A few friends and I were inspired by Project Veritas and started attending various liberal groups hoping to find...

A few friends and I were inspired by Project Veritas and started attending various liberal groups hoping to find something juicy. We were about to give up having found nothing of value, but then we found a bombshell. A liberal group in Seattle called "Fire Fascists" has a lot of associates just over the border in Canada. They recently revealed to the group that one of their cronies got hired by Linus Media Group as an intern and has been using her phone to record audio of everything happening during her work days. While Linus isn't heard very often on the recordings (she didn't work much with him directly), they did get some snippets that they believe can be stripped of their context to make Linus sound homophobic. They're researching now which media outlet to leak to the audio to for maximum effect. Screenshot this and expect "Linus Sebastian is a Homophobe" articles to start appearing in the next few days. They also said, "We were hoping we could get something anti-woman or anti-muslim on tape since those are the hot topics right now, but anti-gay will work for our purposes".

I smell a larp. Post proof or fuck off.

Project Venus, and the entire "Zeitgeist" movement, are simply re-branded Communism.



based linus


Wow and i thought linus was secretly gay or bi.
Now I kinda like him a little more.

It's that bitch with the blue/pink/whatever-colored hair, isn't it?

I thought he was gay desu. Who knew?

What did Linus ever do to them?

I mean the dude's your typical leaf, I've never seen anything political come out of his channel, but admittedly he annoys me so I don't watch him much anymore.

Have you thought about informing Linus?

Yeah just look at the earnings for christ sake.

Fuck off, faggot.

Proofs plox

is youtube scared of float plane?

We have to help him or else this autistic fuck will take his place

you can't minus the linus!

Fuck off Linus with your faux psy-ops marketing techniques

Good work. Document everything this group is doing. Document where they get inspiration from.

There are undoubtedly other groups around the USA who are engaged in exactly this sort of subversive smear campaign. We need to collect as much evidence as we can and blow this stuff out of the water when they try to make their move.

Either that or you're a larp.

>1 post by this id
>rainbow flag
it's probably some pc master race kid thinking he's going to troll the hacker known as Sup Forums

Fake. Anyone who wears socks and sandles is a massive faggot and would never make fun of themselves.

>"Linus Sebastian is a Homophobe"
It wasn't until I saw his wife and kids in one of his videos that I didn't know he was straight.

Also the guy has NOTHING to do with politics.

Sent an email. Haven't heard back.

I thought he was gay several years ago as well, but he does have an Asian wife and a kid.

What's wrong with hating fags anyways? I don't get it.

Is she young and nubile with a small chest? Is she originally from Thailand. Probably a ladyboy.

DESU, I just started watching Linus about a month ago. I thought he was homofag until he started talking about his chink wife and halfbreed kids. Probably still queer tho.

OP didn't mention project venus, retarded faggot.

I started a few months ago too, channel really isn't that bad. I've bought a few things he shilled on his version of chink shit general.

>everytime I search up something technology related on youtube
>fucking linus comes up

Honestly unless he has some real dirt on him like taking under the desk payments from politicians or something he isn't worth attacking. There are bigger fish to fry.

Ah good, considering how they had a mild fiasco with a tiny minority of their viewers by saying the term "homo", it's best to inform them about this more serious matter.

I'm pretty certain it's illegal in some countries to record someone(audio or visual) in the workplace without their consent isnt it?

This. Now everyone is going to his channel because their interest is piqued.

brb i'm gonna see if linus posted a video to get ahead of this homophobia accusation

Linus "If ya flamin', you ain't gamin'" Sebastian

You retards are hilarious. More people would come to defense of Linus than would be outraged. Didn't you learn your lesson with PewDiePie?

>see the picture
>read the first few lines
>expect that Linusshekletips have been paying internet liberals to do JIDF edits and attacks online
>instead, they're trying to frame Linus into being some sort of Hitler reincarnation
>when in reality he's a simple cucked canuck liberal

>The ouroboros (/ˌjʊərəˈbɒrəs/[2]; /ʊəˈrɒbərəs/[3]; Greek: οὐροβόρος) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. Originating in Ancient Egyptian iconography, the ouroboros entered western tradition via Greek magical tradition and was adopted as a symbol in Gnosticism and Hermeticism, and most notably in alchemy. Via medieval alchemical tradition, the symbol entered Renaissance magic and modern symbolism, often taken to symbolize introspection, the eternal return or cyclicality,[4] especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself.

