Info Dump

Hey Sup Forums, I'm currently putting together some material for a video project summarizing and simplifying the Jewish Question and why it's an actual issue. If you guys could drop any pictures you have with things like:

Quotes of Jews directly outlining their plans for Europe (mixed-race, ruled by jews. I already have the Kalergi quote)

Infographs summarizing the Jewish influence for the German communist revolution of 1919

Pictures with the Jewish bankers

The Jewish role played in the movements of liberalism, post-modernism, and communism.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can drop some stuff

Other urls found in this thread:!YhciDKZC!hqqADDttirS3Iw5MTFiGCKIl1_k086aZ0Cdzlc8EfVE


final bump



Look at the foreign policy of your country. Literally destroying europe by proxy.
Israel just bombed Syrian military and US airstrikes have killed more than 130 children in syria this month alone.
and those weapons you guys sold to Saudi arabia.. They used themm to bomb a yemeni hospital just as they are having a colera outbreak.
US and israel (same fucking thing) are literally helping ISIS to take down the syrian government and in the process creating the migrant crisis that is ruining europe..

all three of these comic characters were invented by jews to push specific cultural narratives

even rudolph the red nosed reindeer is jewish propaganda



this is my curated 'oy vey' folder
but you should read 'Culture of Critique' if you haven't

holy fuck, superman was invented by jews.

alot of these over the top patriotic characters are caricatures jews have of WASPS

Do your own homework

Another little story you can jewgle is the unbroken line between Marx, the Novemberrevolution, Herbert Marcuse (author of Critique of Pure Tolerance), and the New Left in America


Well think about it, his name is 'Kal El' which is basically Hebrew, and he is an exile from a destroyed world, living among strangers.

Jews practically invented superhero comic books, just like they invented the "American" musical theater genre.



Jews are like calculators. Better to work with then against something that can do math for you.


I'm on my phone so I don't have my infographics except on that MEGA link, so I can just tell you what to google.

Did you know that Bolshevism in Soviet Russia had a left-right split, and that the Internationalist, left-wing side led by (((Trotsky))) had far more jews than the Lenin/Stalin wing of National Bolshevism?

Did you also know that American Trotskyists morphed into neoconservatives after the death of Trotsky? Read Irving Kristol's life story. Interesting stuff. Explains why they are all jews.

but israel must spend 75% of it on US military equipment

calculators that cause terminal AIDS


This is a good thread, and I was hoping to make something similar, but from the other side. I need help putting it all together. What's the end goal? What purpose does world government serve them? I still just can't wrap my mind around it. Is it power simply for power and to rule over the masses? Is it really that simple? I'll dump what I have and keep running train of thought questions so this thread stays bumped. Hopefully someone can clarify this.

I've read a number of the Sup Forums recommended books. It's beginning to come together, but as I said above, it still doesn't make sense.

Fucking THIS!!!

books like what?

Jews are motivated mostly at an unconscious, evolutionary level. There isn't really an overt conspiracy, works of fiction like the Protocols attempt to describe natural Jewish behavior in an unnatural way. Jews are in on the conspiracy simply through genetics. They are obsessed with subversion, especially trope subversion, and you can see this in every Jewish work from the Book of Genesis to Fievel Mousekewitz.

Can someone explain that last part? Do they control or are they members of those satanic globalist institutions?

I just finished this one. I'm about 1/4 of the way through Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War.


It makes sense why the Germanic people would be pissed after what happened, and while I'm not full 1488, my eyes have been opened that there's something more going on.

Like, what is the point of the redistribution of wealth (obviously socialism and communism and then world government), but is there some innate desire as to rule over people?

And how do I explain to my girlfriend (a jew) the difference between jews and (((THEM)))? I'm easing the redpill in slowly.


>Quotes of Jews directly outlining their plans for Europe (mixed-race, ruled by jews. I already have the Kalergi quote)



NT.6.18.6 The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents – men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest – stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved.
NT.6.18.7 They lend their money in this manner, knowing that it is to be expended in murdering their fellow men, for simply seeking their liberty and their rights; knowing also that neither the interest nor the principal will ever be paid, except as it will be extorted under terror of the repetition of such murders as those for which the money lent is to be expended.

And also, can someone confirm what I thought I read a few weeks ago about the central bank under pre-WW2 Germany? Was it true that Hitler printed money but backed it with "work"?

