They sure love too talk about us

They sure love too talk about us

Other urls found in this thread:

>Researchers for the “Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump” paper analyzed over 8 million Sup Forums posts
People are desperately trying to analyze and understand an anime board that creates frog memes. What a time to be alive

Their analyses is always wrong. How can normies be so retarded. Why won't they leave us alone.

Because we won't conform for (((them)))

They push fucked up policies and then so desperately try to find out where this hatred comes from, but they never even try to understand WHY people are frustrated. It's never their fault.

I dunno, but it's freaking hilarious, seeing them, like tiny ants, trying to understand a hivemind of (almost) pure and untainted right-wing ideology.
The fact that they still attempt to quantify it even though it is still so unsubstancial by itself (COME ON, SMUG ANIME GIRLS AND SHITPOSTS, AND THERE ARE SCIENTISTS FUCKING DIGGING) is a fucking miracle and a proof of their (misguided) determination.

Just wait till they see the comments on those Elsa videos.


>Their analyses is always wrong. How can normies be so retarded

It's almost like social science is a load of bullshit that revolves around jargon and manipulating vague data to suit the conclusion you wanted.

Think about how long it took you to figure out this place with just observation and shitposting of your own. Then consider that somebody claims to have "studied" it and can't figure out anything.

Almonds: activated.

That's the UN report on Sup Forums


thank you bot

>Sup Forums is the normies version of (((them)))...
Maybe your videos just suck, sweetie. There isn't a boogieman out to get you.

literal bot

>"Spoiler: it's mostly American white supremacists sharing YouTube videos and plotting raids and Pepe."

>the comments

Jesus christ.

(((They))) are trying to use this "research" as a means to gain traction to disband this site.

I just read where the APA American Psychological society is trying to do away with the Goldwater Rule, which is to make a diagnosis WITHOUT a one-on-one a means to impeach Trump on some bubble-gum machine, type of diagnosis to "prove" he is unfit.

The globalists are on the move to shut us down, and this "research" is to get the ball rolling.

APA - American Psychological Association

>tfw I live in a timeline where leftists unironically believe this shit
My, how the tables turn.

fucking kek

That never gets old.

>Horrible YouTube comments
TL note: "Horrible YouTube comments" means "Opinions I Don't Like".

They didn't really reveal much. All they said was that this place has influence . This is more about how content spreads on the internet and how to control it. Theyre looking into more effective ways of brainwashing people.

>As we come closer to understanding the causes and sources of the most hateful news in our media ecosystem, and how that content spreads, the next step will be masterminding solutions. Given how much traffic this content can generate, I’m not sure I trust companies like YouTube and Twitter to develop those solutions – but at least academics are on top of researching the causes.

They have only been looking into this stuff since trump and look how much Sup Forums has turned to shit.

>Oekaki is the raiding board
Too funny.

>he doesn't know what the secret raid board is
it's not >>>/z/ btw

Remember when they used to think we were far left terrorists for (((reasons)))? Good times

>>>/z/ is gone. Like really gone. No bee cock or anything.

The problem for them is that their "investigation" stops at the pepe, kekistan, and ironic white supremacist flame threads. Any further and a high IQ would be needed, which they unfortunately don't possess. Poor normies.

they'll never learn

sigourney fucked us

Well, they are leftists after all. I like to imagine that they go through life wearing a pair of blinders, like horses. They keep them from getting "spooked" at things that don't conform to their view of the world. It's quite sad, really.

jk fucking liberals can get raped by sandniggers

>bee cock
You're a son of a bitch for ever making me see that image again. Admittedly I'm completely desensitized to it at this point

More like "we have learned that we really hate Sup Forums because they are not us."

Thank god for that...

rather ironic comment tbqhwyf

It's more of a lack of willingness to assimilate.

Sup Forums just has a highly esoteric culture, so much so that there are aspects of it that even hard-core lurkers can miss for months or years before seeing or hearing about it.

What that means is, in order to do a proper analysis, you have to become a part of the board, and most of the normies don't have the time or interest to invest in this obscure culture. They're only interested now because it's affecting and changing their culture and that scares and confuses them.

The one's who actually took the time to understand things never left.

This. Most people lurk for months or even years

Has anyone noticed how normies abuse the term troll now? It used to just mean someone who is intentionally saying things to get a reaction out of you for their own amusement, but now its anyone who disagrees with someone kind of leftist politics


>most people lurk
Not anymore my friend...not anymore

This right here. Been lurking since 2006 and only started regularly posting in late 2016

One one hand this is hilarious. On the other hand I'm sure they got federal grant money for this "study".

You have nothing to back that up. I was shitposting the day I arrived here.


