Dump your redpills

Dump your redpills

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On your chart, does Indian count as Asian?


Probably. I doubt that they had a seperate checkbox for Indians.


Wait until you see the Jewish bar lol

In the US they are usually counted as white (being "caucasian" in race.





Does anyone have the other pictures in this series?







If we praise the traditional woman she will love her childbearing role once more.

Alexis de Tocqueville noted in the early 1800s that he was astounded how proud the American woman was to do her womanly duties. It's a meme that women have been miserable and oppressed, so it should be easy enough to undo this meme.

Astroturfing is the legitimate word for shill that doesn't make you look like a retard for using it


Consanguinity is a deeply rooted social trend among one-fifth of the world population mostly residing in the Middle East, West Asia and North Africa, as well as among emigrants from these communities now residing in North America, Europe and Australia.

Many Arab countries display some of the highest rates of consanguineous marriages in the world, and specifically first cousin marriages which may reach 25-30% of all marriages



>people still don't realize the picture was ironic
