Why are these people so obsessed with stopping Obamacare from being repealed?
Why are these people so obsessed with stopping Obamacare from being repealed?
They don't understand anything other than "Obama good Trump bad."
They believe innocent people will die if there's less healthcare.
the democrats have been pushing the "republicans are going to kill people by forcing them off healthcare" meme even though its a logical fallacy.
We can't let Boogie die. He's too important to lose.
>because Trump is meanie pie
That's their only argument.
rofl they are going to go into D.C... at 5pm.. on a weekday.
rofl. Good luck.
This. Plus, they have collective brain damage and can't remember anything from more than 2 weeks ago, so the fact that we went without Obamacare for decades before just a few years ago is beyond them.
Where do they even get this idea?
i hope he does
If the state doesn't provide it, they know many of their constituents won't receive it - education, healthcare, housing, etc. Also, dependence on the state makes people more likely to vote Democrat as the Democrats will always vote to grow the state.
they say because the republicans are changing the healthcare plan, and projections are that people will be dropped, that those imaginary people who were dropped will be dead without healthcare. Not only is this dubious, its not true.
They also believe Obamacare was good, but they didn't actually believe this or understand it until the campaigns started.
The poor still get Medicaid
Not all states expanded Medicaid. In many places it's still only for those under 18
Nothing more imp. Imperialistic?
Nah, CHIP is the under 18 thing. AFAIK, if you're below the poverty line, you're still eligible. But, we're talking part-time minimum wage.
But Obongo made the healthcare and Drumpf is hurting it #resist
I hope we get to see the salt of those attending after their cars get towed.
Obamacare is another handout for lazy minorities paid for by the White middle class
Of course they are pissed, no more gibs
>plan that casts tons of folks off healthcare
>reduces medicare and medicaid funding so olds are fucked
>fucking cuts the tanning tax
>republicans bitched about only having 2 months to review the ACA and are now trying to ram their dildocare through american assholes in less than 2 weeks
entitlement spending will fuck this country up, there are always people with an interest in that happening.
Let Obamacare implode
Poor old people are going to die desu. My dad's gonna lose coverage and he's 65 working at walmart.
Inb4 I shouldn't pay for your dad's poor life decisions. I get it but medicine is retarded expensive
Because it was the only thing obama ever did of note
>I get it but medicine is retarded expensive
So focus on that and quit being a money grubbing parasite.
Focus on patent laws, the FDA holding back progress, mountains of regulations and taxes, break up monopolies.
Don't you remember the time before obamacare? There were dead bodies pilled up so high on the street corner you couldn't see over them. People dying from small cuts getting infected. No one could do anything until the angel named Obama rescued America with his healthcare bill.
Without it we will return to the dark times.
They're the useful idiots. They have no idea they're working for the people they hate.
Why is it hard for them or anybody to scrape at least $175 a month to get health insurance? But they can afford luxuries (lattés, iPhone [not even Androids], current or 3 years young vehicles, eating out, too much other shit)?
Even minimal $100 plans! Like WTF?
>inb4 pre existing conditions
I know it's hard, but hell...
This is what I keep asking people crying about it. America functioned just fine without ACA for over 200 years. Now these welfare fags think free healthcare subsidized by my hardwork is their right. Fucking niggers.
Neera tanden is literally insane
America functioned so great, that in that 200 year span it created:
-the VA
-publicly built hospitals
-and Obamacare after premiums doubled between 2001-2009 and people were still getting kicked off of their health insurance.
But if your requirement for there not being a viable public concern is limited to not having millions die openly in the streets, then yes, we got along fine. But they just died in their homes or in the alleys from preventable issues.
If it gets repealed then they're going to be forced to PAY for their own healthcare and we cant allow that now can we?
My gf's mom is a nurse who makes over 80k a year from her job. She said that this new healthcare bill will kill her. If she's making 80k at her job, why doesnt she have private isurance? Can someone explain to me how someone who makes this much doesn't have private care?
nigs want their gibs
She's a lying liberal cunt.
Trumpcare is a bigger pile of shit which goes back on nearly everything Trump promised during the campaign.
Him replacing ACA with it will be the end of the republican control of the senate and maybe his reelection.
Because the alternative is even worse.
Last I checked trumpcare isn't repealing Obamacare. Trumpcare is 1% better than Obamacare. It's still a fucking sham and considering it a "victory" is embarrassing. He ran on a platform to FULLY REPEAL, and he better fucking get it done.
they think 'free' health care is 'free' - they see no issue with the middle class footing even more of a bill for smokers and fatties or the 20 trillion in debt.
they think government fixes everything and they hate democracy.
Also if Trump was for peace, they'd march demanding war (which they'd not fight).
With the Left, its ALWAYS using government coercion to take from you to give to people who did not earn it... because fuck you, *they* dont even have to consider your feelings because they are 'progressive' and morally superior and you are literally Hitler.
Which is why there will be some form of civil war - which is likely what the Deep State/ZOG wants
>first world
never fails to elicit a hearty kek
I ran it through archive
"Free healthcare" is one of sacred pillars of communism. They don't want to lose their biggest achievement in turning USA into Soviet Republic.
This. All the faggots ITT saying "HURRDURR DEMS ARE MAD CUZ WE DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR HEALTHCARE ANYMORE" clearly didn't read the bill and are just masturbating because it's a "Trump" bill. NEWSFLASH RETARDS, THIS BILL DOESN'T REDUCE YOUR BURDEN AT ALL. It's Obamacare without coverage for preexisting conditions and allowing insurance companies to compete across state lines. That's it. You will still get reamed in the ass financially as much as you did under Obummercare.
