Things are beginning to get interesting again.
Things are beginning to get interesting again
Slow and steady donald
>Want to have a comment on epic 'pol was right' thread.
bleh, i refuse to believe trump didnt have ties to russia
russia did something, we all know it, its a fact
and its pretty much a fact trump is involved in some way
whether its his tax returns, or secret meetings, or hes in big debt with putin
the truth will eventually come out and when it does trumps finished
his inpeachment cant come soon enough
>russia did something, we all know it, its a fact
>and its pretty much a fact trump is involved in some way
>see evidence im wrong
>bleh, I refuse to believe I'm wrong
>in fact, it's a fact that I'm right
This rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper.
I have seen this shit being posted by the same leaf in three different threads.
but its literally a fact. all 17 secret agencies agree that russia did something to the elections and trump probably had a hand in it
literally do you deny 17 government agencies, 1000s of patriots giving their lives daily for you to type these words of hate?
like 97% of the political/government world is in agreement that russia hacked the elections and trump is his puppet
We have more than 17 "secret" government agencies. These are the same agencies that told the America people there were WMDs in the middle east. You know nothing. Trump has been under a microscope for half a year now and not one bit of incriminating evidence has come to surface even with those intelligence agencies looking.
Do us all a favor and die.
Fuck off back to plebbit.
I'm pretty sure Russia tried to interfere in the election, like they always have tried to do. The U.S. interferes in elections all of the time. The thing is, the U.S. elected a non-politician as President. Someone not apart of the political elite. Not only that, but serious corruption was uncovered from one of the major political parties in the U.S. How do you shift the narrative away from that? Talk about Russia meddling and Trump/Russia collusion to undermine our election.
Incoming High Energy Jeb! surge in 3...2...1...
I guess so he did predict Loretta Lynch
all 9000 secret agencies in the world who arent russia said that they did something plus my fat 13yr old wives son said something too i guess its true! nice lebbit posting do you hav eany cool reddits to go too?
uhh sweatie, its under ongoing secret investitation... LOL
of course they cant divulge information its top secret and still being conducted.
holy are drumfs really this thick?
my lord
He said more things would come out into this week or some shit didnt he?
Shitty b8 m8
Was Jeb! posting the best meme of the election?
>perfeclty counters my faulty logic
>it must be b8, it cant be true
this is called congitive dissonance sweatie, sorry
take a pill
Clearly, why'ed you reply lol?
What insider are you talking about?
>Saddam Hussein puts hit out on GWHBush
>Jeb Bush hires slander-job on Trump
>Billy Bush records Trump making locker-room talk
Did we assassinate the wrong State Leader?
Why are you accusing people of sweating?
Delegates was bretty gud.
Oh boi, new pasta.
Saddam was redpilled as fuck. He did nothing wrong.
I'm sure that the coast guard is infallible when it comes to this matter.
You are the faggot making claims with no evidence. As all of you pink haired cunts do. Just yell and scream, repeat Richard Maddow over and over and hope for evidence that will never come. DNC / Lynch / Obama and now even Bernie are under investigation, and we have claims with EVIDENCE. You have nothing. Now fuck off back to Plebbit.
If there was one iota, one scintilla of actual "evidence" Russia was tied to Trump.. the deep state would have him strung up by the nuts..
there is none…
Its a fantasy fellow leaf - cognitive dissonance? look in the mirror… pro tip bait harder
>all 17 secret agencies
I hope your supervisor knows how fucking retarded you sound
H o l y s h i t, give it a rest Shillary.
Bump says the war drum.shit's gettin' real.
Can I fuck you right in your pussy? Also, tits pls
>Lynch goes to jail
>Bernie goes to jail
>Wasserman-Shultz goes to jail
>Susan Rice goes to jail
>John Podesta goes to jail
>Clintons go to jail
>Obama goes to jail
Saddam was the most ignorant sand monkey to rule a nation in a long time. He sat staring down a superior threat, one that had defeated him once already without breaking a sweat, and instead of recognizing it, he thought he could stand up to it. All he had to do was let inspectors in without holding their hands, that's it, he was given reasonable demands that he chose to ignore. As a result, he was dug out of a rathole to indignantly die and piss himself on camera as his nation was picked over by his various enemies.
>lynch under investigation
>bernie under investigation
>cnn has to retract fake news
>clinton tied to russian dossier
was white house user legit?
Carter Paige was mentioned in this Fake BS and although he didn't ever meet Trump personally, he teaches at NYU...NYU is near Trump Tower and he said he ate lunch there almost everyday during campaign..Probably would discuss normal BS with low tier Trump people...Always felt Comey might use that as excuse to "wiretap" Trump Tower etc.....Nunes said the documents he has seen read like a private detective report on Trump people, including his family..People forget the executive branch SCIF is where all the "wiretapped" info is Nunes showed Trump...
Top kek
Democrats are such scum
Complete sociopaths
Protip: ironically being retarded is still being retarded
we are the pro clinton group fusion gps apparently now since we made that pissdossier, or are they talking about another one?
Trump should declassify some of the reports, or most of them with important bits blacked out. Just to show the level of surveillance done on political opponents.
>he doesn't know about the neocon plan for the Middle East laid out by PNAC
Iraq was getting the dick no matter what.
Delegates and Cruz Redemption Arc was the best in my opinion.
seems so
>we made that pissdossier
kys please reddit
don't believe everything you read here, and also don't refer to Sup Forums as we
As soon as the Russia narrative falls apart I'm pretty sure they're going to pull something new.
