Many big retail corporations such as JCPenny GAMESTOP SEARS/KMart American Outfitters PAYLESS are on the verge of bankruptcy speculated to all go bankrupt later this year causing a ginat retail crash withc will make millions unemployed and cause the stock market to crash. Sup Forums are you prepared and will Trump be blamed for this
Is this what will trigger the next economic collapse if so do I sell my stocks
Lucas Wilson
>cause the stock market to crash
Most of us have priced this in. It's the bagholders with shit in money markets still holding any retail exposure because these niggers aren't fiduciaries.
Not to mention voting for tax cuts for the super wealthy will just further consolidate the cash flows into the top richest peoples hands.
Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about this shit OP. muh race war and fuck obama
Aiden Cruz
Kmart closed in my town, while Walmart opened a second location. Their business models are outdated and they cannot compete.most of the stores mentioned are in malls and malls are dying.
Josiah Sullivan
5 shitty stores, I wouldn't call that an apocalypse and definitely not OMG MILLIONS of jobs.
Angel Brooks
I don't see how it could be blamed on Trump. Aren't these places going out of business because online shopping is taking over?
Zachary Brown
Those were just a few examples more retailers will go bankrupt
Charles Carter
it's in the 100's of thousands over the last few years with ecomerce retail jobs lagging far behind. No ones blaming trump, in fact he was probably the only person to name one of the culprits and that's bezos. They have antitrust issues. Walmart and other stores need to watch out, Amazon's buying up wholefoods and will crush more of the labor market, and basically dictate inflation going forward.
Tyler Lopez
>I don't see how it could be blamed on Trump. Aren't these places going out of business because online shopping is taking over?
Retailers decided quite a few years ago to stick with the cheapest-quality, overpriced crap while treating & paying employees like garbage. Data mining is first & foremost, much more than actually selling the crap.
People were forced online not to be stuck with the limited crap brands which totally monopolize the shelves.
I walk out of stores when an employee is forced to harass me for personal info to save 10% today, or their gimmick "savings" cards where they upmark it to where you're still overpaying anyway.
Not happy about the Amazon situation, but you can thank consumers for letting it happen. It's all about cheap & convenient in too many towns.
Watch people come together & fight like hell if something in mcD's french fries, or coca cola changes, though. Mess with Potato chips? There would be stampedes of protests to put it back! People are fricked up.
Xavier Morgan
Sell as soon as Trading starts on Monday
Check em
Ethan Brown
William Stewart
>Check em
Oh Shit
Zachary Hughes
Can't be from the CEOs spending money on dumb shit like parties then giving themselves 100 million dollar bonuses
Ian Evans
This, basically. It's much easier to get everything you need in 1 super store (rising in popularity) than futz around at a mall.
Ryan Reyes
Pretty nice ones
Brody Hall
If we keep getting dubbs like this everything predicted in this thread will come true
Elijah Mitchell
pfttttt all these companies have been diced up by activist investors over the last decade. CEO's get fucked just like the employees
Kayden Cooper
i work at an american eagle and they push cashiers to sign everyone up for a credit card. way more important to them than getting sales. but were forced to do that to make more money bc otherwise everyone would order their shit online. the laziness and decline of the american people means companies need to be more shifty to make profit
Gabriel Kelly
So much for that "service economy", eh guys?
Aiden Murphy
I'm scared guise
I still have some Walmart stock I haven't cashed out.
Blake Gutierrez
>I actually go to the mall just for a great steak
Xavier Roberts
I don't care - but what will this do to bitcoin, ether and litecoin?
Cooper Collins
I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of worried about this. Retail represents millions of jobs in our economy. With stores dying at the rate there are, that's gonna put the squeeze on the earning power of quite of a lot of people. And then the money they'd be spending on other services isn't flowing anymore, so that hurts those industries, and you have this whole shitty cascade effect.
I believe this is gonna snowball into something bad if the trend continues.
Caleb Wood
I just heard a creepy voice telling me
*you have seven days till a zombie virus is released*
Check my Sevens
Jose Robinson
people still go to wall mart n stores. like a swarm. there always in my way. I haven't been to a mall this decade though. these are just stores no one likes.
Logan Jones
>buying steak >mall
What the fuck? Is there a butcher shop in your mall? If not, you're a faggot for not learning how to buy a quality cut from a real butcher and cooking it to perfection yourself, for 1/2 the cost, and 10x the flavor.
Angel Robinson
The list of stores no one goes into... yeah deeply shocking to the economy. Entirely unpredictable. Who knew?
