is somehow the liberals fault too.
he's the kind of cancer who abandons a dota2 match when i feed on his ass so he won't see me shitting on his base
>How did the greatest empire in the world fall to a bunch of goat farmers with weaponized trucks
Really shifted my neurons into overdrive.
The US is only good at conventional warfare. Once you go Guerilla we will lose.
The US had the complete wrong approach to the whole thing. Natives are going to be natives. Machiavelli explained it in THE PRINCE, if you're not there to commit genocide then you have to make peace with the natives eventually. Vietnam wanted to be Vietnam and not another cuck US state. It is why the South folded so fast after we left.
Granted, now they're a favorite trading partner of the US, and ally against Chinese expansion and you can buy French Fries at a McDonald's on Dien Bien Phu Boulevard in Ho Chi Minh City...
So, who really "lost" here?
>there are some americans that wanted the US to win the Vietnam war
>serous answers only please
one thing " SPIRIT "
The might of the worker wins over all. Also vietnamese chicks with sniper rifles are hot.
Kent State was not a big deal.
weak leadership and the corrupt media.
Anybody who says otherwise is a fucking retard.
The soldiers and marines that died fighting a war for the military industrial complex, plus the ones that made it back to America only to be completely betrayed by both the government that sent them into a pointless war and the public who literally spat at soldiers as they were getting off the buses returning home
You Americans make me sick
>So, who really "lost" here?
Um... America?
You can't change the past.
Sounds about right.