White Male and Asian Female, the best pairing

Are white western women fucked by feminism beyond any hope of redemption? Some white nationalist has now suggested "East Aryan" women as the only option for white men.


He does make some pretty good points. What do you think, Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:

napafasa.org/resources/Multiracial AAPI Fact Sheet.pdf

WE ARE BEING RAIDED BY r/hapas and r/AsianMasculinity

I don't see a problem with it, provided both parents are somewhat intelligent.

That, however, is not always the case. Especially in modern day America. That's probably how we keep getting all these fucked up kids.



plenty of non-hapa kids are fucked up too

Race traitors deserve the rope, right after the jews


With this choose your flag shit it should also show the country flag

Well then, do your part in unfucking the cultural marxist shit white women bought into then maybe I'd marry one.

lets start with pros and cons
napafasa.org/resources/Multiracial AAPI Fact Sheet.pdf


Asian males are too stupid to understand if they want white men to keep away from asian women they need to promote white women being traditional and anti-feminism.

>Implying your Hapa children won't end up becoming marxist retards like every nonwhite in America

Get a load of this faggot

Well, asians have a very low chance of violence and crime, Whites are simular.

I am a Racist but... I kind of do not see any problems with Whites and Asians mixing.

I dont know.

asian men are cucks. epsecially indian men. I fucking wish indian men would die

Hell, the damn percentage of autistic white kids is astonishing. Just look at Sup Forums.
Come on, I told you last thread, don't say that, it associates us with BBC nigger porn.

yea and just because your kid is mixed doesn't mean they will grow up to be a serial killer or mass shooter

Breeding is the correct word. Asian women were quite literally built for breeding with white men. This is correct use of English.

>the only way to solve the demographic problem is to make non-white children!
great thinking

inmate of caliphate germanistan here.

gotta say, almost the ONLY women, who arent complete arrogant fucktards over here are the (sadly rare) asian ones.

they are almost always respectful, civilized and often even shy.

just how real women should be.

i got nothing against our own kind, but they have dramatically changed towards annoying bitchez over the last decades and i fear that this change might be irreversible.

also they arent as intelligent and even disciplined as their asian counterparts anymore, making them less desirable as well.

I throw minor redpills into random conversations at any given opportunity
Now I know you are one those Indian hating /r/easternsunrising types. Post timestamp to prove you aren't a gas lighting Asian

>asian men say nothing about blacks with asain women
>asian men do nothing but promote degeneracy increasing the rate of wmaf instead of supporting prowhite white and antifeminist politics
Only have yourself to blame for your issues.

Obviously not. Everything is fucking blown out of proportion on here. Reddit too.
I can't disagree with you, but I will say, every cuck says white women are built to breed with black men as well. Does that not turn you off from saying that?

>Asian males are too stupid to understand if they want white men to keep away from asian women they need to promote white women being traditional and anti-feminism.
they do
see Dragon Ball girls
>Bulma - (from WEST CITY) is portrayed as smart, and beautiful
>Videl (Mr. Satan is clearly a parody of Hulk Hogan) - was once hot blooded, but became a loyal wife to Gohan, even though he's a nerd
>Android 18 - clearly a Russian woman is loyal, beautiful, and lovers her man, even thinks that baldy is cool
now lets move to the Asian women in DBZ
>Chi-Chi - tiger mom, ruined her son's fighting spirit, wasted the millions of dollars her father had, and wasted the millions of dollars Goku got from Mr Satan
that's kind of it, but if we imply that Saiyans are Asian
>Kale - dyke
>Caulifla - bitch
not much else is know about these two

Stop conflating different things?

their pussies are so tight

white women have very loose pussies

how convenient to think of the people calling you out for being racetraitor faggots as asian men, everyone in here is white and we are correctly identifying freaks like you as equal to niggers, since you both want to produce non-white mongrels

niggas and shitskins pushing whites to go for chinks. huehue

that's the point. White women are totally fucked at this stage. Good luck trying to save them.

