Who will do all the labor like cleaning toilets when all the illegals are dead or deported?
Who will do all the labor like cleaning toilets when all the illegals are dead or deported?
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Leftists with a degree for feminism.
Assumes all beans are only good for cleaning shitters, changing diapers and filling out a grave or being ut back to 3rd world... /OurGirl?
Legal, taxpaying American workers. What a shame.
I'll do it myself. Just like I a mow my own fucking lawn.
This. The women who get these degrees will cry over everything first. Sadly they will use their pussy and lies to be taken care of.
>letting a leftist nanny your children
good job
teenagers and anyone needing quick money realistically
then there would be surplus jobs AND nationalism majority
sounds like a great idea tbqh
who will make me a burrito?
That's an easy one. All the liberal arts majors. And the moment they open their fucking mouths with their bullshit, they'll be replaced by the next lib arts cunt.
Sixteen year olds
Who will do the work that is only fit for the lower races of nonwhites? - liberal
That's racist!
>lazy American meme
Come out of your condo, city slicker.
I'm sure all the smarmy rich ass Democrats are wondering that same thing.
Where have I heard this shit before?
Elite Neo-Liberals will have to pay higher wages, and cut back on the luxuries amassed by their privilege.
>where is our slave labor going to be when we deport the illegals >>>:(((
That's like a slave asking who will pick cotton after slavery is abolished.
Hard working white people
Myself, I don't even vote GOP but I still want you gone.
Who the fuck would want someone else to raise their kids in the first place?
1. Self-cleaning toilets
2. Wives
3. Illegals shouldn't have drivers licenses
>a rich coastal elite liberal implying all republicans are rich
This. Liberals are allergic to physical labor even when the only person who benefits is xerself.
>Who will do all the labor like cleaning toilets when all the illegals are dead or deported?
This cannot be a serious tweet, therefore sage.
My wife, you idiot.
>not having a traditional wife to manage the home and children
I'll do it, I don't even care, I'll take any job
is she implying that only spics can clean toilets because "they are superior" on doing that kind of stuff?
isn't that considered racism towards whites? kek
Why is that all they are good for? What an insensitive fuck.
These people always scream that capitalism depends on a permanent underclass and then become unhinged when right wingers want to remove that underclass.
I think the truth is they're the ones who want a lower order to serve them.
I have a white woman clean my house once a week :/
Fuck that cunt elitist
>Mary Beth Williams
She just inadvertently admitted she's an illegal alien. Someone get ICE.
I'm for this 100%.
The question for Mary Beth Williams is why do liberals think they deserve a poorly paid brown underclass to perform these tasks?
You got to love how accidentally racist libshits are. Some of the least self aware people on the face of the Earth.
Americans, probably ones who were unemployed and looking for any bit of work that illegals haven't already gotten because they're A-ok with making $8 an hour
>Asian men and women make the most
>use white men as the reference point for oppressed wages
This implies Hispanics should remain as some sorta pseudo slave class with no chance for upward mobility. If I was Hispanic i'd be personally offended by statements like these.
The poor are obsolete.
With all these hard working illegal Mexicans going back home, surely Mexico has the cleanest streets, toilets and most freshly mowed lawns in the world right? Mexico has a reputation for being a dirty third world shithole at the moment so it could really use these hard working street sweepers we poached off them to clean the place up a bit and make it presentable.
If it is according to fucking government mandated employment laws, I have no problem cleaning toilets, mopping, working as a trash man, a construction worker, or even a farmhand. Stupid cunts like her need to be tarred and feathered.
Also this
Americans will do those jobs and they do want those jobs. They just won't do them for $3 an hour.
>Be mexican
>No matter what you acomplish even the tolerant left will think that all you are worth is to clean toilets
women went from cleaning their own home's toilets to cleaning the toilets of strangers for money
how the fuck was this progress, exactly?
Not allowing yourself to be economically oppressed is raaaaycis, according to leftists
This is the most elitist, racist argument for continued exploitation of vulnerable, if illegal, migrants. This is yuppynshitheels demanding continued cheap, exploitable, precarious labor.
>I scrub my own toilet you limousine liberal douches.
Former convicts
Literally a strayan who never visited or even know about Mexico, we may not have the cleanest streets but certainly enough to be called clean. And BTW lawns are rare, like really rare in Mexico, most houses prefer having an additional 1 or 2 rooms that having a stupid place with grass and maybe a tree with no real purpose.
>who will pick the cotton when the slaves are gone
Democrats never change
The people who are living off welfare because they "can't find a job"
teenagers or unemployed people
American teenagers need jobs in the summer.
>Americans don't to do these jobs because they don't pay that well
>These jobs don't pay that well because illegal immigration is driving the wages down for these jobs
Her proposal is, in effect, that the needed remedy for the symptom of a problem (Americans don't want the jobs) is in fact more of the problem itself (allowing in illegal immigrants, which lowers the wages).
This style of thinking is akin to saying that because you are walking with a limp, we need to break your feet.
I'm sure this would all be lost on her, anyway. When you make decisions based on your feelings, it usually is.
The sad truth is janitors and lawnmowners probably get more money in USA than professionals in Mexico.
I'm a Marketing manager in a local market, and barely make $1000 USD per month (Which is still a great salary in Mexico), my sister is a cardiologist in the IMSS and she makes $1800 USD per month, recently one old friend from childhood came back from USA, and he is making $15/hour which is roughly $2880 USD per month, and he is a kitchen assistant (Basically he washes dishes) in a restaurant.
Difference is cost of living though.
So mexican's are only capable of cleaning toilets, changing diapers... etc. etc.
She's racist, and apparently so are you. Also, I mow my own lawn, raise my own kids, and my house cleaner is an old white lady.
>no one in the history of mankind ever picked fruit or cleaned toilets before wetbacks decided to jump the border
>t. blue checkmark liberal
Great question, Mary. I'll simply trade having a nanny and having someone to drive my car for me so that we can receive a balanced budget and not have our country be 20 trillion into the red from endless entitlements and spending. Also I'll clean my own fucking toilet.
How stupid is this bitch. Nanny is a job for wives whos children moved out of the house, Limo driver is a respectable job and toilet cleaners for highschoolers or graduates.
Thought illegal immigrants were all doctors lawyers and engineers. Turns out they were just cheap labour for the rich
How can somebody who claims to care about minorities be so racist?
Who will pick the cotton???
jews irrevocably btfo forever
>mary beth williams
Probably me since that's what I've been doing for my life.
It's not difficult to cut grass or clean a toilet. It's not fucking rocket science.
legal, vetted immigrants.
America was made rich using protectionist policies that raised wages for domestic labor
today we have the opposite policy and are slowly getting poorer and lower wages.
Mexico is made poor mainly by the elite parasitically sucking Mexico dry, like Carlos Slim who overcharges Mexicans by billions of dollars a year just for telephone services
But it's also made poor by the lower classes who side with the elite and the drug cartels. Mexico chose this path a long time ago when tehy started siding with the dictators and caudillios or Republicans.
I was a janitor for 10 years . Im white and disabled - When I can work again , I'll clean the toilets
I'll do it. I already clean restrooms at various state parks for free without anyone asking.
White people may be fucked up in certain ways, and (far) less so in others, but the one thing we do better than anyone else is random acts of kindness.