>It also represents the infinite cycle of nature's endless creation and destruction, life and death.[5]

And the snake shall eat its own tail yet again. First Bret Weinstein, the "white" professor at Evergreen who was targeted by their SJW brigade, despite him clearly being both Jewish and a raging fucking liberal, bordering on commie.

The cycle continues you guys. The left consume its own, its very dearest. When their stars fall out of favor they collectively destroy them. What other society or group is like that?

The serpent will devour itself you guys, but then it will be reborn. And there's not a whole lot you can do about that you guys.

Yeah, I remember that. For anyone else who wants to know what we're talking about, pic related.

>they did get some snippets that they believe can be stripped of their context to make Linus sound homophobic
fuck off this isn't the left and we're better than that. if someone actually makes statements like that then fine, let them hang for it. but creating a fake narrative and framing someone isn't ok no matter what side you're on

Sell he did make a video where he had to build a pc themed "future" and he chose trump (pre election)

linus is anti trump and a bit of a cuck

but i give him a pass

You just described most of Canada. I think that's just understood when discussing leafs.

>Project Veritas
>Venus Project
Those are two different things, you homophobic faggot

I live not that far away and I've always wanted to visit the Venus Project, but I'm afraid it's a commie cult

>Based Linus
I knew that something was happening to him when I started to see again his videos.

Guys im building a rig and have already decided on getting a 1070, What is the most Sup Forums approved CPU I could get?

Is t just for gaming or do you do anything work related or will do things like video editing, encoding etc?

wait for the new shit! don't get the 1070, the 1080 & 1080ti's will come down in price soon enough

Sup Forums approved, idk then ones that does not care for the jews.

I have two EVGA 980Tis. They released the 10XX series about 5 weeks after I bought them. I'd probably just buy a 1070 since the only thing I use my computer for is Sup Forums anyway.

I bet it was that blue-haired one whose been showing up in more recent videos.

I thought she has been working there awhile.

Also, I remember during one WAN show that they mention that someone was no longer working for them and I thought it was her because I haven't seen her since that WAN show.

Just a beta with an Asian wife

this is what I thought when I saw this thread! they said a she was no longer there!


please take this faggot down instead


Whatever the latest unlocked i7 is
Any Sandy Bridge or later i7 will do, but may as well get the latest one if you're doing a new build.

What slandering Linus do?

What are 1070's running for right now?

I got a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Mini ITX OC 6GB GDDR5 Graphics Cards and Watchdogs 2 can't run full graphics.

Any suggestions? Has the 1070 or (1080?) come down?


The guy NEVER gets into politics unless it has to do with Tech. I feel that the liberals are just trying to be dicks at this point.

Go for AMD Ryzen 1800x. Don't give your money to the intel jew syndicate

IDK, I can't imagine more than $350, though. I have a 4k monitor and the 980Ti setup and I can max most anything released last year at 4k. If you are only going to 1080p, I probably wouldn't spend the money on anything more than a 1080. I haven't done the PC part analysis in about a year though, so some other anons probably have better info.

the prices will drop soon, EVGA & other companies just released the top tier 1080ti's
which typically means new stuff will be here by years end.. in a few months expect to see prices drop! especially with cpu's due to the new AMD/Intel war that is starting!

I want to do 4k...so if I get a 1070 card can I do 4k gaming?

Latest is Kaby Lake i7-7700K
Last gen is Sky Lake i7-6700k
I'd get the latest, but you can compare prices with a Sky Lake build.

That model will last you forever whichever gen you get, going back to Sandy Bridge. I'm on the Ivy Bridge i7-3770k, no need/plans to upgrade.

I like linus. He has a lot of good info but his videos are riddled with lame jokes and his voice is pretty squeaky. I still watch from time to time though.

Isn't it strange that while searching a far left reddit user's history today he mentioned that his "cousin works for you" (Linus)? Strange coincidence maybe.

Nothing at all.

Lefties just like making everyone miserable to "prove" to themselves that there are racists/islamophobes/homophobes out there.

Most will actually use this as an excuse for more left wing political action to create more funding to "combat" racism etc. Its all about the money. After all, can you imagine spoiled libs competing for tough jobs against hardworking conservatives? No. This is the only way losers like anita sarkeesian and cenk make money.

I would just go straight to 1080Ti or even a Titan if you really want the 4k experience. I've noticed that it takes a TON of horsepower to max out the newest games in 4k. Witcher 3 for me usually runs in the mid 30fps range at 4k with a i5 6600k and 2x 980Tis. I usually just run at 1440p to maintain 60ish fps.