The ONLY option for white men is to marry an Asian or Indian woman

Previous thread reached its limit but still wanted to share my view with the poster.

What do you mean?
Asians get blacked, spiced and all but that subreddit (r/hapa)never goes out for the others but whites. The ones that are mixed with minorities are way worse than being with a white spouse. The asian women with minority husbands are cheated on, beaten, and even left behind far more often than if they were with a white partner. The ones that get left behind in a asian country with their minority mixed kids are ridiculed a lot..i am a east asian hapa and have grown up in a military town with other mixed kids so I've seen a lot growing up. Public school and all too. Nothing gives you a red pill faster than that setting.

The biggest irony ive heard is that during the earliest days of feminism it was asian men who rented meeting halls for women to duscuss feminism.
They are directly responsible for hapas.
Be the solution asian men. Counter degeneracy.

>t. confirmation bias

everyone hates indians. Indians are the worst race, at least indian men.

Indian women can be very sexy

Whatever you say, user. I'm just looking out for us.

Post timestamp you Hapa
you /r/easternsunrising types are so bothersome.

well why would hapas care about that?
they're not defending asian women
they're hating what creates them

queue elliot rodgers
but but but elliot rodgers...!1!!1one!

>white women are ruined goy!
>breed with a yellow monkey instead!!

white male and mestiza qt is god tier imo.
castizo kids.

Pretty uncommon to see them mixing with anything besides whites. I've seen a few with Hispanics, but even they usually look pretty white.

This is from experience visiting and living in heavily Asian populated metros.

Asians are hypergamous as fuck, and your race (if you're white) is what allows them to practice hypergamy towards you.

What you see is not the truth; it's merely an exercising of hypergamy. Women are nice and 'womanly' towards men that they respect.

Obviously you can't use your own race to exercise hypergamy in women of your own kind. What does this point to? You need to rely on something OTHER THAN RACE to exercise hypergamy within your own group.

All of this points to one thing: beta male failure, which is why they often just opt to date asian chicks. Asian women will always be hypergamous towards whites, it's not that they're more feminine, it's that they're especially greedy and vain.

Truth is betas need to stop being so fucking lazy and figure out how to speak to a woman's hypergamy beyond race, otherwise mongrelization is the destiny for their failure to live up to their ancestors.

>breed with refugees instead

ach judenanon

This is also another thing I can get behind. Latinas hot as fuck. Just don't like their personalities/attitudes. But your kids are basically white.

Tbh i dont want an asian woman. I want a HAREM. A HAREM OF BREEING ASIAN GIRLS.
Im snorting just thinking about it.

This is the beta coupling.

White beta male, cannot cope with attracting normal women, instead must go to poor Asian country where his seedy is valued.

Children grow up, raised by beta father and as a result are massively unconfident and don't have the support of a definite racial group to fall back on either.

Utter disaster basically, but go for it, you spergs, it's the only pussy you're likely to ever get and the trainwreck will be funny for us to watch.

Remember, a beta dad is always fucked up regardless of who the mother is.

I don't see the problem.
How is this not worlds better than half nigger kids.

Asian men and black women are the least desired of all races

your own words, kike, you have a sick mind you constantly think of sticking your cock into beasts, you are the truest form of a cuck that has ever existed, too much of a mindbroken loser to find a white woman, that's not their issue it's your own

it's the same thing, chang

at least when it's a white guy with a beta white father who somehow got a white wife
he can learn from that father how to get women
when it's a hapa its
>hey dad how do i get a girl to like me
>lol i just got one for being white! be that faggot i just wanted a daughter to molest

momy bailed the fuck out of dads gene her.

The ultimate redpill is to snag a tight asian wife. Leave the white women to the divorce courts.

>implying hapas to superior white man seed dont turn out like keanu
Everyone likes keanu.

Why the fuck would r/asians want their women to be stolen by us?