>you have nothing to back that up
It was an unspoken rule that everyone lurk more so you don't make stupid posts such as yours. You'd know this if you weren't so fresh from reddit you mongoloid

Literally one post behind yours

Because they are women and have no concept of people fucking with each other. They cant understand guys just busting each others balls

im a 20 year old girl and i came from mary sue to see what all this was about and i have to say im just.. idk i dont see why you guys want bad things to happen. so hateful

Fuck off and bring back geekosystem

You can't go back now. See you at the National Fascist Rally in 5 years.

welcome to the club, get a cup of water to take your redpill

um no sweetie

Keep lurking on here and learn why we are this way

fuck off tranny

thank you, america should be more like brazil, you seem nicer.
i will try
actually im a female but tranny is an inflammatory term


I don't think you could look anymore like a reddit nupol fag if you tried

Tax dollars hard at work.

I'm surprised at how desensitized I am to anything anymore.
Last terrorist attack in Europe actually made me smile.

Nobody said nigger yet. Those researchers count that sort of thing, you know.

but thats racist

If you think the white supremacy here is ironic then you really need to go back to the_donald. As seen by your use of "normies" and not normalfags.

>he doesn't know the rules
lurk more faggot

>im a 20 year old girl
KEK sure you are

> you know the drill
You are not a female here. You just another user on a japanese cartoon board. If you have something to say - do it, if no - GTFO

yep, not like youve ever seen one that isnt on a computer screen!
i have plenty to say

Tits or GTFO

They're tsundere for us

haha you wish, virgin

Fuck off idiot, it wasn't cringeworthy at all the way he said it. He used "us" fine there. If he said Sup Forums in place of "us" it would've sounded like an actual the_donald post, talking about Sup Forums like some rabid dog.

>We perform a quantitative case study of Sup Forums’s attempt to poison anti-trolling machine learning technology by altering the language of hate on social media.
>This was UN-sponsored
Oy vey

Post tits with timestamp
State your business
Them's the rules.

>we found that about 12% of the alternative news on worldnews — one of the main news boards on reddit — is coming from Sup Forums. And over 16% of the alternative news on the same board is coming from The_Donald.

This alone makes the_donald worthwhile. They clearly have an influence on reddit.

i had a manager that was a big reader of The Mary Sue.

go figure he was a near 400lb fucking ham hock who thought "old white men" were the problem for everything.

Better watch out for hackers, Sup Forums.

I don't quite know how to tell you this, child. I don't think you could handle it.

You queers don't even realize how out of place you are here. It's truly astonishing. Thank you for ruining this site.

actually i read the 17 global rules and those dont apply thanks but no thanks

Did he not watch the Fox report? We can literally make vans explode with our minds, he ain't shit.

>hateful news
>news can be hateful


no fucking way

They pretentiously presume that the only TRUE reason to say or think racist thoughts is to piss them off, never once considering that this anger may spring from their toxic idiocy seeping into our civilization. Everything revolves around them and the capital T 'Truth' of equality and humanism.

We're heathens in their eyes. Like cliche Satanists who ritualistically spite God and spit on his works out of narcissistic hatred.

>unspoken rule
>people literally posted "LURK MOAR" all the time
I didn't give shit, and if you couldn't figure out Sup Forums in 2 minutes after getting here you're retarded.

Allow me to explain, fair maiden. Tits or GTFO is an unwritten rule, like not farting in an elevator. It is older than you or I in some parts of the internet. This image summarises it nicely, I feel. By the way I think it's great to see more women around here, I hope we get to talk again. And don't worry, I'll be the one in the kitchen ;) You vapid fucking cunt.

>look at me I'm from reddit and I'm so smart rules don't apply to me
I truly wish everyone you love gets cancer faggot

>implying Sup Forums hasn't been hacked multiple times in the past
Hell, we flat out encouraged Straya-m00t when that Aussie bastard was balls deep in the site.

>8 gorrilion posts analyzed
How many times did they record the word nigger?

lmao u want mine cuz u dont have a gf and never will

Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills first, faggot

I'm a fucking leaf and even I wouldn't stoop that low.

Tits or GTFO

You user, you are a scholar.

Post a timestamp pic of yourself if you're really a woman

I'd have to guess that out of eight million posts there were a few hundred at least that just consisted of the word nigger pasta'd to the limit.

It rivals pro nigger vernacular such as "based" and "nigga" so its null

Is this bait?

Taking anything The Mary Sue says seriously is a mistake. Back before I realized they were a bullshit clickbait rag, I tried commenting politely on articles and even contacting the editor about certain stories and their biases, and they completely ignored me.

They're the type of people who only believe what they want to believe, regardless of contrary evidence.

You are in Sup Forums everything here is racist.

They're not intended to be correct. They're intended to justify whatever they already believe and promote it as propaganda. It's an attempt to discredit that which never claimed any credibility to begin with because each anonymous post is weighed on its own merit. A fruitless talk.

we ll im sure they arent very nice to you, my southern neighbor!

Been here daily on several boards for 10 years straight. Anyone who says that they have this place figured out is delusional.

>I tried engaging them like humans
...the fuck is wrong with you user? Next you'll tell me you tried to reason with the faggots at

A scholar AND a gentleman at that.