Question for Dixiebros

Hey all you Sup Forumsacks who live in the South, I have a question. I'm going down to South Carolina for two weeks in July. I want to know where I can buy a confederate flag in a store down there. I will be in the Charlotte area and generally exploring the low country,

I want a confederate flag like pic related, the blood stained banner. I want to fly it out of my window to trigger my liberal neighbors. I know I could just buy one online but I want to see Confederate flag stores and all the items you got in there. Thanks fellas, do you guys still have a lot of stores that sell Dixie merchandise or is that something the liberal faggots shut down

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Look for flea markets on the roadside. Plenty everywhere on the outskirts of town.

You should be able to find them at any flea market or vintagy/touristy shop. :D Hail Dixie!

Cheers from Northern Florida

Bama bro here, not sure about SC but usually any place, like a fort or something that had to do with the Civil War sells flags as merchandise in their gift shops.

You may find a more common one, unless you are able to locate a shop that has them as a historical specialty item with multiple different variations. That may be difficult with the relatively recent uproar over american and especially southern historical icons and monuments. God bless you and have an excellent trip.

Awesome, I love flea markets so I won't have a problem finding one, but my uncle who lives in the florida panhandle tells me there's full stores with Dixie merchandise like confederate flags clothes and other shit, are those shut down now?

Basically any Civil War museum gift shop.

Be original though and get yourself a Bonnie Blue or a proper Stars and Bars instead of the far-too-common Stainless Banner.

I'm sure they're around. Usually you can find that stuff at gun shops and places like that. I don't know that I've ever seen a 'Confederate Memorabilia" store locally, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I've seen them for sale at regular stores around here though.
I live in Texas, and there are quite a few road intersections that have people selling errata on the weekends. Usually they have a Battle Flag flying in the middle of it.

I'm going to Fort Sumter, you think there would be some shit there? I'm worried after Dylan Roof stores like that would get rid of them

I know there's a confederate flag museum near Fort Sumter too that I will be going too, I hope there's shit there in the gift shop

I'm sure they sell flags there. I'd be surprised if they didn't. Don't miss the old part of Charleston while you are there. It's a great city to walk around and enjoy. A friend of mine used to live there and I'd go visit from time to time.

I'll buy multiple flags, I'll get the stars and bars as well, mostly because I'll put it on my truck and no one will bitch because they won't know what it is

If you have a difficult time finding what you desire, I've taken the liberty of finding a website for you.

>old part of charleston

Is that like a historic district or something? What is the 'old part' called?

"Charleston Historic District"
Lots of great restaurants and bars, looks very Antebellum, right on the water and a lot of historic markers. You could probably spend two days there.

Thanks bro, I'll have no problem buying one online I just really want to see what a store that sells a bunch of confederate stuff looks like

I can't find that up here in New England, in New Hampshire lots of people fly the flag but obviously there are no stores

Thanks man, I'll be going to the Magnolia Confederate cemetery and the Magnolia plantation, can't fucking wait

I want to see Old South monuments and areas so I will certainly be going to the historical district

Yeah. I sort of figured you'd want it to be a souvenir rather than an online purchase. I know someone who bought on of those and she was pleased with the quality and discreet shipping.
I hope you find what you're looking for. We should remember our history in order not to repeat it. Even if it makes liberal hypocrites shit themselves.

You'll have fun. I've been there a time or two and it's one of my favorite cities.

Absolutely my friend. The southern heritage and southern culture is important. After all American culture really is just diluted southern culture. I'm glad people in the South have enough pride to tell niggers and liberals to fuck off if they're offended by the flag. It's sad to see people trying to take down the monuments and statues. Glad Alabama put a ban on taking down monuments

Looks like you got your answer OP, so I just wanted to say enjoy your time in the Southland. FYI if you have a funny NH accent, pussy will fall on the floor in front of you once they quit laughing. I rented a room to one of ya'll years ago, that dude knocked it down on the regular.

I'm not 100% but I believe it is illegal to remove Confederate monuments here in Mississippi. Louisiana is a third world country to me now and I won't be spending my vacation money there ever again.

Haha that's nice to know man, I don't really have too much a new england accent or anything but when I was in the midwest people told me they noticed I talked different and used certain words they never heard

So I will be testing this out. Thanks bro

Heh. Yay.

That's good. I wish I had enough time to visit Mississippi

Trust me, you have one (accent)

Yeah I probably do but don't notice it because everyone around me probably talks the same

I prefer the Stars & Bars.
Love the current GA Flag.