How many "races" do you believe in? How do you personally divide people into races and subraces?
How many "races" do you believe in? How do you personally divide people into races and subraces?
By ethnicity
Assuming any other race than white are people.
The Swedish race etc etc
White race, sand nigger race, south asian race, asian race, abo race, negroids
I can pit anyone into these taxonomies.
>Finns and Hungarians are Mongols
Race is fake so you wont be able to place this individual into it.
Why do you suppose India developed as a distinct species? Was it shut off from the rest of the world due to mountains or something?
I mean, look at how vast the Mongolian species territory is compared to the Indian species. Why did this happen?
You really can't see the difference in those skulls?
White (European)
Black (sub Saharan African)
Oriental (Asia)
Arab (Middle East, including North Africa)
Mestizo (Mexico, most of Latin/South America)
I am a finn/slav mix
so honorary aryan right?
I'd really like to know why whites seem to be the only ones with variance in hair and eye color
As for your question, I think you answered it, they're cut off from a lot of people due to the terrain surrounding them
To who? Just be yourself. Stop with the Nazi crap. Nazis were braindead retards who believed they were ancient sandniggers.
So Australian aboriginals are the same as sub saharan africans? And Japanese are the same as those from India?
Swede isn't a race, it's an ethnic group under the sibracial group of Nordic, which falls under the racial group of white European
Like this.
Fuck off shit skin.
according to Chinese wisdom, there are only three races: yellow (黄, huang), white (白 bai) and black (黑 hei). All the rest are mixed race.
Right, forgot about the abos, THEY are their own racial group
As for the Indians and Japs, that's an interesting question, I'd say Indian is either more middle eastern or it's own group entirely
Fuck off shitskin
White is a code word for nigger in Europe, that way you know who's the American
Race exists on a spectrum, from white to non-white, with my personal dna being the gold standard of whiteness.
Yeah, the map I posted has many issues, e.g. Dravidians in the wrong places, Ethiopia is a mess, Mongoloids in Libya, Zanzibar as Hamitic, ect.
What about Madagascar? If the maps about historical populations, then shouldn't it be yellow? If it's about modern population, then shouldn't it be a mix? Why are Dravidians Blue? Why are most Berber areas not blue? Not criticizing, just want to know your opinion.
Caucasoid (Europeans + Arabs)
Some are a mix of one or two, for example Hispanics are Caucasoid + Mongoloid
European [Germanic, Celtic, Latin, Greek, Finns+baltics, west slavs]
North asian [East slavs, Turks, Mongols]
"Original" [Phoenicians, Arabs, Persians]
Asian [Indians, south east chinese, other chinese, Ainu]
Abbos + Polynesians
Native north americans
Native central americans
Filthy shitskin
Ignore that strip in north africa
Do you include dark skinned Afroasiatic groups in your Caucasoid group, e.g. the Amhara in Ethiopia?
west slavs should be grouped with turks and mongols but it's a grey area depending on what you'd define european
Also I never said we're the same, obviously there's the difference of culture and skin colour, but you can't deny they're genetically very close
Haven't looked into it much, but I've seen half East African half white kids, they almost always look white, by that I mean their features look more white than black
The "Brown" race seems a bit too much of a catch all there, placing Malays, S. Indians, N. Indians, Persians, Central Asians, Turks, Arabs/N. Africans, E. Africans, etc. into one group. A lot of linguistic, cultural, and phenotypical difference their.
Also, maybe I'm misreading it here, but not all of Georgia and Armenia are white on that map. Why only parts of it? The Caucasus in general seems a bit confusing.
India is a multicultural society free of hate where all races mingle peacefully.
Fuck off shitskin
Everyone else is LARPing
Nice try shit skinskin
It doesn't fucking matter
Some people are subhumans and they will act like it.
You talk as if it isn't easy to tell from behavior alone.
Middle Eastern
Aryans distinguished from whites and southrons by eye color
Southrons incl levantines, north indians, lighter mexicans etc
Mongoloids distinguished by eye shape
Darkies incl abbos, south indians, dark indios, and of course africans
Blacks, ie the very darkest humans, mostly found in east africa
You unironically think sandniggers aren't mongrels? I bet you think Jews arare white too
Literally just threw this together.
Based on historic origin, not present-day distribution, if you're wondering about places like Greece and Turkey.
Some of the smaller shit, like the southern Indians or the special African groups, I didn't bother to find the exact borders for, just a general area.
Waiting for a Filipino to argue with me about jungle Asians being a thing.
Probably should've thrown on my vaguely-American flag for this one.
Other Brits are going to see the flag and think that I mean what they mean when they say "Asian."
"Swarthy" spain
Fuck yourself nigger
"White turkey"
"Swarthy spain"
White but not quite (Arabs, Latinx, etc)
Really not that difficult
Caucasoid: Europe, West Asia and North Africa.
Mongoloid: East Asia, Oceania, the Arctic and the Americas.
Negroid: Sub-Saharan Africa.
Capoid: Southern Africa.
Australoid: Australia and Melanesia.
>How many "races" do you believe in?
I've thought long and hard.
>subrace: Europoid
>subsubrace: various European types
>subrace: Non-Europoid
>subsubrace: various west Asian and North African types
>subrace: Congoid
>subrace: Capoid
>subrace: mongoloid
>subsubrace: sinoid, japoid, koreanoid, mongoloid, turkoid, siberoid, etc...
>subrace: amercanoid
>subrace: Papuanoid
>subrace: Indianoid (southern Indians)
>subrace: austrialian australoid
In total 4 meta races, 9 sub races and a various amount of subsubraces.
People like North Indians, East Africans, south-east Asians, Latin Americans, -and Pacific Islanders are mixed breeds of various races, subraces and subsubraces.
That's pretty much how I'd group the races as well.
How do you group the E. Africans?
Civilized, niggers, jews.
White people
Ah, never mind, missed it the first time
Id say they're mixed first. If I had to group them I'd group East Africans with negroid-congoid but as you know they have non-europoid caucasoid admixture that's only prominent in their facial structure and skulls.
Two races: Jews and goyim.
continental geography. for a number of reasons, race is more difficult to delineate below the continent level (though there are almost certainly valid, broad genetic categories beyond "European", "African" and "Asian")
>archaic african
Yeah, good list overall.
I'd view them as largely Caucasoid based on facial features, language and culture, but I think your way makes sense as well. Its a bit unfair that I use language to group E. Africans as Caucasoid, but at the same time don't entertaining the notion of Hausa being anything other than a mix heavily favoring Negroid.
You guys, there's no such thing as race. It's a myth!
At a macro level the overview for me looks something like: Nordic/Scandinavian, Western/Central European, Mediterranean European, East European, West Asian, South Asian, East Asian, Arab, African, Native American, Pacific Islander, Aboriginee. The microview would be much more specific where individual nations have their own originating races within them.
Pretty good.
Are the Ainu still a thing? My understanding was that the Japanese had pretty much eradicated them as a distinct people?
Pure-blooded Ainu are few in number, but the entire archipelago is essentially a mixed race population.
You guys. There is no gene for race.
caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid, abo
This. Caesar referred to the different tribes of Europe each as distinct races.
Race Deniers BTFO.
Seems about right.
master race: me only, chosen by God
subhumans: all other people
*chucks grenade at u*