Pic related. Target today, and now the new store I will avoid.
Jacob Martin
Its hilarious what niggers have the ability to do. By just being around these stores they ensured their destruction.
Zachary Evans
>CEOs get fucked just like the employees
user, I ... I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.
Carson Flores
as the % of whites in america gets lower and lower, these stores start closing. Coincidence?
Andrew Cooper
>Kmart closed in my town, while Walmart opened a second location. Their business models are outdated and they cannot compete.most of the stores mentioned are in malls and malls are dying.
The only one in my mall that's doing well is Victoria's secret, they just upgraded from their tiny regular store to a big central hub.
I assume because women like my wife will always still go in to try stuff on and get my wallet 2 and 3 for 1'd to death even though she buys a crapton of little fluff stuff online.
Otherwise mine has two asian massage parlors
I'm a gen X mallrat so it still feels comfy but really I only go in there to stare at a wall of vidya or collectibles I'm not really going to buy or a haircut.
Recently decided I didn't want a 60 year old shriveled cambodian lady or nig cutting my hair in the mall either and went to the standalone sports clips full of qt young white ladies.
A nig only barber opened in my mall too. Kangz Korner or something like that.
Jason Barnes
White's don't want to go where niggers are.
When niggers started mobbing the entrance of my local shit-tier mall, I stopped going and that was several years before the internet became a viable means of shopping.
Gavin Thomas
>stores close >demand shifts to online business >new jobs created to meet demand >rents are cheaper, products are cheaper everyone wins
Aaron Gonzalez
This is all Trumps fault. Probably had help from Russians. Saw it on AC360, with anderson cooper, (hes so cute) anyways doesnt matter to me, cause I dont work in retail [Im a hairdresser]
Easton Peterson
>malls are dying. And the reason is niggers.
Charles Lee
Mason Harris
It's a cheese steak sandwich, not actual cut of meat like you're thinking of.
Christian Fisher
>ordering online is laziness and a sign of decline
I'm not going to lie that people are getting lazier and there is a decline, but online ordering is just path of least resistance here. Nobody I've ever spoken to in the boomer or silent generation for example "likes" shopping and the only reason why they don't order online instead is either because they're too old and don't know how to computer (silent) or they are scared of "hackers" (dumb boomers).
Eli Garcia
It's because of niggers they go into malls and attack people and each other and steal shit
Luis Johnson
its just more jobs at amazon economies shift, big retail corps go down people will go to small biz's more, they hire more employees.
Jacob Reyes
Don't know about the other retail chains but I know GameStop is a shitty company that deserves to go bankrupt. They treat their customers like shit and have anti consumer policies. I'm glad.
Alexander Rogers
anyone else long temporary storage reits, visa, crematoriums, coca cola?
James Gray
Daily reminder that Technological Unemployment is not only a symptom of late stage capitalism fueled by automation in the way of software and robotics, but also a symptom of late stage capitalism's granting to the individual a technological ascension of sorts. No longer is a man or woman bound to their community to purchase. A click here, a bank card there, and you've got items from Asia on your doorstep. Also, let's not forget the technology that allow these new disruptive business models to exist and destroy physical existing models of business.
tl;dr - You're actually living in the most exciting time in human history. If you survive it, you'll be telling people about it for centuries.
Andrew Adams
>stores close >demand shifts to online business >automated robots replace workers Middle class loses corporate elites win
Nathaniel Cooper
fuck dude I lost a lot of my bonus before jumping sectors, this is Sup Forums we hate poor fags you're retarded
Juan Thomas
First came Conquest. ("power struggles", exploiting nature, mass populace control, adverse technology, satanism ruling the world, withholding of knowledge, etc.) Then comes War. (WW3, People vs. Luciferians, Right vs. Left, biggest war to ever occur on earth, holy war, etc.) Then comes Famine.(Yellowstone, Wall St., this, earthquakes, tsunamis, misc un/natural disasters, resource destruction, etc.) Then no more. (curtains close, the show is over because free will got man nowhere but a Luciferian planet)
Isaiah Fisher
>So much for that "service economy", eh guys?
There is a fundamental unanswered question about the future:
If everything automates, everything's super efficient, we all buy from immense warehouses and supply chains that require hundreds to supply tens of thousands..
Where's the money going to come from? We're excluding so many people the online stores won't have customers with jobs to fund their purchases. It's all such a death spiral. And like you said "service economy" is bullshit, people need less service than ever, and will need even less the better technology gets. Cue fast food terminals and machines that spit out your burger just like you ordered it.
