Many big retail corporations such as JCPenny GAMESTOP SEARS/KMart American Outfitters PAYLESS are on the verge of bankruptcy speculated to all go bankrupt later this year causing a ginat retail crash withc will make millions unemployed and cause the stock market to crash. Sup Forums are you prepared and will Trump be blamed for this
Is this what will trigger the next economic collapse if so do I sell my stocks
Lucas Wilson
>cause the stock market to crash
Most of us have priced this in. It's the bagholders with shit in money markets still holding any retail exposure because these niggers aren't fiduciaries.
Not to mention voting for tax cuts for the super wealthy will just further consolidate the cash flows into the top richest peoples hands.
Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about this shit OP. muh race war and fuck obama
Aiden Cruz
Kmart closed in my town, while Walmart opened a second location. Their business models are outdated and they cannot compete.most of the stores mentioned are in malls and malls are dying.
Josiah Sullivan
5 shitty stores, I wouldn't call that an apocalypse and definitely not OMG MILLIONS of jobs.
Angel Brooks
I don't see how it could be blamed on Trump. Aren't these places going out of business because online shopping is taking over?
Zachary Brown
Those were just a few examples more retailers will go bankrupt
Charles Carter
it's in the 100's of thousands over the last few years with ecomerce retail jobs lagging far behind. No ones blaming trump, in fact he was probably the only person to name one of the culprits and that's bezos. They have antitrust issues. Walmart and other stores need to watch out, Amazon's buying up wholefoods and will crush more of the labor market, and basically dictate inflation going forward.
Tyler Lopez
>I don't see how it could be blamed on Trump. Aren't these places going out of business because online shopping is taking over?
Retailers decided quite a few years ago to stick with the cheapest-quality, overpriced crap while treating & paying employees like garbage. Data mining is first & foremost, much more than actually selling the crap.
People were forced online not to be stuck with the limited crap brands which totally monopolize the shelves.
I walk out of stores when an employee is forced to harass me for personal info to save 10% today, or their gimmick "savings" cards where they upmark it to where you're still overpaying anyway.
Not happy about the Amazon situation, but you can thank consumers for letting it happen. It's all about cheap & convenient in too many towns.
Watch people come together & fight like hell if something in mcD's french fries, or coca cola changes, though. Mess with Potato chips? There would be stampedes of protests to put it back! People are fricked up.