If they fought against useless/unwarranted/unnecessary US military actions around the globe instead they could make America's deficit drop AND have enough money to keep Obamacare, what a bunch of morons.
Because before Obamacare existed millions of American citizens died every day from lack of health care, you must have forgotten.
Now show how many people under 30 live with Mom and dad in kangaroo land compared to the US. All those artificial wage hikes and stupidly high taxes, and yet you're still unable to afford property in your own country. Pathetic.
Ironically ignores the white trash who receive it (40% of Trump's base)
>Implying USA isn't only reason China hasn't Nanjing'd Tokyo yet.
You mean how the US is embezzling money out of Japan for sustaining 7 military bases that don't do shit to protect the country whenever China sends ships in Japan's waters or North Korea sends a missile there ?
The reason China hasn't "Nanjing'd" Tokyo is that even if they wanted to they didn't have the money before and now Japan has an auto-defense force quite capable of protecting the country.
Call back your useless GIs, they won't be missed.
I'm French btw, I just live in Japan.
Good to know there is at least one French person in Japan for when we leave. Nobody knows how to surrender like y'all.
This. My friend ate ass and died of e. Coli back in '02. Dark times indeed.
>entitlement spending will fuck this country up
This. We need to end all government handouts. Social security. Medicare. Medicaid. Welfare. Food stamps. All of it. It needs to end.
The AHCA isn't going to pass. I really do want Obamacare to fail on its own. Dems had plenty of time to fix it but didn't.
Were healthcare costs any worse back then? Or did it get worse as government got more involved?
They don't understand the shits gonna collapse on its own as providers continue to pull out.
Also muh legacy
Isn't it getting cut or getting less funding?
Nice source. Fuck them too, especially if they're calling for cuts for others.
Nobody gave a shit until somebody said someone else was going to pay for it.
You mean like how we surrendered when you were fighting for independence and french blood was spilled by the thousands so that you can enjoy being a free country ?
The only people Obamacare helps are over 40 with existing conditions.
Liberals cannot understand paying for their own way.
I heard on the radio this morning that some mother here is staging a protest because the medication her daughter needs isn't covered by the NHS on cost reasons (the condition is rare and the medicine obscenely expensive).
So she values her wallet more than her daughters life, as the medicine is available from an pharmacy on order, it's type approved in the UK and unrestricted, yet she won't pay to save her daughters life
That would be a great way to lose all the elections in 2018.
pop off james
My point still stands, the US are spilling unnecessary blood and fighting unnecessary battles. Look where invading Irak brought you, keep your soldiers alive and stop spending so much money on useless warfare that only benefits the upper 1%.
Liberals have good ideas but are usually more generous with other people's money than their own to put those ideas into practice.
It's been like that for too long and it's painful to see.
>literal death panel-tier reasoning
>The alternative isn't RINOcare.
People want single payer or full repeal (a clean slate).
They know both Obamacare and Ryancare are shit. Or are we not calling it RINOcare anymore after Breitbart tore Ryan's bill to shit?
How do we feel about the bill today? Are we being just as sometime'y as the dems?
It's all bread and circuses. It starts with a couple of well to do but mislead elites that try to help the lower classes by giving them a small stipend.
This of course leads to the lower classes then voting for whoever gives the most gibs, which leads to today where you can quite happily earn £40K+ on benefits in the UK, in a rent free home and all you have to do is make a token effort showing you're "looking" for work
The number of elderly and poor people that will die as a result of Medicare getting rolled back would be tantamount to genocide. But hey those billionaires and health insurance companies get exemptions, so epic win!
Oh, don't you worry about that. We found enough fracking oil to not need to give a shit about the rest of the world anymore. I'd recommend you stay in Japan, Chinese dicks are smaller than Russian ones.
At this point I'm pretty sure it's out of spite.
No one wants to give Trump a chance to succeed. He could literally just make Obamacare again and people would protest just because he did it.
literally the equivalent of Weekly World News, now fuck off
No it's getting slowed down from expanding. The reality is most of these programs such as Medicare or EBT which were designed to be safety nets are being used dependently. Nearly 50% of all births in the United States are all being paid for by Medicare. What is happening now is preventing more cretins from getting a free fucking ride with healthcare.
>chill level: 0
I already cant wait until 2020 where the debates will be pure banter.
they've bought in to the whole "30 million people will die!" meme
>dick related puns every fucking time their army is questioned.
Dude I never had any complex about dick size, I travel around.
>Nearly 50% of all births in the United States are all being paid for by Medicare.
I really hope you mean Medicaid and not Medicare. Do you know how horrifying it would be if half of all births were from women over 65.
Pop off james
>I really hope you mean Medicaid and not Medicare
Whoops my bad.
>Do you know how horrifying it would be if half of all births were from women over 65.
Very but, it doesn't change the fact that this abuse is scary no matter what. Especially when it doesn't take some serious analytical skills to know who's the cause of it
That wasn't a pun. I think members of the Chinese armed forces are literally going to rape you in your apartment while your anime figures watch.
He's pretty much already dead.
Lol, weeaboos are a localized phenomenon in your area pal, don't think everybody's as fat and lazy as you .
They want to save Obamas legacy
No one should pay for your poor life decisions. Your dad is a major fuckup if he's working at Walmart at 65.
I disagree, I think the people want a "compromise" bill, but they don't understand that there is no real compromise. The things they like about Obamacare (preexisting conditions) are directly related to the things they don't like (higher premiums, smaller networks, etc).
So people want Obamacare "tweaked," but the system is fundamentally broken, and "tweaks" (RINOcare) are still wildly unpopular. It's a catch-22.