Is there a more obnoxious person on TV?
Is there a more obnoxious person on TV?
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He's still on tv?
who is that and what is he on?
Stop watching TV. Read a book or go outside. Fuck tv.
Some unfunny nigger on CNN
Nigger on CNN with his own show shitting on white people.
He's an illiterate nigger fuck. I hate how dumb he sounds compared to how smart I sound and yet he's on TV and just sitting here masturbating
So CNN is just filling out that panel of 27 with random niggers now?
No, it's an actual show. Here:
Yeah, this douche
Wow, that makes The Five look really good.
>self-censors the word fuck in his bit
>calls it the "f" bomb
If you're going to do clean comedy than use actual words instead of pausing abruptly mid-sentence when the naughty word you want the audience to think of in their head comes up. So cringey.
TV is so like uh last yearrrrrr
This cunt. Hands down.
Symone Sanders
Next in line is Don Lemon
He has a future, that's for sure.
I can't even watch it. It pisses me off how they try to pretend what America is and should be, those fucking bastards
I like Symone. She's doing more for turning normies against blacks than any of us ever could.
He's the product of leftist brainwashing and toes the line for leftist bullshit. The funniest thing in all of it is that he married a fat white lady, hahahahahaha..
She will divorce him once he gets enough money. I'm sure he makes his fat white sow confess her white devil sins, daily. It's only a matter of time before he's a broke, bitter, black guy paying for his wife's new lifestyle.
It all comes falling down in the end. It always does.... just like the control left, they self destruct.
>watching television
Litetally who?
Thats not fair user, she was only pointing out how Islam really is THE most Feminist religion of them all
Quick rundown on this literally who dindu?
I say good for him. He has his "brand" and he's sticking to it. If there's money in it, good for him. Television is a commercial enterprise. Don't let cable "news" convince you they're looking out for the public interest.
white people, am i right fellas? huge audience applause.
Yea His name is Eric Andre
Is that Magic Johnson's drag name?
I'm shocked that someone could make a show based on controversial current events so incredibly boring. I tried to watch it but it's a total snoozefest.
She openly advocates for sharia law and then acts like its a hate crime when people call her out on her ignorance and insanity.
The female Waleed Aly, except Waleed knows if he somewhat advocates sharia law then 90% of the Australian population will be caling for his head. He's the most hated cunt in the country.
Yeah, but he's up there.
He has an entire show on CNN that propagandizes the left's view of race issues.
Check this out. It's hilarious and infuriating at the same time.
Watch TV? Why the fuck would I do that?
I was happily unaware this nigger was even alive until just now
>The funniest thing in all of it is that he married a fat white lady,
Its hilarious how many anti-white blacks are actually married to a white person.
Action Bronson.
How many seconds do you think it takes for his smug San Francisco liberal wife to bring up the fact that she has a black husband when meeting someone?