Here's where UBI and shit like that comes in but it's just grasping at straws. Nobody knows how that would work at all.
Benjamin Green
The only reason I shop online is because Amazon has the best customer service, best selection, and pro consumer policies. However there will come a time when they monopolize the industry, start getting lazy and become shitty to their customers, and they will ultimately become bankrupt. It's the beauty of capitalism. Either you strive to continually impress your customers or you become irrelevant.
Nolan Davis
>retail AND automation apocalypse Are you ready for the era of neet bux? Its going to be comfy as fuck asuming economic colapse and ww3 dont happen first
Jonathan Jackson
thank fucking god i can't wait till all these retail retards are out of jobs and rioting in the streets this is going to be amazing i love you, amazon prime
Jackson Wright
>online ordering is just path of least resistance here. this. before a couple weeks ago, ive only ever ordered hobby stuff, computer parts, and presents (makeup, monitors, flowers, etc...) online. i started buying pants/shorts online, and the absolute best thing is YOUR SIZE IS ALWAYS IN STOCK. do you know how fuckin hard it is to find 32x31 pants in stores? i bought three two weekends ago online, just know your proper size.
this is coming from a guy who swore he'd never buy shoes without trying them on first.
Luis Morales
>If you survive it How do I survive it if I can't computer so good (code so good)?
Christopher Wilson
Stores I never go to for 400, please.
Charles Smith
other benefits >less roadway traffic >retail space can be repurposed for housing, farming or whatever is in demand and applicable >many things become digital such as videogames, reducing packaging material use assuming that happens (it won't) then products become cheaper, people have more money in their pockets to exert demand on more products, which require more jobs
Christian Nelson
I work in retail while I'm going to grad school, and search for some other job that doesn't make me want to die. I'm convinced that the only way we stay in business is because of people who need the product immediately or because it's not practical to ship what we sell through UPS.
Lucas Lee
neat. Soros is tying to crash the market again by paying numerous news outlets to highlight the death of a bunch of irrelevant former giants who failed to transition into the modern market.
OP. You linked: Business insider and The Atlantic, you might as well put your name as "Shill"
No one wants to go into a brick block store anymore because its a fucking waste of time.
Justin Hall
I only buy video games and food nowadays, the food from a supermarket and video games from Amazon since I'm not a cuck that succumbs to the digital jew.
Luis Martin
Elijah Baker
i know only to go to wallmart early in the morning, otherwises it's a no parking jam packed fuckfest.
William Price
Malls should enforce "No dogs or niggers allowed" rule if they want to stay in business
Gavin Foster
do you not remember the buther in the mall in Dead Rising? There are underground areas in malls, one of the local malls here had a butcher at one point.
Cooper Long
better learn to code or should have been born 40 or 50 years ago.
Lincoln Williams
>items from Asia on your doorstep.
This is one of the many reasons if you don't support Trump right now you're insane IMO.
I only need 1 person to cut my hair and personally I only go in once every three months.
Service economy isn't going to float us. We need factories back before it's too late.
I didn't see the Dems caring about this impending doom at all while they prefer to prioritize everyone else's economy (China's) and the great social ills of our time of not getting praised enough for fucking each other up the ass or self castration through hormones and surgery.
Aiden Cook
don't worry girl, you can just be a cashier for Amazon!you just gotta move out of this state and go.. work.. in their warehouse...
Evan Diaz
the reason is online shopping more selection half the price it's that fucking easy, retard
Ryan Sullivan
what happens if AI learns to create legitimate art? like, art in which normies would swear to god was created by a human?
John Myers
>JCPenny, GAMESTOP, SEARS/KMart, American Outfitters, and PAYLESS are all shit stores.
I am especially glad to see Penny's go under. Their whole marketing scheme was to pander to the SJW/Homo crowd for the last 20 years.
Jason Lopez
I drove past a CostCo this recent Thursday morning... not even 10:30 AM and the parking lot was mobbed. freaking mobbed.
>I need a new job.
Kevin Brooks
Malls have literally been collapsing for over a decade and retails stores like KMart will go belly up, replaced by another retail endeavor and shit won't change.
Do I think this will suck? Yeah people will lose jobs, but it's just like Yellowstone concern trolls: ain't gonna do shit
Juan Moore
Fuck those stores. They should be knocked down, home built so it can be affordable for people to own their own home and build a better community.
Zachary Brown
Sorry it's hard for you to admit it, nigger, but the places where most malls are dying are oddly enough always were the black population is greater than 20%. Like the inner cities of yore, your people have ruined yet another thing and have to find some excuse to claim it wasn't you guys.
