If you don't agree, you're inherently part of the problem that costs black lives every single day.

If you do agree, SPEAK UP! You don't have to be black. Be an ALLY!

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah who cares?
Ogga booga muh ebil poo poo

>Systematic slavery
You all are for abolishing all taxes? Awesome!

The only way to end black-on-black violence is to abolish blacks.

>We NeEd To AbOlIsH pRiSoNs, PoLiCe, SyStEmAtIc SlAvErY, aNd InStItUtIoNs ThAt DiSpRoPoRtIoNaTeLy InCaRcErAtE bLaCk PeOpLe!

Yeah, so what? This is Sup Forums. Also, memes rule. You do not.


Abolish the niggers

Are black people really this dumb?

Yes, yes they are. pic related

beat me to it

Honestly I sort of agree. The police are the barricade between real justice and ethnic supremacy.
Nigger decides hes useless he goes and kills a white woman. Gets life in prison three hots and a cot. The system supports it. Police out of the way he hangs from a fuckin tree and his entire neighborhood burns to the ground. Nigger dont kill white folks anymore

tell niggers to stop committing a disproportionate amoubt of crime

All crimes punishable by execution. I like the way you think.
How about police just stop patrolling black areas and responding to black crime victims?
Already done my man.
Fine with me, just execute the black criminals instead of incarcerating them. You're welcome.

>abolish police
You know this would literally lead to lynchings. Lynch justice is what occurs in the absence of a government that can mete justice. Leftists just think it'll be them doing it so they're in favor. And they really are, wasn't that Eric Clanton talking about "restorative justice" and the mob riots these people do, they're just lynch mobs for the people they hate.

Abolishing black people would make more sense.


We could do all that, but we'd need to ABOLISH NIGGERS first.

It's astonishing how fucking naive and retarded the entire left has been in these recent years. This is the exact kind of rhetoric you spout when you're 16 years old and you just learned about radical politics.

The left can't get over this phase fast enough.

Oh sure, we get rid of the police so you can be even more of a nigger?

No thanks, Tyrone.

>black lives matter protest
>"fuck da pohlee"
>car runs over protesters blocking thoroughfare

>sumbady call da pohlee

Lmao. Abolish the Police.
Would make a cool album name.
If you abolish the police then who will uphold the law? And if there's no one to uphold the law then what is stopping everyone from forming factions and killing eachother for supremacy?
A lawless world is a terrifying one, but interesting at the same time.

>there can't be police violence if there are no police
Where's that meme of the black guy pointing at his forehead when you need him

>Turn the world into a survival of the fittest shithole, that's the politcally correct thing to do
I swear these idiots don't hear themselves or think about their lolgic in the slightest.

i really do hope the police stop responding to your nigger neighborhoods, no white man should have to die for your subhuman monkey nonsense

This guy?

You mock it, but shitskins and communists genuinely believe this shit. There are no reasoning with these people.


been too long since we had a nigger hate thread

Petition to airdrop anyone who wants to abolish the police intro detroit then wall the city off exist to sign

I bet you understood him!


Do you understand that the police are the only thing preventing millions of heavily armed and pissed off white men from slaughtering every last nigger in the country?

>be an ALLY
This shit pisses me off. An alliance is supposed to be mutually beneficial. You do nothing for those those cucks.

Sauce on that semen demon?

Theys bees a reasons we'd has da policeus.. numsayin

Black people are so stupid, they don't realize why they are the bottom of the human barrel, most of em belong in a zoo exhibit.

If Black Lives Matter then why do they keep fucking killing each other every day in gang wars? Black gang members are the blacks own worst enemy not the whites or anyone else except maybe the drug cartels and hispanic gangs. There are good law abiding people of all races and creeds. We don't have a problem with those people. We have a problem with the fact so many of certain groups decide to be human shitstains to their own people and everyone else. It is the shitstains we have a problem with not the people they terrorize.

so who pays all the welfare when we abolish these systems? who pays the farmers to grow their crops? do you need to go commie and have that fail too?

One post as usual for OP
When will you niggers learn to sage?
Niggers can all die, for the most part cops do their jobs


This is why we need prisons.

get rid of human trafficking first. That will solve a lot of this, focus less on race.

But we tried to leave blacks alone to police themselves in their own communities and look what happened. 2 decades of gang wars spanning the 1980' and 1990's and a crack epidemic that spread like wild fire.

When they do so please pass the tea so that I may assist the transition in its entirety.

Segregate people who want to live in lawless communities
Build wall
Problem solved

I concur my snake

>ban guns, the police will protect you
>ban police

> some one say BLACK MALE?

woah I actually have one of those cars lol

>car drives straight through BLM protesters standing on the highway
>get his plates!
toplel. the ironing


>No more underage pussy
No ty

Can you imagine all the dead liberals if they did get rid of the police.
The only negative impact conservatives would feel is their right arm and maybe some sleep deprivation from staying up half the night reloading.


fuck off CIA. sage bakery


>police gets abolished
>people blames him
>rapes and murders his family
Who's he gonna call?

i just.....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....

