North Carolinian here?

North Carolinian here?
Why do you Illinois faggots do such a shit job with your

There main issue is there pension.

For example, in NC the state (which includes local workers) pay in six percent of their paycheck and the government puts in six percent. So every State, County, Local, and school worker is putting in 12% of there paycheck into the pension.

In addition, the Pension is run by a statewide elected offical who main job is to make sure it invested well and not raided.

Illinois has been raiding their pensions for years, and not beep putting much money into it, so it behind by billions and billions of dollars.

Fellow North Carolinian! City?

Also, born and raised in IL.

This guy gets it.

Forest City NC wbu

Good explanation bro

Burlington, Land of the Niggers


Gastonia NC of all places. Not proud

I've realized there's a lot of North Carolinians on here


Roy Cooper sucks .

>Fellow North Carolinian!
>Also, born and raised in IL.
It's one or the other, carpetbagger scum.

Ayyyyy, Mebane reporting in. Land of the SWPLs

Elizabeth City checking in...

Please, just wipe IL off the map

Concord here

spotted the iowa fag, go back to molding your butter cow.

Illinoisan here
we have expensive tastes

I helped my brother deliver a 5th wheel to a military guy in North Carolina. We met at a Walmart in Fayetteville. I went in the store to get something to eat and I swear I was the only white guy there and the store was packed.

Soon to not be Illinois fag here. Biggest problem with the state is Chicago. Get rid of Chicago and East St. Louis and you have a state that, while dull at times, is otherwise decent when it comes to people and political viewpoints.


basically south chesapeake, stop pretending


Seriously, though, why is Elizabeth City so poor? I drove down there from Chesapeake a few weeks ago and was surprised at how rundown everything looked. Otherwise it was a really cool location.

>Soon to not be Illinois fag here
>he fell for the moving out of illinois meme

I mean, unless you live right next to chicago, selling your house right now is the worst idea.

I moved and it was the democrats

No, waiting to sell your house after they double the property tax would be the worst idea

At the moment the real estate market has largely rebounded in IL

Well, I live outside of it, Chesapeake is actually closer to me. But its poor in general all the way down 168 and 17. We got windmills tho...

Just moved from Chicago to Houston about 6 months ago.

Cost of living in Illinois is brutal. People are not as friendly, state and federal tax is brutal, plus the politicians are as corrupt as there are in the US.

Only bright spots are Portillos, summertime, and good looking women (who maybe you take home after you've both had your share of 9 dollar oldstyle tallboys)

this man knows. He knows well.

Hows houston im planning on leaving iIL soon.

The last six of our governors are now in prison and every last inch of the state is corrupt.

I graduated college and moved out of my parents home. I make 10k more than I would've back home, pay $300 less/month in rent, and probably pay at least 4-5% lower across the board in taxes.

What's the point of owning non-commercial property in Cook County when the taxes are 2% of its value? I'd get rid of it sooner than later, those taxes keep going up.

Ya because I did this.

Give you one guess. It rhymes with chiggers.

Avoid any state with a large college population. They are DNC breeding grounds and epicenters of corruption where the elite on both sides fuck dumb young students for shits and giggles, living in their own personal Weimar republics.

Portillos is in Arizona if you wanna make the drive, plus the guy who made Chipotle a national franchise just bought Portillo's so you may be seeing them soon. Good luck in Houston, humidity's a killer. I found Dallas nicer. Mild summers like Chicago but very mild winters.

I have a friend who moved to Houston. He said it's a hot, humid shithole


It was greatest and boomer potatoniggers who broke democracy and turned it into a muh state jerbs gibs parade. Same as in NY and Boston. But NY and Boston have real private sector economies to carry the 20th century potato wagon. Illinois doesn't. To ad insult to injury, most of the government class potato-ees take their state gibs check down south! HAHA they totally fucked the state and they don't care!

>Pack of cigarettes costs 12 dollars
>Mega Jackpot leaving the state
>Can of coke is 1.60 thanks to the soda tax
>Teachers throwing a shitfit cause they can't get their $100,000 salary

Democrats ruin everything

Chicago fagboy here---

>corrupt city officials
>90% of neighborhoods unsafe
>real estate prices in mediocre areas or better sky high
>nightlife = expensive and lame
>entitled SJW's found everywhere
>"gentrified" areas aka hipster ass shit
>pothole galore
>overpopulation to the extreme
>asshole drivers and bumper-to-bumper commutes

Now somebody plz redpill us Chicagofags on where to move

this is the real question

Still isn't nearly enough to cover 1/4 of what NC have promised people. Pension funds, which have been issuing over-optimistic revenue forecasts for years, aren't going to earn nearly enough money to pay the benefits recipients expect.

CalPERS, the CA state pension scheme has $311 billion in assets and a funding ratio of only 68%. Worse yet is the estimated 0.6% annual return in 2016 that missed the 7% target meaning there's never going to be enough money in that fund to hand out what it's promised.
All pension schemes are scams, this is why they keep rolling back commitments trying to screw pensioners such as raising the age eligibility. Another tactic used by government officials and pension fund managers to avoid paying out pensioners, is to inflate away the problem. Governments promise pensioners that their benefits will be indexed to protect beneficiaries against rising prices. But they then use selected or massaged statistics to back out.

Or they just run out of money and slash the benefits to ridiculous levels, like the New York Teamsters Road Carriers Local 707 Pension Fund that ran out of money and now pays less than welfare. Iron Workers Local 17 in Ohio ran out too and cut 20% benefits which means it's not even cost of living indexed anymore, so in 20 years will be worth less than food stamps.


Also Kike Madigan.

Of course there's a lot of North Carolinians here.

There's nothing to fucking do in NC.

That makes sense.
NC here, we seem to be really fucking over-represented.

you all make it sound as though all of IL is Detroit

So, any anons near Mendota?

Pensions and corrupt state officials.

Compound this with high property taxes for those two issues, leading to a exodus of citizens.

This Exodus then leads to higher taxes since the pension, gibs, and corrupt officials don't leave. Only the younger working folk have the money to leave.

So they raise taxes more to make the difference. This rolls back on itself and more people leave.

This has been going on long enough that they don't even bother drafting budgets anymore.

Raleigh here, NC is a pretty great state