NT.6.18.8 These money-lenders, the Rothschilds, for example, say to themselves: If we lend a hundred millions sterling to the queen and parliament of England, it will enable them to murder twenty, fifty, or a hundred thousand people in England, Ireland, or India; and the terror inspired by such wholesale slaughter, will enable them to keep the whole people of those countries in subjection for twenty, or perhaps fifty, years to come; to control all their trade and industry; and to extort from them large amounts of money, under the name of taxes; and from the wealth thus extorted from them, they (the queen and parliament) can afford to pay us a higher rate of interest for our money than we can get in any other way. Or, if we lend this sum to the emperor of Austria, it will enable him to murder so many of his people as to strike terror into the rest, and thus enable him to keep them in subjection, and extort money from them, for twenty or fifty years to come. And they say the same in regard to the emperor of Russia, the king of Prussia, the emperor of France, or any other ruler, so called, who, in their judgment, will be able, by murdering a reasonable portion of his people, to keep the rest in subjection, and extort money from them, for a long time to come, to pay the interest and the principal of the money lent him.

Protocols of zion should be your step 1

NT.6.18.9 And why are these men so ready to lend money for murdering their fellow men? Solely for this reason, viz., that such loans are considered better investments than loans for purposes of honest industry. They pay higher rates of interest; and it is less trouble to look after them. This is the whole matter.
NT.6.18.10 The question of making these loans is, with these lenders, a mere question of pecuniary profit. They lend money to be expended in robbing, enslaving, and murdering their fellow men, solely because, on the whole, such loans pay better than any others. They are no respecters of persons, no superstitious fools, that reverence monarchs. They care no more for a king, or an emperor, than they do for a beggar, except as he is a better customer, and can pay them better interest for their money. If they doubt his ability to make his murders successful for maintaining his power, and thus extorting money from his people in future, they dismiss him unceremoniously as they would dismiss any other hopeless bankrupt, who should want to borrow money to save himself from open insolvency.

I understand the petrodollar system and why we've gotten into wars because of it...

It's a long complicated story but Jews are actually only degenerated descendants of the aristocratic top segment of the population of the Kingdom of Judah as a result of the way the Babylonians divided them. This is why their form of government changed so dramatically during the Second Temple period. Unfortunately their bullshit universalist ideas are completely incompatible with Indo-European society and are bringing us down in flames as we speak.

... but what's China's end role? Is it pic related?

I guess I have a lot of the pieces, but I just need the story.

>What's the end goal? What purpose does world government serve them? I still just can't wrap my mind around it.
lel. The light explanation is that the world is more or less in the palm of a cult of Luciferians (might is right) which spans back farther than Jesus Christ, the end goal being, depending on who you ask, to funnel power upwards and deplete the populace of resource and welfare, thereby fermenting conflict and unrest so they can institute a system of global communism until there's no one left strong enough to oppose them. So, essentially, it's about complete and unwavering power (might is right).

NT.6.18.11 When these great lenders of blood-money, like the Rothschilds, have loaned vast sums in this way, for purposes of murder, to an emperor or a king, they sell out the bonds taken by them, in small amounts, to anybody, and everybody, who are disposed to buy them at satisfactory prices, to hold as investments. They (the Rothschilds) thus soon get back their money, with great profits; and are now ready to lend money in the same way again to any other robber and murderer, called an emperor or king, who, they think, is likely to be successful in his robberies and murders, and able to pay a good price for the money necessary to carry them on.
NT.6.18.12 This business of lending blood-money is one of the most thoroughly sordid, cold-blooded, and criminal that was ever carried on, to any considerable extent, amongst human beings. It is like lending money to slave traders, or to common robbers and pirates, to be repaid out of their plunder. And the men who loan money to governments, so called, for the purpose of enabling the latter to rob, enslave, and murder their people, are among the greatest villains that the world has ever seen. And they as much deserve to be hunted and killed (if they cannot otherwise be got rid of) as any slave traders, robbers, or pirates that ever lived.

So it literally is power for the sake of power? I guess that just doesn't sit right with me for some reason. Like, these people are seriously that psychopathic? Is it simply that?

>the difference between jews and (((THEM)))
there isn't any really. Ashkenazim are more genetically fucked up than Sephardim or Mizraim but none are compatible with European society and will subvert whenever possible

The Khazar myth is just that - a myth.

Protocols are fake and gay and based on a completely different work
But they do describe how Russian tsarists viewed the Jewish threat and are useful in that context

I wish we knew the full history of the Rothschilds.