Hey Dad!, Listen to this new song I found, it's called Pumped Up Kicks!

your flag fits u pretty well, dude

They want more hapas. I think they get off on it.

why should asian men get so butthurt over white men and asian women?

white men don't care about white women and black men.

Asian men are just a bunch of beta male control freaks who refuse to evolve

Reddit is a cancerous, cancerous place.

chang chong wang chong wong gong kang dao lintzu?

and there it is

In fact Russo are in position to mix with Oriental, out of control of Jews.

Look what You did to Europe and America Jew.

they will fall and now You will have nothing to lean on.

If the Russians are planning on turning on Iran, what do You Jews think the Russians have in store for You?

1/4th asian
his father was the WMAF hapa
he also hates his father for being a degenerate who abandoned him
fun fact bruce lee is also 1/4th asian
his grandmother was white

It seems every time a post on r/hapas appears a new WMAF race mixing thread emerges on Sup Forums.

Sexpats will not openly discuss St. Elliot of Isla Vista with their future children but will instead frequent a forum to try an convince impressionable anons into making the same mistakes they have made to make themselves feel better.

They have left bantz and have returned to pol as they are struggling with the idea of having to accept and thusly categorize their lives as memes or /bantz/

My father was an ashkenazi jew, a fake jew, who wanted all the perks of being a jew whilst having all the perks of passing as a white man.

The fathers of my brothers and sisters will be the children of white men, inauthentic white men who have nothing but their white skin to offer in a relationship but want to be associated with white men who contribute to better their societies and proper white men who are able to secure a white female and live happy wholesome lives.

I did not need to happen, but I did because white men that browse Sup Forums convinced themselves that they ought to be in the business of raising mixed race offspring.

Prove me wrong.

>white men don't care about white women and black men.

>white men don't care about white women and black men.
this thread states otherwise
read some of the posts

cuck mentality
they think they aren't good enough for them I guess.

Herro prease how are you today sir? Would you rike some white rice with that order prease? Wong gong fortune cookie!

lol Is that roaming millennial?

The fuck did you just say about my mom and dad.

Don't tell me you wouldn't..


no shit white men make the best husbands. that's why women worldwide want us

Ching chong ling long ting tong!

>no shit white men make the best husbands. that's why women worldwide want us
rich people make the best husbands because they're rich

Vulgar bottle blonde, inferiority complex, BL A C K E D, Muh Civic Nationalism. Nah

Not going to lie, just discovered her channel and it's pretty good

Wong gong goon boon dung bong wong chong!

t. white femanon roastie

We need to put our women into place again. White sharia is the only other option.

who is white god, and what is its law?

Hate to break it to you son, but ALL women are hypergamous. It's in their genes to climb.

The point still stands, white cunts are insufferable and cannot be saved. The only rational solution is then to abandon them in favor of women who arent trying desperately to be men; the asian female.

Ching Chong


>being raided by shills and cuckolds




Why are hapas so fucked up in the head? I've known only 3 hapas in my entire life, one was a hapa brother who was always violent and picking fights, his hapa sister has frequent mental breakdowns and is psychotic and the third is elliot rodger whom everyone knows his full story by now.



Why does race matter? A decent white woman or a decent Asian woman is the same shit. Just depends if you want your kids to look like you or not.



It's because White males are the standard of beauty around the world.
>Go to Asia
>be 25 year old, fit, white male
>know the local language
>be out with the wife,
>can overhear women saying things about being handsome, in native language
>can overhear people talking dirty about me and my wife having sex
>girls at coffeeshop write sweet nothings on bottom of my cup.
>Wife seems jealous, but laughs and makes joke about it.
>Be in America
>Nothing.. lol.


post your jawline

My name is Chaahng and I haffa no probalem speak Engelish!


He's right though, you'd know this if you'd get up off your fat arse, leave your mom's basement, and actually visit East Asia.
