This is who you voted for

Does he ever eat anything healthy?


damn mofugga wud fukk dat white bootie feelme


>not wanting to fuck that ass
fucking faggots

Day of the rake when?

Man I hate faggots, and advocate exterminating them, but I'm not ashamed to say there's nothing I want more in the world right now than for my God-Emperor to sit on my face and let me eat out that ass

Anyone have faggot supreme canadian getting knocked out by a weak jab?



This is fucking disgusting, we have a land whale for a leader. What happened to the days when we had fit, educated men in that position? Now filled by 50% lard, 50% herp derp brains.


Looks pretty good for a 70 year old dude.


tfw this one isn't even shopped



he was like 50 then

At his age having that kind of weight on is a sign of good health. Most old people would do well to gain a few pounds rather than withering away into nothing.


The wonders of photo editing. Good job!


that one isn't even edited

>skipping leg day


nice shoop desu

>pol summed up

Some people ask me, "Donald! How you get that THICC ass so big?" I tell them you know what I say, I say, and you know Chyna is even getting THICC, you believe that? I mean no really this is a country that lives on rices and bean sprouts and they got some big asses over there, not as big as Rosie O'donald but pretty close! It's incredible you have to see it folks. We're going to make America THICC again you're going to love it. Believe me!

Who wouldn't be obsessed when the guy has an ass like that?

nice shop there mister.

That's a McEnroe move.

Game, set, match.

makes sense obongo has to wrestle pic related to the floor daily just to get some dick

obviously a shooped picture. the president was clearly rock climbing

>R_thedonald in a nutshell*
Fixed that for ya



Um, you voted for a cuck.

Trump is
>a billionaire
>a TV star
>internationally famous
>the fucking president

Now imagine how petty OP the faggot is to post shooped pictures of him all day to try to tear him down.

>implying that's not why we voted for him

I see... So why am I supposed to care about a 20 year old photo of Trump playing tennis?


cause it's hilarious how morbidly obese he is

She wants truD

Op u sure love posting about trumps ass.

Canadian flag confirmed

Actually, according to Dave Bossie, Trump literally ate fast food for the entire campaign and never slept more than 4 hours a night. Even his SS guys were trying to sneak in salads under the table.

This! Fuck cuck voting leafs



Pretty sure he has a vag

Trudeau would only fuck Ivanka if she wore a burka and a strap-on.

The guys a billionaire. You'd think he can afford a nutritionist and fitness trainer. Ya know?

high five

Either way, she is all up for that!

I dont know how he got any work done with constantly having to suck his wife's gargantuan cock.

I`m pretty sure that not trump

scotus will uphold 9th circuit tomorrow in 5-4 ruling, pol btfo forever. SCREENCAP THIS. ALLAHU ABKAR

Proof that the left is imploding
>fat shaming


The God Emperor is teaching me to be a man with his frat boy alpha ways. Even looking at that ass is elevating my T levels.

sauce pls

>Does he ever eat anything healthy?


Shut up, leaf. He knows how to eat.

Man I wanna tap that ass. I bet I could fit a whole leg up in dat mutha fucker!


God damn my boy Donnie T is Thicc as hell man

>it's wrestle for top
>Obongo loses 'on purpose'
>Pretending he ever had a chance

What's that servings picture? Is she sucking off Trudeau's boyfriend's son?

A big rump is a sign of strength

Not gonna lie, President Trump is T H I C C and I would.

That guys dick is massive. Damn, a real man! Even leafs are fit



Hell yeah a Big Mac. Now I want to eat a Big Mac.

The strength to crush someone to death.

What a fuckin degenerate.
He's a glutton, a whoremonger, promotes gambling and drinking, preys on the poor. Why the hell did we vote for this faggot?

>shooping Trump's head onto Lena Dunham
not cool

Fuck you OP you faggot, trying to pass off dat ass as the real thing. Trump isn't that flat, he's a thicc, sexy braphog. Here's the real, unedited picture.



>comparing an athlete and a smoker

You voted for Hillary. Stop larping.

Obongo smokes the tobacco jew.

#MyPresident is thicc af



Your PM is a really ugly woman, I hope you know that.


Trudeau is just the queen's house nigger. Don't let those leafs tell you any different.


Why did we let covfefe become an anti-Trump meme? Get your shit together Sup Forums.

>making fun of a fat guy working out
Why do you do this?

>that pasta
I hope this is a sad attempt at a shitpost

That's very progressive for the white house to elect a man with a lesbian daughter.

>people will say this is photoshopped
imagine being that bluepilled



>making fun of a 70+ year old man's physique


Damn, Obama is ripped. I wonder what type of lifting he utilizes.

the shills came prepared today. they dump their memes and go study memeology for another month before returning. cy@