Anyone who does this deserves to get killed.

> no were just real
> it is satire but its not at the same time
> we are the webz pretty little hate machines

you can replace police with police robots, also take away everyone's guns because u dnot want to waste tax payer money replacing broken police robots

It's so funny to me. Black cops shoot niggers, Spic cops shoot niggers, Asian cops shoot niggers, but they only pay attention to when white cops kill niggers.

At some point you'd think they'd consider "Maybe it's me? Maybe I'm the problem and I should change my behavior.."

What do you mean 'you people'


>blacks want a end of police
>blacks want a end to the only thing that holds them responsible for their illegal, unethical, violent, and moronic behavior
Wow. Shocking.

Orrrr..... we can get rid of black people because they will never be able to become civilized and decent.

I watched the BET Awards tonight. It was non-stop propaganda. They built up chase the rappers hard work of Activism. Giving 1mill to help out (((Chicago))) schools. Every award, all presenters, guest, and winners all pivoted to Our "Community", our "Culture", our "People", our "Country".

I told my friends GF, they way they pumping this guy up, they way they pushing this narritave. This doesn't seem like a organic grassroots movement.

Then they gave Chase the rapper an award, then michelle obama gave a special recorded message to chase thanking him.

I said see total fucking psyopts. I said I bet he didn't even put up the mill himself. I bet he was recruited for the role of a hip-hop activist.

She called me raciest, and that I was poisoned. That I would never understand their culture...

Then I hit his wiki, chase the rapper daddy is the chief of staff for Rahm Emanuel mayor of (((Chicago))), he was an aid for the 1st black mayor of (((Chicago))), and an Aid to Senator Obama. Yeah sound like Chase the rapper knows all about the struggle of having white privilege in the mean streets of (((Chicago)))


The (((they))) promoted tom hanks kid starring in a new show... two black cops pull gun on wigger dindu, pull the black privilege card on him and beat the shit out of him... I can't pull trailer of it so all you get for now is a link to (((them))) promoting its release date...



I agree

Citizens should execute Negroes that commit crimes with haste

people would adjust and the institutions are not likely to be missed.

courts are however extremely important, even absent the prisons.

>>there can't be police violence if there are no niggers


Prisons are a waste of money

If people can't be around others in the community, they should just be executed quickly

Victimless crimes and whatnot can be up to the families involved.

Fuck those niggers

>Be an ALLY!

took me fucking forever but the show is called "Bloodivore."

Although apparently it isn't great so bear that in mind.

So, any person that commits violent crime or theft or destruction of property, will be lynched.

It's how some areas of Africa are, and it's something I agree with.

dear american nigger, we are going to kill you all. and you're still our slaves, just in a different way


>1 post by this ID

Lazy nigger.

>Abolish the police.
>*black on black'ed*
>Police help!

>police are abolished
>citizens take up arms to defend themselves and their territory instead
>have no reason to ask questions before shooting because there are no more rules to this game without the cops existing
>niggers getting shot by whites every minute on the minute of every day until they are less than 1% of total population
>remaining nigs left are the few law-abiding ones and are now okay to be around

Honestly, I think this could all play out rather well.

We can't do any of that until we abolish black people, silly. God damn are you niggers bad at grasping cause and effect.

good idea, we'll just go back to hanging them lol

And the second the well behaved ones start to show their primal nature then they too can be fed lead.


Yes, we need to abolish police and prisons and switch to direct justice by local militias. Found nigger attempting to steal something? Just waste him right there and fill out simple form. No costly "due process" shit, no costly prisons to keep them separated from society.

I agree with you. Let's sharpen the guillotine blade and make a youtube channel for executions to reduce the excess world population a bit.

I think we should ABOLISH BLACK PEOPLE!


>At some point you'd think they'd consider "Maybe it's me? Maybe I'm the problem and I should change my behavior.."
Every single media outlet screams that they are victims there and dindu nuffin.

The only way to end nig violence is to end nigs.


We need to stahp the cis cycle of systematic oppression of systemic systems systematically.


We can end police violence by shipping all of the blacks to Australia and trading them with white Aussies. Then we'll have a wonderful time. Mexicans are invited, they're not that bad.

Niggers are stupid.

what are the twitter standards for being "Verified"? holy hell, the past couple months has been nothing but screenshots of literally verified whos from twiter

as an an-cap i agree

I agree, end the police, they have no obligation to keep you safe. Keep the sherrifs, they're elected officials

More like "am-crap."

South Africa. I don't want those shitposters here.

Wild times, man.

The police and prisons are there to protect you from pissing off white people beyond the point of no return.