They will crash the economy or something. They have another ace up their sleeve.
>muh literal thousands
The economy crashes after the Fed raises rates at the behest of Trump
Don't you remember this timeline?
Care to give me a quick rundown
Sup Forums
93 million. Why are you wasting time on this, we are already dead.
Oh shut up already.
This is a bot or shill, exact same pasta and responses in other threads.
>a 20 year tradition is now a "long tradition"
oh boy, they're getting scared aren't they?
called this way back. This bitch used her connections to spoof bullshit so her state department could justify King Obongongo to do the bongo jongo on trump and the trumpettes.
this bitch is stupid. She thinks false flags still work.
seconded, need a rundown
a fucking leaf.
>bleh, i refuse to believe trump didnt have ties to russia
>russia did something, we all know it, its a fact
I dare you to prove it.
Prove that Russia hacked the DNC without having to rely on an unsubstantiated report from serial liars Crowdstrike.
You believe a lie because it was repeated enough. You are the kind of fucking idiot the MSM relies on to create false narratives.
Show me any proof that isn't from Crowdstrike, who was caught lying on the 'secret server communication' and also completely made up an artillery strike in Ukraine by Russia.
Show me something NOT from these proven liars, shit head.
The pravda has its orders, Sup Forums. Need the DISTRACTION. They made a deal.
Honestly, what’s worse?
1)Taking “credit” for creating & leaking user’s fanfiction,
2)having the sheeple tuned in on Lynched, Molesta, Tarmac/Collusion, human trafficking, Agent Leaky, McStain having another zoneout should he try to talk again, Rice, spying/unmasking, etc.
for just one twisted second?
Faux Opinion channel, too, is in on it too, already running it, blaming user's "dossier" fan fiction saga on Crooked’s cartel, which WILSON, McMUFFIN, & McSTAIN made possible.
This was PROVEN and played out right before our eyes. Anyone who was here or on /r/ at the time KNOWS about mcstain & the FBI's hilarously pathetic stupidity and being TRAITORS.
An excerpt from the "top Secret" dossier should ring a bell:
>Witnesses spotted Donald J. Trump holding a plate full of chicken tenders and pointing at his daughter Ivanka while screaming “If you don’t reply to this post your mother will die in ..."
Yeah, the guy most people consider a "REPUBLICAN" and war "hero" GAVE THIS TO THE FBI, so pravda’s kicking into gear!!
>Tue 01 Nov 2016 16:31:01 No.95571628
>Are you the user who troll-leaked that shit to Rick Wilson? Top fucking kek. Well played.
>Anonymous ID:zNaYmBg5 Tue 01 Nov 2016 >16:28:57 No.95571329
>So they took what I told Rick Wilson and added >a Russian spy angle to it.
>They still believe it. Guys, they're truly fucking >desperate - there's no remaining Trump >scandal that's credible.
TONS screencapped here, including twitters: Forums-mcfooled-john-mccain-buzzfeed-and-cia-believing-trumps-golden-showers
(Lurked moar since primaries, didn’t post, forgive fricked-up formatting; Need good, free archive rec, no trackers? TIA).
Please see my above shitpost leaf.
Oh for fucks' sake. The dossier is full of memes, it is clear as day that an user did it as a joke.
>Fox news
I have no excuse for the people in my country. I may as well just move to india and shit in the street to move up the respect ladder.
The fact the the coast guard and nasa are two of these agencies has me thinking otherwise
All you know is russians tried a mininformation campaign against clinton. Not like it mattered, she was shit with a closet of skeletons anyway.
>his inpeachment cant come soon enough
>soon enough
Day of the rake soon leaf!!
>but its literally a fact.
So you have proof? Fucking show it.
lmao ur that guy from the other thread holy shit do you ever take a break
That shitbag's been spamming every thread with it; ignore.
They're nervous because they know the AWAN brothers are out there with all the dems' goodies they got away with. Such as computers, servers, intel on their own cloud server. These IT specialists were SHARED by many dems; had passwords, access to all kinds of security intel such as Homeland Security, you-name-it.
Well one brother has fled back home to Pakistan. Don't know about the others, their also-employed-by-dems wives, and their friend.
Don't count on pravda to report it, either.
Only legitimate newspeople, One America, did report on it when they were first fired and named as suspects back in Feb. Reckon nobody can find them at all now?
>Pro-Clinton shills write a fanfic about Trump
>Pro-Clinton shills push fanfic to the highest level of exposure
>Clinton herself cites said fanfic
Liberals deserve all the embarrassment they get.
Clinton is also the one who dug up the dirt on Bernie, and now he's under FBI investigation.
This bitch will never stop until she gets revenge against the entire world.
This legitimately makes me happy. I'm smiling right now. I wish you could see me. All smiles.
lol i love how all these shills keep coming here saying the same thing over and over
>it's settled science guys
>It's already been proven guys
>We can all agree it happened guys.
If we keep repeating the same lie over and over maybe someone will believe us
lol fucking desperate.
You're retarded. Only a couple of the 17 handle information analysis, most work to influence other nations or to get information, but then pass that info on to other agencies without analyzing it or drawing any conclusions. A good example of this is the NRO, look them up.
all these idiots who can't pick up on obvious sarcasm
day of the meat grinder soon
And The intel agencies know their stuff huh?
Holy MILF Batman
Is there a higher res version of this