Luciferians? really? This is medieval-tier misinformation. Most Jews don't believe any of their own bullshit, and the concept of 'lucifer' is itself a wild misinterpretation of Isaiah 14

The core principal or tenet of the Luciferian ideology is the belief that might=right. They abide by the law of nature. They recognize Lucifer (morning star, light bearer) as their God, as opposed to Adonay (the Christian God)

>>the difference between jews and (((THEM)))
>there isn't any really.
>Protocols are fake and gay
More lies....
>Luciferians? really? This is medieval-tier misinformation.
Even more lies...
t. Kevin MacDonald

>I wish we knew the full history of the Rothschilds.

A comprehensive history isn't exactly hard to find, for our purposes anyway.

You can bet it's always whitewashed. Their power is overwhelming.

>>Protocols are fake and gay
>More lies....

Whether or not they're fake or gay, they detract from the problem and are useless as a resource.

>Luciferians? really? This is medieval-tier misinformation.

Yeah, it would seem that he is reading some NWO jesus freak authors as sources, such as Ralph Epperson. We can leave that alleged aspect of it alone and get further in routing out the evil.

>I wish we knew the full history of the Rothschilds.
Amschel Mayer Bauer was a goldsmith who got involved in banking. He hung a Red Shield over his establishment to virtue signal for Jewish revolution and changed his last name to the German equivalent of red shield, Rothe Schild = Rothschild

>Whether or not they're fake or gay, they detract from the problem and are useless as a resource.
explain yourself.

Why we cannot live in the same world as Jews

>explain yourself.

You have a group who believe in it and you have a group that dismiss it. You don't need it to point out that what's explained in it is taking place. Maybe it's a strawman, maybe not. What we do know is that it fails to meet the standard as an academic source beyond a work of literature.

There is no reason to use it when you can use endless reputable sources to describe the same thing.

>You have a group who believe in it and you have a group that dismiss it.
>dismiss the actual source while relying on "academics" to describe the same fucking thing 2nd hand

why are ancaps so fucking useless?

>Yeah, it would seem that he is reading some NWO jesus freak authors as sources, such as Ralph Epperson. We can leave that alleged aspect of it alone and get further in routing out the evil.
I don't know who Epperson is and again, why are ancaps so fucking useless?
>ignore the Illuminati and focus on the entire Jewish population instead
you. stupid. fucking. faggot.


Clearly, you're shilling for shekels. Nothing I've said is in any way controversial. You're just trying to derail the thread by detracting on this one simple point on whether or not the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an acceptable source of academic information.

If you tried to cite this in a thesis, you would be laughed out of an university.

>I'm the shill derailing the thread with useless bullshit
Fuck off with your appeal to authority meme. OP didn't say it was for an academic project. It's an incredibly relevant and IMO completely authentic source of information.

you strawman ancap faggot. fuck off. for the sake of the thread, lets agree to disagree from here on out. we've both said our piece, I think.



>Fuck off with your appeal to authority meme. OP didn't say it was for an academic project. It's an incredibly relevant and IMO completely authentic source of information.
>you strawman ancap faggot. fuck off. for the sake of the thread, lets agree to disagree from here on out. we've both said our piece, I think.

You really don't know what an appeal to authority is if you're using the term in such a way. It is clearly a red herring. It is also a red herring to describe whether or not it was for an academic project. I'm merely suggesting using the best (most believed) sources, which include academic ones, or at least ones that would not be shunned by academia, like the Protocols.

You're the claimant about it being a completely authentic source of information, so you carry the burden of proof on proving it as such (Protip: you can't).

You want to quit, because you don't want me to refute your flimsy remarks, but I will not, especially when my point doesn't deserve the treatment that you're giving it.

I want you to stop because it's shitting up the thread. Your point of view has been heard.



Here you go OP let me see what else I got





Doing my part.


This: and are by far the most important ones but the original takes a while to get through.








More coincidences

Even celbities see it.

>“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100)

> "The Jews welcome this revolution in the Christian world, and the Jews should show an example. It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism: all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews."

>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%

>Winston Churchill exposes Jewish forces behind Communism

Sources on Jews and Communism

Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime


Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you


Good stuff







nice chart ive been looking for smth like this.

Murdoch is hard to trae but David Irving says his mother (Greene) was jewish, and Murdoch's father was marrying into her rich jewih family.


And yet they describe perfectly everything what has taken place in the past decades/centuries