If you were inspired by veritas why not do what he did and just make some shit up?

Far less work involved that way

Video cards are always best value at the beginning of their cycle, ie when they are first released. They only drop in price once they have been superseded. By waiting for them to drop in price you pay with the opportunity cost of missed gaming, and missing out on the better tech (of the card they have been superseded by when the price drops.)

No, I'm have a 4k monitor and 1070 right now. I can't max out games in 4k, but I can easily max them out in 1440p. If you are a hardcore gamer, just go straight to 1080 Ti, don't even look at the 1080. Or wait for AMD Vega to be released eventually

I've expected this for ages

Linus got to the top of X field of media coverage on youtube. The jews need to control them or replace them. Unlikely he can be controlled because he's not working in something like news media. The only way to get rid of him is to literally kill him in an accident and install someone else covertly over time.

Because the channel is named after him, this makes it even more difficult.

So I've expected for some time the jews will try to dismantle him down a peg so they can install someone who will shill Intel etc.

Obviously his homophobia is the result of being sexually harassed by gays his entire life. You can't blame him for that.

I need single threaded powa for 1440 arma 3 and insane modding of older games. The jew syndicate seem to have that market cornered.

This. Get a 1080ti now for 4k.
If that's over your budget 1440 and 21:9 res's are other options above 1080 you could aim for.

Then why not buy a Pentium 4 and OC it to 5ghz then if single core performance is all you still care about

>all you care about
Not the case, but it is a box that must be checked off for me.

he has a wife and kids.

i5 6700k. i7 is overkill for gaming imo.

looks like a lesbian couple

reminds me of this pic with patrice oneal and jim norton
they look like two gay women

Why the fuck would we care? Gays are degenerate and should be gassed.

yes it prob is, i don't think she works there anymore i think he said she left in a twitch stream awhile ago along with Nicki V, and can't you be jailed in Canada now because of hating/saying the gays?

> They recently revealed to the group that one of their cronies got hired by Linus Media Group as an intern and has been using her phone to record audio of everything happening during her work days.
look at his former employee, she's wearing a pizza (((PZAG8))), this girl is suspect AF,

>asian with blue hair
Well he's an idiot for hiring it in the first place.

Maybe you should learn to read. He's stating what THE LEFT is planning on doing to Linus.

He shit on Intel. Corporate payback now. This is how the world really works.

>Linus, same guy who had LGBT hair in 2011

I couldn't care less, LinusMARKETINGTips is one of the worst PC channels on YouTube is a big reason why the PC community is filled with fucking faggots now.

>clickbait title
>Linus spouts some shit he read off a google search
>pays his employees min. wage to build $6k table PC's

Ryzen 1600 / 1600x / 1700 - singlethread ipc equal across all. 1700 has better multithread performance, 1600x has better clocks and oc potential. All three beat 7700k singlethread performance if the application is actually optimized for ryzen. (most are not)

amd babby detected enjoy your housefires

He made fun of Intel. Are you people still completely unaware that liberal sjw shit is, in part, designed to give incumbent monopolist orgs and corps ammunition against their competitors and anyone they don't like? Just look at the Firefox guy getting fired - sjw bullshit was used as a pretense to oust him.

They're all shit because you can't use them on Windows 7

Yes you can, moron.

wrong , after he shat on intel , after 1 week , he said " OY GOYIM THE X299 IS SUCH A GOOD PLATFORM GO BUY IT GOYIM " , intel check came in and he ate his words

linus lurkes Sup Forums all the time

No you can't. Windows 10 only


Yes, you can.

There is nothing preventing anyone from using win7 on a PC with a ryzen CPU.

Where the fuck do idiots like you come up with this shit?

Real Sup Forums-approved is actually true-Sup Forums approved which is not the same as nu/g/ approved which itself is almost aligned with nu/pol/ because nu/pol/ knows precisely nothing about technology and nu/g/ cares only about muh vidya geaemz

Which channel would you recommend?

Sorry but that's wrong

Have you found a 1070 that isn't suffering from price inflation from crypto feggits?

Anyone "reviewing" shit on youtube isn't a reviewer - they're an advertiser. Whether it's gamersnexus, linushilltips, or that canadian fuck who wants to finger pc cases all day. They're all marketing shills and will not give you much more than marketing bullet points.

That's not to say they're useless - it's worth getting the marketing point details that other forms of marketing don't give you, but they're still marketing, and they're still inherently untrustworthy because they get paid to sell you products. Most of them even have "sponsors" bribing them.

>bullying Linus
Evil. Linus is pure.