Levi Foster
this was predicted by marx: "the crisis of capitalism"
Tyler Barnes
so the crash ain't coming then .. fuck
Lincoln Wright
>industrial capitalist consumerism is set up to fail, crash and burn Wow it's like this has been common sense for fucking centuries or something. And no I'm not talking about fucking Marxism or communism.
This is why religion is a failure too. You try and replace spirituality with materialism and the world goes to shit. It's fucking obvious
James Edwards
>go to rio casino because feel like getting drinks and wsop chip >cant find parking spot at 11 am
my car fried me when i was leaving
David Jones
I refuse to go with my wife when she goes to Costco. Nothing makes me hate humanity more than being surrounded by them while they purchase bulk products.
Anthony Bell
Last time I went to my closest mall, it was filled with nothing but, cubans, puerto ricans and niggers all giving dirty looks to each other with security guards everywhere. Last I heard, they had to remodel due to graffiti and all the work they did got ruined in a week. I haven't gone back since. Colors killed malls.
Kayden Foster
Neoluddites are fucking worse than neomalthusians.
Gavin Lopez
no one goes to malls because they have shit selection and shit costs too much because you are paying for that brick and mortar rent
the only reason niggers go to malls is because they don't have computers and amazon prime accounts
get with the modern fucking age, you retards
Cameron Campbell
nice flag. Thinking of moving there. Major malls and shit that go belly up languish for 10-25 years before banks just pay to have the demolished to be used as new land for housing developments. Truth is, its a modern era. we need more "expo" style stores that show off product but do not carry inventory. People still like the hands on experience, but there is no need to sell shit.
Michael Rogers
>Sorry it's hard for you to admit it, nigger, but the places where most malls are dying are oddly enough always were the black population is greater than 20%. Like the inner cities of yore, your people have ruined yet another thing and have to find some excuse to claim it wasn't you guys.
Bullshit, the big chains are folding to amazon and then they just fill try to patch up the void with some nigs focused business that barely come in anyway.
It's just like what broadcast TV went through before being mostly superceded by cable. All the shows became Steve Urkel and Cosby, every sitcom was suddenly a black family. Why? Because all the whites moved to cable TV.
White technical progress like Amazon is so obviously the cause here. Nigs moving in is just a visible symptom of the major market share moving elsewhere.
Angel Reed
We're still consuming. But instead of overpriced shit we buy a lot online, leaving stuff like groceries, high priced/unique things and things to inconvenient to shop for brick and mortar. We still buy shit, just not from archaic industries. This is the ebb and flow of capitalism.
Jason Sanchez
Jayden Smith
good riddance.
Anthony Baker
>JCPenny, Sears, Kmart, American Outfitters All of them have been on the decline for years. >PAYLESS Who the fuck even shops here >GameStop Made irrelevant by console makers providing games through built marketplace
Caleb Evans
I feel bad for Sears
I use to love going there. That and Montgomery Wards.
Fuck Walmart...
Daniel Rivera
i get most my clothes from macy's but I like jc penney for somethings, they are quite cheap
Aaron Scott
literally this shit is about TO GET BAD just wait till automated vehicles RUIN the trucking/taxi/etc industry
millions upon millions of americans make their livings by doing these monkey jobs of sitting in a store selling junk or turning a steering wheel in a truck
Jason Rodriguez
We have actual restaurants st the malls here
Hudson White
I'm not trying to start an argument or even discuss this with you.
I just want you to consider the fact that Trump, The Republicans, The Democrats, The Fiance Industry, and The Banking Cartels are lying to you.
Profit is life and life is profit. Nationalism and the wetdreams it provides the proles are dead on arrival.
Just consider that. I know it seems hopeless, but consider that everyone is lying to you and you know they are lying to you.
This may be the first step to the true red pill. But, don't take it from me. I'd rather you watch it happen to your society and the world at large.
Carrier for instance...
Elijah Hall
>I don't see how it could be blamed on Trump. the Cathedral will find a way as they always do
Julian Sanchez
1 away from greatness
Jeremiah Parker
Are you a bot?
Logan Watson
If anything these retailers going out of business will only fuel walmart
Lucas Wright
>automated vehicles I wouldn't get inside of an automated uber to risky
Jacob Kelly
wtf Sup Forums when did you guys add these things kek
John Collins
This, niggers are the worst thing to happen to malls.
Jose Hughes
We have them here in our town. They have a person in them to take over if it goes full skynet
Jordan Long
it is. in almost every thread with a link, s/he shows up